
Akira's Unveiling

Akira, a ordinary teen living near the slums, stumbles upon a powerful crystal that grants him unimaginable abilities. As the secrets of the crystal(s) and their powers come to light, Akira, alongside his friend Mai, sets out on a journey that leads them to Eden, a prestigious training academy for the elite. Guided by the brilliant Aiden and accompanied by newfound companions. But as they rise through the ranks of Eden, they discover that the crystals are only the beginning.

washed · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Ice and Shadow

The arena crackled with tension as Akira adjusted his stance, his thoughts racing amidst the charged atmosphere. The memories of an anime called "Jujutsu Kaisen" fluttered through his mind, reminding him of the uncanny similarities to the situation he now found himself in. Yet, before he could complete his thought, reality snapped back into focus.

"Jujutsu—" His thoughts were severed as Zero lunged forward, a blur of movement heading towards him alerted him. The giant scythe in Zero's hand slashed through the air, aiming for Akira with precision. Instincts took over, and Akira evaded with ease, dodging the lethal strike.

Zero's shadow-drenched figure blurred again, an attempt to possess Akira via his shadow. But Akira was prepared. With a swift movement, he seized Zero's head, intending on finishing it with one strike. However, the shadows proved slippery and elusive, allowing Zero to wriggle free using his control over the darkness to had advantage.

In a heartbeat, dark entities manifested from all shadows in the arena, the shadows that were Zero's domain. An army of strange entities rose up, charging towards Akira. His resolve, unwavering, Akira thrust his hand forward, instinctively.

Ice erupted from the ground, ice spikes, piercing the air, casting a menacing shadow over the spectators.

In a heartbeat, the ice had completely enveloped the seemingly mindless entities, an instantaneous freeze that rendered them immobile. The spectacle unfolded, leaving everyone in a state of amazement.

Behind the frozen mess, Zero's stood, centimeters away from defeat. A thin trickle of blood stained his neck. The air was thick with tension and anticipation.The audience ready for anything.