
Akiba's Black Dragon

Introducing "Akiba's Black Dragon", set in the modern-day era with Cultivation! The Main Character, JacQuarius Kawasaki, was adopted by a Japanese family, being of Black/Asian/Samoan descent a.k.a The Ultimate Nigga! JacQuarius gets backdoored leading to his Right eye being stolen, putting him on the path of Villainry! Come experience JacQuarius take over the world or die tryin!

MrPutThatShitOn · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Birth Of The Dragon

"Can't believe this nigga had the audacity to call me and drop addy, who the fuck this

nigga think he is. Fuck that, I need to cultivate and get stronger before I go tomorrow."

JacQuarius spends the rest of the day training.

Spending his time doing 100's of push ups and other various exercises.

Then spending time on the roof of the building, absorbing the Qi from the air and

improving his soul ocean.

Eventually he manages to break through into the 2nd layer of the Bronze realm.

The next morning.

Someone begins to knock extremely loud on the door, waking him up.

"Police! Open up!"

Now in a tough situation, he knew his only two options were to face them or jump off the

balcony and hope for the best.

"You have 30 seconds before we kick the door down."

That's when the idea came to him.

He immediately rushed into the bathroom and punched the mirror.

He then grabs the shards and pockets them.

Then puts on a pair of sunglasses, to hide his missing eye.

Now, prepared, he opens the door for the officers.

"Hello officers, is there a problem?"

"Yes, the concierge at the desk informed us that you didn't pay for this room and broke

into it. We'll have to take you to Akihabara's precinct for questioning and possibly to

straighten this out."

"No offense Officers, but do you know who the fuck I am?"

"Excuse me sir? Who are you?"

"I'm Akiba's Black Dragon, put some respek on my name."

With a single glass shard, he slits both of their throats instantaneously.

Both their lifeless bodies drop to the floor, heavily bleeding from their throats staining

the beautiful hotel carpet.

He takes a Glock 21 gen 5, from one of the dead cops.

"Stupid ass niggas. That bitch at the desk dead. I tried to spare her life but this bitch had

the nerve to snitch."

Losing everything and everyone he loved, JacQuarius lost all his feelings and began

walking down the path of a cold blooded serial killer.

"I don't need my identity and location going public yet. Let me take my white tee off and

tie it around my face as a mask."

With the shirt tied around his face as a mask, and his Nike tech sweatsuit on, he gets in

the elevator and heads to the first floor.

With the time of the day as 7 am, the luxurious lobby was mostly empty and the line at

the desk was empty.

"Good morning sir, how may I help you?"

Now at the desk, he was left wondering how he should approach the situation.

"Yes ma'am, I need your help in my room. It's really urgent and better explained in my


She blushes immediately and begins to follow him to the elevator.

"Sir, why are you hiding your face."

"I cut my face while shaving, the shirt is to stop the bleeding."

"Oh alright."

They both enter the elevator and begin the ride from the 1st to the 23rd floor.

"Remember me bitch?"

JacQuarius takes his ghetto mask off, and points the gun at her head with a big grin on

his face.

Her smile immediately turns upside down.

"You're the person who didn't pay for the suite 2330. Please don't kill me, I didn't call

the police, it was my manager."

In fear for her life, she begins to cry and plead for her life.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! Does your elevator have cameras?"

"Yes sir, but I can delete the footage if you promise not to kill me."

"I'm not going to kill you, I actually have plans for you."

She faints at the thought of what he might have planned for her.

Arriving back at the 23rd floor, he carries her to suite 2330, placing her on the bed and

the 2 dead cops in the closet.

He then screams at her.


She jumps up in fear, nearly falling off the bed.

"Now that i got yo attention, what's your name?"

"My name is Kiyomi Tanaka, I'm just an ordinary daughter of the Tanaka family."

"Oh aight. What position are you here?"

"I'm just the concierge at the front desk, but I have high hopes of being manager within

the next 1-2 years."

"I like your inspiration. I have a proposition for you Kiyomi."

"What is it?"

"You come join me, and I'll make you the owner of this hotel. You work for me, and I'll

make all your dreams come true."

She immediately begins to blush, her cheeks turned red like a red rose had bloomed on


"Only if you promise not to do inappropriate things to me."

She says, completely blushing and nervous by the way he's smiling at her.

"I aint doing nun like that to you, but I gotta test you out first, make sure you're loyal.

Hold this glock for me. You're my shooter for now."

Trembling in a terrible state of fear, she cooperates and holds the gun.

"Stop shaking so much and being nervous Kiyomi, if you keep acting like that, Ima kill

you. Have some fucking confidence."

JacQuarius's words instilled a small but powerful bit of confidence in her.

"So what do i call you?"

"I'm Akiba's Black Dragon. I'm taking over this district and then eventually the world. If

you pass this test, you'll be the first partner of mine. Just watch my back, and I'll protect

you with my life. No harm will come to you as long as you remain loyal."

Feeling the power and dominance behind his words, Kiyomi begins to like JacQuarius.

"Now follow me Kiyomi, we have a big day ahead of us, your loyalty will be tested to the


1 hour later.

