
Akira's Unveiling

Akira, a ordinary teen living near the slums, stumbles upon a powerful crystal that grants him unimaginable abilities. As the secrets of the crystal(s) and their powers come to light, Akira, alongside his friend Mai, sets out on a journey that leads them to Eden, a prestigious training academy for the elite. Guided by the brilliant Aiden and accompanied by newfound companions. But as they rise through the ranks of Eden, they discover that the crystals are only the beginning.

washed · Fantasy
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38 Chs


Mai, worn out, began to step away from the arena, as she was swiftly healed by Laura's magic. Gratitude was expressed through Mai's eyes as she affectionately patted Laura's head—a contrast to the behavior she had showed while fighting Shu just seconds ago.

Akira's curiosity showed as he glanced at Aiden, his voice a quiet inquiry. "So, about that 'Enlightenment' state—"

Aiden's spoke. "We'll talk about it later. It's going to be covered in class anyways."

Eden's staff approached the group of top rankers, carrying Shu's seemingly lifeless body on stretcher. They drop him near the top rankers and focus their mana into a sphere, preparing to heal him.

Z's face twisted with a mix of disdain and disappointment. "What a pitiful outcome. I had higher expectations for him."

Mai's gaze shifted to Shu. Her eyes widened, her expression quickly shifting to nausea as she quickly crouches over, expecting vomit.

Z's mockery of Shu's state triggered a surge of anger in Mai. "You're taking this too far, seriously."

Z's laughter quaked through the field, the weight of the situation alien to him. The staff began healing Shu, their efforts closing his wounds.

As the healing reached its end, Z spoke. "It doesn't matter now. He's waking up anyway."

A sudden burst of yellow light exploded from Shu's, accompanied by the crackling of thunder and sparks. Z, Ash, and Aiden casted protective barriers, shielding themselves from the incoming blast.

Caught in the detonation radius, some were barely able to shield themselves with their arms while others felt the force of the explosion. Mai was swept up in the explosion.

Mai's voice was a full of disbelief and confusion. "What happened?"

But as the dust started to clear. Flames and sparks were ejected out from Shu's hand and they flew towards Akira in bursts of speed. But just before contact, they were completely frozen and were suspended in the air around Akira.