
Akira's Unveiling

Akira, a ordinary teen living near the slums, stumbles upon a powerful crystal that grants him unimaginable abilities. As the secrets of the crystal(s) and their powers come to light, Akira, alongside his friend Mai, sets out on a journey that leads them to Eden, a prestigious training academy for the elite. Guided by the brilliant Aiden and accompanied by newfound companions. But as they rise through the ranks of Eden, they discover that the crystals are only the beginning.

washed · Fantasy
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38 Chs


In the bustling metropolis of Synthoria, towering skyscrapers reached for the sky, their gleaming surfaces reflecting the ever-advancing march of technology. Amidst the splendor, a stark contrast existed—the slums. Dilapidated structures huddled together like forgotten relics, casting shadows over the lives of those who called them home.

Among these shadows lived Akira, an ordinary teenager with an extraordinary affinity for magic. With wild hair as vibrant as a summer sky, they went about their morning routine, their nimble fingers weaving strands of elemental energy as they prepared for the day.

"Hey, Akira!" called out a familiar voice. It was Mai, a friend who lived next door. Mai's warm smile and cheerful demeanor brought a much-needed ray of sunshine to the gloomy surroundings.

"Morning, Mai," Akira replied, returning the smile. Together, they set out through the winding alleys, navigating the labyrinthine slums to reach the small makeshift market where the residents gathered.

As they walked, snippets of conversations filled the air, revealing the divide that cut through society. Synchronics, those blessed with the ability to synchronize with machines, were admired and celebrated. Their technological prowess made them the elite of Synthoria, showered with privileges that seemed almost surreal to Naturals like Akira.

"I heard the Nova Protection Corps stopped an attack in the city center yesterday," someone murmured, awe in their voice.

"Makes you wish we could do more than just control the elements," another person sighed, glancing at Akira and Mai.

Akira's gaze wandered to the distant cityscape, where airships sailed through the sky and holographic billboards advertised the latest advancements. They couldn't help but dream of becoming a 'Nova'—a powerful figure and a member of the 'Nova Corps' highly trained to defend the city.

"Think about it, Akira," Mai said, nudging them playfully. "Imagine us, being heroes and stuff!"

Akira chuckled, their eyes shimmering with hope. "Yeah, imagine that."

The duo reached the market, the scent of fresh produce mingling with the chatter of vendors and customers. Amid the mundane activities, a sense of anticipation hummed in the air, mirroring the tension between the classes.

After finishing their errands, Akira found themselves drawn toward the heart of Synthoria—the epicenter of technology's marvels. Vibrant holographic displays showcased Synchronics demonstrating their skills, captivating the awe-struck onlookers.

"Look at that, Akira!" Mai exclaimed, pointing toward a Synchronic who controlled a mechanical puppet with finesse, making it dance with grace.

Akira watched, their heart a mix of admiration and yearning. They knew the gap between them and the Synchronics was vast, but their dreams remained unyielding.

The crowd dispersed, leaving Akira standing near the entrance of an abandoned research facility—a relic from a forgotten era. Intrigued, they ventured inside, the air heavy with dust and a sense of mystery.

Exploring the facility's forgotten halls, Akira stumbled upon a hidden chamber. At its center lay a crystal, its facets catching and refracting light in mesmerizing patterns. As they approached, the crystal pulsed with a faint, otherworldly glow, its energy beckoning like a siren's call.

Akira's fingers reached out, touching the crystal's surface. He grabs it and pulls it out of suspension. Akira marvels at the small, prism like gem before finally turning around.

Akira spots a large platoon of Nova Corps - an elite government organisation dedicated to preventing crimes and protecting citizens.

He quickly breaks into a sprint, hoping Mai had already evacuated.

End of ch 1