
Akiba's Black Dragon

Introducing "Akiba's Black Dragon", set in the modern-day era with Cultivation! The Main Character, JacQuarius Kawasaki, was adopted by a Japanese family, being of Black/Asian/Samoan descent a.k.a The Ultimate Nigga! JacQuarius gets backdoored leading to his Right eye being stolen, putting him on the path of Villainry! Come experience JacQuarius take over the world or die tryin!

MrPutThatShitOn · Fantasy
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76 Chs


Selena, a stunning blond woman with graceful curves, enters the boardroom exuding a saddened presence that captures both JacQuarius and Kiyomi's attention.

Dressed in a tailored, charcoal gray power suit that perfectly complements her figure, Tela and JacQuarius both couldn't help but to watch as her perfect body took each step.

"Why the fuck are you here? Were my words not clear enough for you? I should kill you right here and now."

"JacQuarius I just came to apologize and ask you a few questions."

"Tela take her phone and check her for wires. She on some police shit. If you find anything suspicious, leave me the honor of killing her."

Hearing his savage words, she knew that JacQuarius was dead, he would never say such a malicious thing.

Tela takes her phone and doesn't find any wires.

"Now ask your questions."

JacQuarius then sits on the front most chair at the head of the table.

"What happened? Like what made you turn so cold-hearted and evil, I don't remember you being like this."

JacQuarius remembers her exact words in his trial, and begins to boil in anger.

With such anger building up, he slams his fist on the table, punching a whole in it.

"You can't be fucking serious! Kiyomi point the gun at her head, if she doesn't remember, I want you to kill her."

Selena now in a distressed state, couldn't do anything but helplessly stand there with her hands up.

"I'm sorry but I don't remember. If killing me will stop you from killing more innocent people then go ahead and do it. I don't want to see you like this."

"Kiyomi shoot the bitch, I don't got time for sob stories. She wasn't saying that shit when I was being framed and facing death."

Kiyomi seeing the tears on Selena's face, felt like a monster and couldn't convince herself to pull the trigger.

JacQuarius then in spite of anger slaps Kiyomi.

"YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH! I just made you the CEO of the hotel and an executive of the Akibahara family and this is how you fucking repay me! Tela take them my suite and handcuff them in the closet, if you try any funny shit, then I'll hang you from the roof of this building for the world to see."

Tela follows his instructions with no hesistation, bringing them to suite 2330.

"This nigga got me fucked up treating me like a slave. Nigga fuck that, I'm taking a break after this and going on toktik for 6 hours."

1 hour later.

JacQuarius after calming down in the past hour heads to suite 2330.

He opens the door, then releases Selena & Kiyomi from the handcuffs in the closet.

"I'm sorry to you both. I don't know if you realized it or not, but when I get mad, my anger takes control of me and I sorta enter a demonic state."

"Well you did go through alot, so it's kinda understandable. When you get mad, try some breathing exercises. You nearly killed Selena."

JacQuarius takes Kiyomi's words to the heart.

Whenever he gets angry, his emotions begin to twist into a malevolent force that seems to emanate from deep within.

His vision becomes blurred, and a dark, seething energy courses through his veins.

"You're right but I don't got time for that shit. We got shit to do. Selena, I have something to ask you."

Selena perks up in a curious manner, hiding her distress thoughts as she begins to slightly shake from fear.

"Uhh uhh W-What is it?"

"I want you to bring me your mother's phone. If you do this, we can squash everything between us and mutually part ways. If you can't do this, then my Akihabara family and your Nahihara family will immediately go to war."

"No, I want to join your Akihabara family and become your Steward. Let me be the light to outshine your darkness."

"Nigga I don't know about all that, get the phone and we can discuss this further once it's done."

"Oh and Selena dm me on IB (instabram), I would give you my number but I don't know where your loyalty lies yet. Good luck!"

Selena then walks out the suite's door and begins her mission.

JacQuarius then walks towards Kiyomi and gives her a big hug.

Kiyomi begans to turn as red as an apple.

