
Akira's Unveiling

Akira, a ordinary teen living near the slums, stumbles upon a powerful crystal that grants him unimaginable abilities. As the secrets of the crystal(s) and their powers come to light, Akira, alongside his friend Mai, sets out on a journey that leads them to Eden, a prestigious training academy for the elite. Guided by the brilliant Aiden and accompanied by newfound companions. But as they rise through the ranks of Eden, they discover that the crystals are only the beginning.

washed · Fantasy
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38 Chs

The Aftermath

Zero's body collapsed onto the charred, icy ground. His legs delicately frozen, with patches of burnt skin all over.

Akira stood tall, exhaling air that hung like a frosty halo around him. The female spectators, their admiration obvious, broke into cheers that spread through the space.

The instructor, still dazed from the astonishment of the the skill Akira had just used, he turned his gaze to Zero's lifeless form. The instructor collected a small amount of mana into a small ball and converted it to negative mana and applied it to Zero's body with practiced precision. The wounds and burns that marred Zero's form began to heal.

As the mana took effect, Zero's eye twitched. His eyes flicked open, the spark of life returned within him. A hologram shimmered, announcing the conclusion of the match.

Medics and skilled healers rushed into the arena, gently carrying Zero to the advanced infirmary for the Elites and top rankers.

Meanwhile, Akira stepped out of the arena, mai's match lingering in his thoughts. A new chapter in the ongoing tournament. As she approached him, her face filled with awe, she asked the question that disturbed her most. "How... how did you do it?"

But Akira, his energy spent walked past her without a word. Collapsing onto the grass, he surrendered to the pull of exhaustion, the world around him fading into a dark blur.