
Akiba's Black Dragon

Introducing "Akiba's Black Dragon", set in the modern-day era with Cultivation! The Main Character, JacQuarius Kawasaki, was adopted by a Japanese family, being of Black/Asian/Samoan descent a.k.a The Ultimate Nigga! JacQuarius gets backdoored leading to his Right eye being stolen, putting him on the path of Villainry! Come experience JacQuarius take over the world or die tryin!

MrPutThatShitOn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
76 Chs


"Ight Daniel, before we talk about anything else we gotta talk about what happened

Thursday night. Not here though, niggas in here is snitches. Grab yo lunch and meet me

behind the school."

With that being said, JacQuarius rested his head on his desk, trying to escape from the

exhilarating pain.

He finally falls asleep and begins to snore loudly, annoying everyone around him.

30 minutes go by, only 15 more minutes until lunch time.

"Kawasaki-san! Kawasaki-san! Wake up, we have to talk about the foundation of our


He begins to wake up, even while half asleep, he could tell who voice that was.

After processing what he heard, he immediately wakes up with no hesitation.

"Sorry Selena, I just passed out. I guess I'm in more pain than I expected."

"It's ok Kawasaki-san, but let's begin our project before we attract any unwanted

attention. If your pain becomes overzealous, then we can go to the nurse again. I'm

worried about you."

Mind-blown by her last statement, his jaw drops, and his heart starts victory dancing.

"Wow, it's quite surprising to hear you're worried about a nigga like me. Never thought I

would be anything in your eye's except a dumb hood broke nigga. Oh and please call me


"Well JacQuarius, I don't think you're a bad person. I can tell that your heart is

enshrouded and consumed by a vast amount of hatred and regret."

The bell rings, and everyone begins to leave the classroom.

"Damn looks like we'll have to continue this later. Can I get your number so we can

discuss the project later?"


Being the last two in the classroom, they exchange numbers and both head out to the

Cafeteria together having idle conversation.

"Well Selena, I gotta go find my nigga Daniel, I'll text you or sum later fasho."

JacQuarius grabs a bowl of fried rice and orange chicken and heads out to the back of

the building.

The long narrow hallways were filled with echoes from various students having idle


Eventually reaching the back of the building, he finds Daniel & Lil Joey both eating

lunch and talking amongst themselves.

"Long time no see lil nigga, I heard you got yo ass beat in class. Could never be me."

"Shut the fuck up Joey. Now Daniel, tell me what the fuck happened."

"Well it's a long story so let me start from the beginning. After you guys left me, the

Yakuza took me in the store and pressed me for information. They were threatening to

kill me, but I knew they were going to kill me anyway, so I didn't say anything to delay

my death. Eventually the police arrived, and forcefully searched the store. I told the

police I was a witness, so they attempted to bring me in for questioning but the Yakuza

was very hesitant and tried their best to not allow it. After the police threatened to call

for backup, The Yakuza gave up and allowed me to leave. When I was questioned, I put

all the blame on the Yakuza, so we should be clear, and they eventually let me go after I

finished writing my statement."

JacQuarius and Lil Joey both were mind boggled by the situation. Until JacQuarius

broke the silence.

"Damn my nigga, you're a fucking genius. So what is this shift for tonight?"

"Tonight's shift is IceSquare. My father told me that they make all their jewelry in their

basement. According to my calculations, there should be some diamonds down there.

We take the diamonds, and sell them to a pawn shop to avoid being tracked."

"Damn Daniel, almost dying made you a fucking genius. Where was this side of you


"Smith-San, we have no time for this. We have to thoroughly prepare. Each diamond

will sell for at least $10,000 each, this is the biggest score of our lives. So here is what we

need to do. Both you guys get an all black outfit and mask. Bring pistols only, bringing

any heavy weaponry will only limit the amount of diamonds we can take. Lil Joey, no

car. Due to this being a possible 6 figure job, we need minimal evidence. JacQuarius,

wear glasses. That black eye of yours could be a possible lead. Both of you, meet me here

tonight. No phones, no names. JacQuarius you wear a red mask, and Lil Joey, you wear

a white mask. Our code names will be color based. With that being said, everything

should go according to plan. See you guys tonight, I will go back inside and find my

partner to continue my project."

With that being said, Daniel heads back inside, leaving both JacQuarius and Lil Joey

with huge smiles.

"NIGGA! We finna be fucking rich, soon as this shit over, I'm buying a fucking lambo

truck and taking Selena fine ass on a date."

"Oh here yo tender dick ass go. You thinking about bitches and shit when we finna be up

100 bandz. Once I get this money, I'm moving back to the US and finding my momma.

Ima buy a house and hire a PI (private investigator) to find her."

"Damn nigga, you really gonna leave?"

"Yeah nigga, I'm tired of this bitch ass country, i need to get back to my natural habitat.

The hood."

Hearing Lil Joey's surprising plans, JacQuarius is left hurt.

"I feel you and I won't try to stop you. Damn my nigga, the trio reunited and disbanded

again that fast."

Ignoring the previous statement, he doesn't let it ruin his vibes.

Both of them continue having idle chatter, and eventually split.

JacQuarius in an ecstatic mood, is so overjoyed that he doesn't know what to do.

Instead of returning to class, he goes home instead. While he is walking home, he

receives a text.

"JacQuarius, where are you? How are we going to do the project, with you absent."

It lowkey ruined his mood, and made him feel incredibly guilty.

"Sorry, I really had to go. Going home to lay down and relax for my injuries to heal. I

have a big day at work tonight, I'm getting a raise "

After replying to her text, she leaves him on seen, and he thinks nothing of it.

