
Akira's Unveiling

Akira, a ordinary teen living near the slums, stumbles upon a powerful crystal that grants him unimaginable abilities. As the secrets of the crystal(s) and their powers come to light, Akira, alongside his friend Mai, sets out on a journey that leads them to Eden, a prestigious training academy for the elite. Guided by the brilliant Aiden and accompanied by newfound companions. But as they rise through the ranks of Eden, they discover that the crystals are only the beginning.

washed · Fantasy
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38 Chs


"So, you say your magical capabilities were upgraded significantly," Aiden mused, his gaze focused on Akira. "This crystal's power is truly extraordinary."

As the trio discussed Akira's transformation, a subtle tension began to weave its way through the air. Aiden's keen senses detected a disturbance, and his gaze shifted subtly towards a particular corner of the room.

In an instant, a blazing fireball hurtled through the air, aimed directly at Aiden. Aiden's reaction was almost imperceptible, but his gaze lingered upon the fireball's origin. Just as the fireball was about to impact, a shimmering green barrier emerged around Aiden, deflecting the fiery projectile, his body enveloped in a protective aura that absorbed the force of the attack.

"Assassin!" Mai shouted, her voice a mix of alarm and anger.

Aiden, though unaffected, regained his composure swiftly. "I see you won't be satisfied with mere conversation."

As the assassin's second attack was conjured, Akira's instincts took over. His hand shot forward, intercepting the magical assault. What happened next was nothing short of astonishing. As the magic attack met Akira's palm, it began to dematerialize, dissolving into ethereal particles. A shockwave rippled outward, and Akira's eyes widened in surprise.

But the surprise didn't end there. As the magical energy dissipated from Akira's palm, a replica of the attack materialized before him, but on a much larger scale. The room trembled as the replica fireball swirled and crackled, dwarfing the original assault.

Aiden watched the spectacle with a mixture of fascination and concentration, his analytical mind processing the events unfolding before him. The replica fireball surged forward, colliding with the second attack from the assassin. The impact created a brilliant explosion of magical energy, filling the room with blinding light.

In the aftermath, Aiden remained untouched by the devastation. His protective barriers held firm, shielding him from harm. A thoughtful expression graced his features as he regarded Akira with a newfound depth of understanding.

"It seems that the crystal's power has granted you a unique command over magic," Aiden remarked calmly, his voice steady despite the chaos that had unfolded.Akira's chest heaved with exertion. He had instinctively tapped into the crystal's power.

Aiden's mansion stood untouched, its magical defenses proving impenetrable and the assassin's corpse layed on the floor, completely and utterly scorched.