
Akishito Akato, what are you doing in Japan?

The story is about a boy named Akishito Akato, who came to Japan for a short rest, but due to some circumstances he had to stay here forever… What are these circumstances? The people who met Akishito are trying to figure them out. But he can't tell them the truth… Subsequently, however, someone gets to the truth and finds out the reasons for his actions, and then stranger and more serious events happen, besides, a chase begins for the main character...

FoxyAnd · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 22.5. Danger. A new comrade and a sword upgrade.

Chapter 22.5. Danger. A new comrade and a sword upgrade.

I ran out into the street and saw that Kara was no longer on the threshold of the guild, at that moment I turned my gaze towards the hotel and this green-haired scum stormed the Zetsu hotel, where Waka was.

I ran with great speed to try to save her from the explosions of shells, which threw Kara, but people blocked my way. I asked them to move away, but it was as if their memories were erased, and I realized that Karou's ability came from the moon cards. But how is this possible, because my cards were not in this world ... Okay, talking about it now is not the best option, because you need to get to Kara to touch with your sword.

I deftly knocked everyone down with my sword, tuned to the mode of falling into a coma, so as not to kill civilians, but I was serious about the Punishment… It was necessary to finish her off once and for all.

Somehow getting through the people lying on the ground, I finally called out to Kara:

- Stop you! It wasn't enough for you to be in a coma in the guild, so you also attacked the hotel, which gives housing to ordinary people.

- Eh? I am not at all interested in what services this hotel provides, I came only for one thing, for... her! - Karu was saying, and from behind her back she brought out Vaka , who was crying and trembling with fear

- Uncle Kaji, please help me, this aunt wants to *Whimper* to kill me. Waka shouted

I rushed towards Kara, drawing my sky-black sword, but suddenly my attack was abruptly blocked and I was thrown back. And then I finally noticed that something like a small book was hanging on it and it was like a magic shield emanating from it.

- Well? Didn't expect this from me? You don't know what it is, do you? This is my protective talisman, created from cards and pieces of my magic of this world, or rather, my strength is in combining abilities from other people with your own, so you can't beat me so easily!

And suddenly there was a sound as if someone was tearing something. It was Waka who tore her little book and tore it, after which I drew my sword again, after which it turned completely black and I absorbed all the vital forces of Kara, who did not even have time to touch her. And now she was lying dead on the threshold of the hotel that was burning at that time. After Karou's death, the sword was transformed. It became more like a katana and transformed into a color more similar to the sky-black-lilac color, also patterns with branches formed on it. I saw this once in my publishing house on one of the works, but in reality… Never…

Zetsu shouted in our direction and asked for help to drag a hose with water to the hotel. The hose was surprisingly light, but Zetsu did not think so, because he dragged it as if it would burst from the load. In general, the fire was extinguished, fortunately there were no victims in this fire, and the explosions were on the floors that were empty at that time.

And only now I'm learning about the magic of Zetsu - Creation. With quick movements of his hands, he recreated all the blown-up floors and invited them back to his hotel.

But no one paid any attention to him at all, as soon as I turned in his direction for a second, and then turned my attention in the other direction.

The people were in turmoil from what had happened, everyone was whispering about the girl who was still lying on the doorstep of the hotel. One of the residents came up touched her and exclaimed :

"She's dead!" You can bury her, although you may not even honor her with such an honor, just burn her at the stake.

Everyone exclaimed: so be it! And they carried her to the bonfire, which was already prepared in the main square of the city. The whole situation reminded me of the burning of witches at the stake in the Middle Ages, but here they burned not exactly a witch, but just a criminal who staged a hostage-taking, as well as explosions that harmed the tranquility of residents.

And so I came to the place where Karou was already burning at that moment. A young female body just took and burned in the flames of wickedness… I don't understand such people who are ready to do stupid things, and then die with such a simple one. Only I had to think about it when suddenly , the flame turned green and Karou turned to me with her head still intact and exclaimed :

— I'll be back for all of you! For you, for Kara from another world, for all people who want a peaceful life!

Such words ended her life. She was nineteen at the time, but her death was her own fault. At least it wasn't Karou from our world.… I wonder if all the people in this alternative world are crazy on their heads? Yes, it seems not, but who is it?

My goal is to escape from this world and help a girl named Waka with the search for a home. To do this, I need to head to the city of Leins. That's why I got a job in the guild, now I need to pick up tasks that are not difficult in complexity, because after all, I'm not so young anymore and it will be difficult for me to fight difficult monsters

When I returned to the guild, and at the same time sent the Waka that Zetsu was following to the hotel, I already heard gossip about the transformation of my sword and about the death of Karu.

- Oh, here's Kaji himself, let him tell us about everything that happened while he was fighting with that crazy trash.

I recounted everything that happened, even mentioned the change of the type of sword, and then one of the registrars told me one legend:

- Once in this world there were some magicians who began to endow many objects with abilities, including your sword, which is able to take part of the abilities from the person you killed, this sword is "Sky-black", as the creator himself called it, and before he could use it, he pierced himself with this sword and died, after which the light from this sword became even brighter than before. But now you have awakened a new ability and now he is completely with your individual part and with the ability from that crazy woman who almost stabbed my sister. By the way, I am very grateful to you for saving her, if you had not come in time, she would not have been alive. Now I'm your personal guide to this world, call me Rizl.

This guy didn't seem like a bad person, his eternally tight smile, hairstyle, which was very similar to my son's hairstyle, only the color was bright red, not brown, as well as his look… In general, there was no reason not to believe this person, because as you can see, this person was quite famous among the registrars, because quite a large number of residents were standing in line for him.

The kid came out from behind the registration desk and we headed to the guild's tasks:

- Here, take this, you and I will definitely be able to do it. Rizl was saying, pointing to the task for me

It itself was as follows: To kill a snow hamster in the vicinity of the city.

And so we set out on a campaign for this beast, not knowing what all this threatens for us.