Finally arriving home, he begins to relax and eventually takes a nap, not knowing what

lies ahead for him.

8 hours later.

"Damn man, it finally is time."

Putting on a red ninja mask, black nike tech sweat suit, with a moncler vest and

balenciaga triple s shoes.

"JacQuarius, where are you going? I think you should stay home, it's raining tonight and

I have a bad feeling."

"Timm, I got overtime tonight, I have to go or I won't get my raise tonight."

"JacQuarius be safe."

Timm gives him a hug, after a few seconds, JacQuarius leaves.

Walking to IceSquare, he begins thinking about his future ahead of him.

The sound of rain becomes his constant companion, its steady rhythm punctuating the

dark eerie night's complete silence.

In this darkness and downpour, mysterious stories are about to unfold.

As JacQuarius finally arrived at the mouth of the alley, his nerves began to crumble.

In the distance, he spotted the faint silhouettes of Lil Joey and Daniel.

Darkness clung to the edges of the Alley, serving as both ally and adversary, shielding

them in anonymity from any prying eyes.

"Damn nigga you late!"

"Shut the fuck up and let's get this over with already."

"Both of you shut up. Here is the plan. With the alarm already disabled by me, I'll pick

the lock. With you two being the strongest, I'll stagger behind you too and watch you

guys back. Make sure you only grab the diamonds with gloves on, fill your pockets and

we'll leave. Easy and simple."

They both nod their heads to Daniel's instruction, and begin to wait as he picks the lock.

"JacQuarius you got glockianna on you?"

"Nigga you know damn well I never leave without it."

Daniel finally finishes and they walk inside the dark jewelry store.

"Oooohhhh Nigga look at that AP(Audemars Piguet), I might have to take that too!"

JacQuarius lightens the mood, as they start descending the stairs.

"What took you boys so long?"

Completely distraught from the view of the basement, Lil Joey immediately reaches for

his pistol.

JacQuarius remains petrified from the sight of the 4 Yakuza guards waiting for them.

Lil Joey and Daniel quickly shoot the 4 Yakuza members.



JacQuarius rushes to the left corner of the room where the refrigerator is located.

In the dimly lit room,JacQuarius''s heart pounded loudly in his chest as he stood before

an open refrigerator, its cool air sending shivers down his spine.

With trembling hands, he reached inside the frosty compartment and retrieved multiple

small velvet pouches, revealing a collection of glimmering diamonds nestled within.

Each precious stone seemed to whisper promises of fortune and imminent danger.

"THEY'RE HERE!!" Lil Joey Screams.

The Yakuza begin to rush in, amidst the chaos, JacQuarius is stricken from behind and

knocked unconscious.

20 mins later.

He slowly begins to gain consciousness.

"Head out and finish the rest of the plan."

JacQuarius gets a hard slap across the face.

"Wakey Wakey Kawasaki-san."

JacQuarius looks directly into his eyes.

"Daniel, you lined (set us up) us. Why?"

Daniel turns as red as an apple, completely and visibly enraged.

"What the fuck do you mean why!?!? You fuckers left me for dead. The Yakuza respected

my courage and gave me a chance to prove myself. Master Chenjao, please come here."

As the Master Chenjao descended the stairs, a murderous aura seemed to envelop him

like a dark cloud.

Each step he took sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to observe his


His withered face was etched with deep lines, casting sinister shadows that danced

across his features.

"Hello Kawasaki-san, I've heard about you."

Now ignoring JacQuarius's presence, Master Chenjao begins talking to Daniel.

" Hurry up and get this over with Nakimura, we're wasting time with these ants."

"Yes master. First, let me explain everything to him. Ok Kawasaki-san, let me tell you

the true story. As soon as you guys left, Master Chenjao arrived and interrogated me. He

respected my bravery and offered to recruit me into the Yakuza, all I had to do was kill

one of you two to prove my loyalty. Which is why I set this up. Now one of you untie him

and give him a gun."

Following Daniel's orders, JacQuarius was untied and given a pistol.

"Now here is your only chance to live. Shoot Lil Joey in the head to finish my initiation

and you can walk out alive."

JacQuarius approaches Lil Joey who is unconscious, and slowly aims at his head.

He then does a complete 180 turn, aims at Chenjao's head and fires 2 bullets



JacQuarius, at a loss for words, saw this old man form lightning from thin air right in

front of his eyes.

"Looks like I'll have to teach you a lesson sonny boy. Those mere earth realm weapons

won't affect a Peak Gold Rank Expert. You have a lot to learn. We've wasted enough time

already Nakimura, I'll finish this so we don't leave Baozao-san waiting."


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning shoots out his finger and kills Lil Joey.

JacQuarius, who still remains in utter shock, couldn't do anything but fall down to his


"And now for you boy, since you have such poor eyes and can't recognize a Lightning

Style master. I'll take one of your eyes as punishment."

Before he could even react, Master Chenjao had snatched his right eye out and laughed

in his face before departing with Daniel.

With no emotion, JacQuarius laid there on the floor, bleeding out as he tries to

comprehend everything that has happened in the past 30 minutes.

Eventually he snaps back to reality, and begins the longest walk of his life.

Each step felt like an arduous journey through a world now tinted with darkness and


The once familiar streets now appear distorted and foreign, a stark reminder of the

profound change he had undergone.

Despite the physical pain, it was the emotional turmoil that weighed heaviest upon him,

leaving him with a profound sense of isolation on his lonely journey home.

20 minutes later.