
Akira's Unveiling

Akira, a ordinary teen living near the slums, stumbles upon a powerful crystal that grants him unimaginable abilities. As the secrets of the crystal(s) and their powers come to light, Akira, alongside his friend Mai, sets out on a journey that leads them to Eden, a prestigious training academy for the elite. Guided by the brilliant Aiden and accompanied by newfound companions. But as they rise through the ranks of Eden, they discover that the crystals are only the beginning.

washed · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Clash Of Titans

The arena shook with excitement as the match between Ash and Z was announced. The crowd electrified by the thought of witnessing the duel between the top two rankers. Ash and Z walked side by side into the arena, their presence causing waves of adoration from the fans, particularly the girls who couldn't help but fawn over them.

As the countdown commenced, the tension mounted. Both fighters had decided to clash with their fists. The moment the signal was given, they surged toward each other at hypersonic speed, determination burning in their eyes.

In the heat of the battle, Z's thoughts raced. "I just need to avoid all contact at all costs," he strategized, focusing on all of Ash's movements. Ash's first punch was evaded by a swift dodge and a push. With the the prowess of a skilled fighter, Z unleashed a flurry of powerful punches, landing combos with precision. However, Ash had an ace up his sleeve: his skill "Perfect Counter."

Perfect Counter was Ash's ultimate defensive maneuver. It allowed him to flawlessly evade any attack and retaliate with impeccable timing. He executed it masterfully, slipping behind Z with uncanny speed and employing "Force Manipulation," another of his formidable skills with this skill he could manipulate the force he applied to an object—pushing or pulling it with increased strength or weakening it with reduced force. However, Ash had managed to weaken someone else's force once before, but it was something he couldn't replicate.

This time, he amplified his force by 120 times and struck Z, sending him hurtling through the air. Z flew through the air, flipping multiple times before landing perfectly.

But the battle was far from over. Ash activated his hidden ability, an ability that he called "What's the chance?" With an air of confidence, he challenged Z, his voice poisoned with playful confidence. "What's the chance that you get flung into a wall?"

Z's scoffed as he realized his predicament. He braced himself for impact, prepared to be slammed into the wall. And just as Ash's ability took effect, Z was propelled with powerful force, crashing into the wall. Coughing up blood, he muttered under under his breath. "Shit."

Amused by Z's reaction, Ash taunted him. "What's wrong, Kaito? Scared?" Ash's voice was like a child mocking an adult, a stark contrast to the intense battle.

Z gave Ash a look, mustering his strength to respond. "I'm not scared of you," "But I am scared of your damn overpowered abilities."

A chuckle left Ash's lips, and he charged forward once more.