"Kiyomi, I want you to be the Head Mistress of the Akihabara family, and Tela will be the grand elder. With that being said, Kiyomi I want you to start laundering guns through this hotel. Remember the birkin bag i gave you? I want you carrying 2 guns in it at all time. A Desert Eagle with a beam and a glock with an extendo clip + a switch."

"Why would I need to be armed like that? And what you previously said, calling me your girlfriend is that true?"

"No, you're not my girlfriend. I just said that to fool those executives. You need to be armed at all times, You're now the Head Mistress and the main income of the Akihabara family, I need you to stay alive."

"Tela lets go train."

3 hours later.

"Master! 1 man just wiped out the entire security squad, he's heading up as we speak."

JacQuarius then gives Tela a serious look.

"Let's go tag this nigga. Hey Alexa play New Opp by Sha Gz."

"Nigga this song hard, finna add this to my playlist right now."

"I was gonna ask which one of yall is The Black Dragon but the one eye gives it away."

A 6'3 Japanese male, wearing a nice gucci all black suit entered the room.

"Nigga who the fuck you are you?"

"The Tanaka family sends their regards."

"Beginner Art: Magma Melee!"

A fist of magma forms from thin air and begins to fly at JacQuarius with intense speed.


JacQuarius dodges the magma fist and begins charging at the man.

"Tag that Nigga Tela!"

The man sends a few more magma fist straight at Tela.


Tela weaves them and begans throwing a frenzy of punches, staggering The Man back.

JacQuarius then comes flying over Te'la, like Vince carter flew over that white man, and hits the man with his Wrath of the Black Dragon, sending him flying back.

"That punch actually had some force. Now i can get serious."

The Man then releases his Qi, flexing his 5th layer of the bronze realm.

"Damn Tela, this nigga already at the 5th layer and I barely just hit the 3rd. Fuck that we gotta tag this nigga."

They both charge at the man.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Dumb monkeys."


The air became incredibly humid as the floor turned into magma.

Unable to withstand the fiery pressure of the magma, JacQuarius and Tela both jump on the bed, which began to slowly incinerate.

"You little monkeys thought you could take on me. You'll be burnt to death within the next 60 seconds."

JacQuarius quickly revises a plan.

"Tela, I want you to go behind me. Then on the count of 3, I want you to dolphin dive off the bed, I'll let out a roar of the black dragon that'll send you directly at him and you have to kill him in 1 hit. Now go!"


Tela takes off at full speed diving off the bed.

JacQuarius digs deep, and lets out his most powerful roar of the black dragon.

With the help of the roar, Tela begins to fly 100s of MPH.

Tela just in the nick of time forms a flying kick, sending the man flying out the balcony window to fall 20+ stories down.

"Damn nigga look all the magma is gone. That shit was an illusion."

"Tela SHUT THE FUCK UP. Let's go make sure he's dead."

10 minutes later.

Arriving in the parking lot, they see a body with such a horrible fate.

All the bones in the body were shattered, and the head looked like a piece of lasagna that was completely flattened.

"Fuck that I gotta post this on the bram nigga."

JacQuarius then pulls out his phone and begins recording a story video.

"Tanaka nigga just ran up on me and got done up!"

He then points the camera at Tela.

"My nigga Tela here was like let me at em let me at em."

He then points the camera to the man's disastrous body.

"I said hell nah! Ran up on that nigga and punched that nigga. 1 punch turned that nigga head into some spaghetti."

JacQuarius, seeing Selena Approaching, begins his closing remarks.

"Fuck the Tanaka family, you niggas is pop. Every Tanaka nigga I see is shot, and that's on Lil Joey nigga!"

He then posts the video to his story.

"JacQuarius I got the phone." 

This is the last chapter I wrote about 7-8 months ago. I lost motivation since this and the past few chapters were rushed and I didn't really have a plan of what to do for this first Arc so I took a break and began to jot down notes and ideas to build the future arcs and plot of my story. Feel free to leave a comment on opinions of my story, if I receive any positive feedback I'll write more, if not I'll stop here. If you read up to this point, have a great day!

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