
Akiba's Black Dragon

Introducing "Akiba's Black Dragon", set in the modern-day era with Cultivation! The Main Character, JacQuarius Kawasaki, was adopted by a Japanese family, being of Black/Asian/Samoan descent a.k.a The Ultimate Nigga! JacQuarius gets backdoored leading to his Right eye being stolen, putting him on the path of Villainry! Come experience JacQuarius take over the world or die tryin!

MrPutThatShitOn · Fantasy
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76 Chs


Several Weeks Later.

A heavy cloud of despair settles over his soul.

The dilapidated brick jail walls, cold and unforgiving, mirror the emptiness that

consumes his every thought.

Every ongoing moment feels stagnant, suspended in a void devoid of light or purpose.

"I don't know whether to kill everyone, or to just kill myself."

The Next Day.

In this place of Judgement and decision making, JacQuarius's downtrodden presence

becomes a striking contrast against the backdrop of legal proceedings.

"In the case of Kawasaki v. Japan. I, The Judge, hereby find JacQuarius Kawasaki;

8x 1st Degree Murder Charges: Guilty

1x Breaking & Entering: Guilty

1x Armed Robbery: Guilty

2x Possession of an Illegal Firearm: Guilty

For Justice of the Kawasaki family, JacQuarius here will be facing the death penalty with

no possibility of a retrial."

JacQuarius sits in his chair, emotionless.

Hearing all his charges and his newly awaited fate, all he could think about was that

fateful night.

Flashback to the day of the IceSquare Robbery.

As JacQuarius entered his home, he was met with an unsettling sight.

The walls were covered in dark red streaks and splatters of dried blood, creating a

disturbing and eerie atmosphere.

To the left of the room, laying in front of the couch was Timm's lifeless body, completely

riddled with savage bruises, scars and marks.

To the right, were both Seimaric and Mina's bodies, lifeless as well, with a singular

bullet wound in each child's head.

Finally, there was a note on the counter that read:

Dear Kawasaki trash,

Enjoying the new decorations or is it too much red for you? I tried to warn you, but

you just couldn't stop talking to my fiancée, now could you? You have no one to blame

but yourself. Just wait until she hears about this. How her new friend robbed a store,

killed 4 innocent security guards, then returned home and murdered his innocent

family in cold blood. I can't wait to see the look on her face. Enjoy prison. N***ER!

                                                              Better than you,

                                                                           Chao Baozao

JacQuarius immediately fell to the floor and blacked out.

After arriving at the scene, the cops did a thorough investigation and found everything

they needed to indict JacQuarius.

Flashback ends. Return to Present Day.

"Your honor, I demand a retrial. My client is innocent, we weren't even allowed a chance

to defend him."

"OVERRULED!!!! We have all the evidence we need to prove his guilt. Those scratches

and bruises on his hands and bodies, (from the fight inside the classroom), were

obviously inflicted during his altercation with Timm Kawasaki. Timm attempted to

defend himself resulting in JacQuarius's injuries. The Glock 30 that he had with him

that night were missing 2 bullets in the magazine (from shooting at Master Chenjao),

were obviously used to kill the children, Seimaric and Mina Kawasaki, the Gunshot

residue was still on him. And finally, the armed robbery and murder of the 4 security

guards were also proven. The diamonds were found in his pocket and the Assault rifle in

his room was missing 4 bullets from the magazine. With that being said, the retrial is

overruled. This monster will receive a public execution on live tv, 6 months from now.

Court Dismissed!"

The guards begin escorting JacQuarius, who is still in a lifeless and emotionless state,

down the aisle and out the room.

"Excuse me sir, wait a moment."

JacQuarius recognizes the voices, and is then approached by a group of three.

Daniel stands in front of him smirking, Chao can't stop himself from laughing, and the

least expected Selena stood there staring deep into his soul.

"I can't believe I thought you were a good person. You're a fucking monster. My mom

was right about you and your kind, monkey brains with gorilla strength as she would


Hearing her words, an unexpected torrent of deep emotions surge within him.

It was a feeling he had never ever experienced before, COMPLETE HATRED!

All his life, he has treated the people around him with utter kindness and respect, and

now in his most vulnerable state, they ridicule and shame him for actions he has never


He realized how cruel and unjust this world could be.

He wasn't even given a chance to defend himself in the court of law, The judge

immediately gave the verdict of guilty and sentenced him to death.

Hearing and seeing them only fueled the fire of his hatred and resentment even more.

"Smoking Lil Joey, Timm, and those dirty ass kids. GOOOO GET BACKKKKKKKKK!!!"

Chao blurts, then spits on JacQuarius.

In the midst of hearing Chao's words, it became evident what he had to do; revenge.

Within a split second, JacQuarius dropped to the floor and swept Chao off his feet with a

sweeping leg kick.

Being restrained by the handcuffs and the guards, he only managed to get 1 good stomp

onto Chao's head, leaving Chao's eye shut and nose bleeding.

"Chao, nothing in this world can save you from my wrath. Daniel, actions speak louder

than words, you'll find out what I mean soon enough. Last and certainly least Selena.

Look me directly into my one eye when I say this. If you marry Chao, then prepare for a

red wedding!"

JacQuarius begins to laugh hysterically as he is being escorted out by a handful of

security guards.

Seeing JacQuarius in such an unstable and resentful state, Left Chao, Daniel, and Selena

and in serious terror.

His last words to them completely terrified them, not realizing their poking of a cub had

awoken a Lion.

Exiting the courthouse, the stairs leading to the parking lot were filled with many news

reporters and other media personalities.

All of them were streaming to various news channels and to some media pages.

"Kawasaki-san! Kawasaki-san! Do you have any final words before you're executed in

the following months?"

"Yes! Of course I do! I'm only saying this once, so listen closely."

Then with a devilish smirk on his face he said:

"I, JacQuarius, will take over the world or die trying. I am a demon, son of an Angel.

Fear will be plentiful, death will be bountiful. I will spare none of you peasants."