
Akira's Unveiling

Akira, a ordinary teen living near the slums, stumbles upon a powerful crystal that grants him unimaginable abilities. As the secrets of the crystal(s) and their powers come to light, Akira, alongside his friend Mai, sets out on a journey that leads them to Eden, a prestigious training academy for the elite. Guided by the brilliant Aiden and accompanied by newfound companions. But as they rise through the ranks of Eden, they discover that the crystals are only the beginning.

washed · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Second Introduction

<p>Wrote a longer chapter I still don't really know if I should stick to shorter chapters. Didn't realise I still had this in drafts lol.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Kaito sighed and rolled his eyes at the barrage of questions, he couldn't help it. "Alright, you can call me by my real name," he grumbled, "But don't expect some crazy story behind it."<br/><br/>The other top rankers cheered, excited.They asked Kaito about his name's origin, but he waved off their curiosity. "It's really not that important, just a name," he replied dismissively.<br/><br/>Their teacher overseeing the tournament reminded them to head back to the main school building quickly. Suggesting that they should change and shower while they have the chance. The group of top rankers spread in multiple directions, making their way back to the school building.<br/><br/>As they changed into casual clothes and regrouped, conversation shifted to more important topics. They discussed their next classes, the latest rumors at Eden Academy, and plans for the upcoming weekend. The camaraderie among them was evident as they laughed and joked along the way.<br/><br/>Once they were all together again, Mai and Akira burst into Aiden's study room, ready to learn more about the strange 'enlightenment' state. Aiden, who had been reviewing some documents, looked up at them with suprise.<br/><br/>"You're seem really interested about this 'enlightenment' state or whatever you call it," Aiden said, leaning back in his chair. "Alright, what exactly would you like to know? I don't know that much about it, but I'll share what I can."<br/><br/>Mai and Akira exchanged glances, realizing they hadn't prepared specific questions. Akira finally spoke up, "We want to understand what it is, how to achieve it intentionally and why it's happening to students and what its potential benefits or negatives are."<br/><br/>Aiden nodded, his expression serious. "It's a rare phenomenon among magic users. But recently it's been happening to alot of Eden staff and students and a lot of civilians with high magic potential. In essence, it's like unlocking your full potential temporarily."<br/><br/>Akira leaned forward. "But how do you achieve it?"<br/><br/>Aiden paused. "That's the tricky part. It's not something you can force easily. From what I've researched, it often happens during moments of extreme emotional intensity, or from... something else I won't be discussing until I've confirmed something. It can also be forced but it is very hard. Think of it as a deep temporary awakening."<br/><br/>Mai raised an eyebrow. "And what about the benefits or negatives? Why is it so rare? Why are you taking about it as if it's a bad thing?"<br/><br/>Aiden smiled, recognizing their need for knowledge. "The benefits are temporary but it can enhance your control over mana long term. There have been cases where people have been able to tap into magic reserves or use techniques they couldn't grasp before."<br/><br/>Akira and Mai exchanged excited glances. Aiden continued, "However, purposely forcing enlightenment isn't easy. It should require intense training, dedication, and a bit of luck. Even then, not all magicians will experience it in their lifetime, if it's natural that is."</p>