"Go pick a dress, Kiyomi. I'll wait for you in the changing room."

10 minutes later.

"How do I look?"

As she gracefully stepped out of the changing room, JacQuarius's eyes were drawn to the

captivating sight before him.

Kiyomi had mesmerizing purple hair cascading down her shoulders, framing her radiant


Her eyes sparkled with a mix of confidence and charm.

A perfectly fitted dress hugged her curves, accentuating her generous curves with a

touch of elegance.

"Damn Kiyomi, You look amazing."

Shocked by his words, her heart began to melt.

JacQuarius's powerful nature was starting to make her fall for him.

"Now with this done. Kiyomi go get a bottle of bleach and meet me back here. I'll have a

taxi waiting for us."

30 minutes later.

"Damn what took you so long?"

"Sorry sir, some guys held me up, harassing me. I think they were Yakuza guys."

"Say less we on them niggas, you still got that glock?"


"Well be ready to use it, just in case. Don't shoot unless I start losing."

"Wait, here I got you this birkin bag while I was waiting for you. Use this from now on."

She gracefully accepts the bag with a cute smile on her face.

"Well well well, look who it is. Lady, come spend some time with us."

3 Guys in suits walk up to them, completely ignoring JacQuarius's presence.

JacQuarius begins to concentrate his Ki into his fist.

"Kiyomi, watch this."

She curiously follows his advice, and begins to watch.

With a smirk on his face, he punches one of the men.


The punch was packed with an explosive force, sending the man flying and mentally


The man's soul was crushed from the aura of the black dragon instilled within the


While Kiyomi and JacQuarius were examining the grimacing look of the man's dead

body, his partner pulled out a gun and aimed it at JacQuarius's head.

JacQuarius immediately slaps the gun out of his hand, and grabs him by the throat.

"Nigga i was gonna let you live, but I have no mercy for dumb ass niggas. Kiyomi. Shoot


"I can't do it sir. I have never killed anyone before and I don't want to."

JacQuarius grabs her by the throat with his other hand, choking both her and the male.

"Listen bitch, either you kill this nigga right here right now, or I kill both of you. Like I

told him, I don't have any mercy for dumb asses."

Kiyomi, now on the spot, is thinking about the situation.

"Kiyomi, if you're scared you're gonna go to jail or sum, then don't be. Did you not just

see my martial art? The police cant stop me, now this is my last time telling you this,


He lets go of her and watches her very closely, to ensure she doesn't have any thoughts

of betrayal.

1 shot to the head, leaving him lifeless.

Kiyomi begins to cry, after killing the man, leaving JacQuarius proud of her.

"Now grab the bleach, let's go."

She keeps crying in the taxi, heartbroken after catching her first body.

JacQuarius begins to hold her in his arms, trying to calm her down before she loses her


30 minutes later.

They both finally arrive at the Community College.


Completely ignoring the taxi driver, JacQuarius examines the sight before him.

"What a beautiful sight. Look at all the fancy decorations, the beautiful rose petals and

everything so colorful. It's too bad, I got to destroy this beautiful event."

Kiyomi, now in a more composed state, is confused.

"What are you going to do?"

"Bitch, you mean what are WE going to do? And I can't tell you yet. You're not

completely loyal yet obviously. Pass me the bleach, then we'll split up. You pretend you

don't know me until I call you out by YOUR NAME. If i don't call you Kiyomi then

pretend not to know me. If anyone asks just say you're from classroom 17-B, avoid

attention and stay ready at all times. Everyone in here aint like those 2 pussy ass niggas,

they'll kill you for sure. That I dont wanna kill anybody shit will get you killed in here.

Now good luck and stay safe."

JacQuarius then begins scouting around the behind.

"Hey, Who are you and what are you doing here?"

A Yakuza member dressed in an all white suit with black Stacy Adams approaches him.

No talking, no hesitation, just killing, JacQuarius slices his throat with a glass fragment

immediately killing him.

5 minutes later.

"Damn what size this nigga wear, this shit tight as fuck on me, and I couldn't fit the

damn shoes."

JacQuarius, now wearing the suit, begins to enter the building.

"Now where are they?"

He begins looking for Chao and Selena.

"Actually I have a better idea."

"Yo Baozao-san, JacQuarius has entered the building and is on the hunt for you.

Cancel the wedding and escape while you can! "

JacQuarius used the dead Yakuza's member phone to send the text to Chao.

JacQuarius then grabs a bottle of Casamigos from the kitchen, and begins pouring




JacQuarius then watches as all the Yakuza members begin drinking glasses of his


"Now let's just wait for the wedding."

15 minutes later.



Everyone starts heading into the gym, including JacQuarius.

As he enters, he sees Kiyomi, already seated, in the center of the audience.

Seeing Chao and Selena both in the center, reading vows to each other, snapped him

back into his malicious state.

"Selena, Selena, Selena, didn't I warn you? Have you not watched Game of Thrones

bitch? Watch this!"

With everyone's attention on JacQuarius, something strange is about to happen.

"Hahahaha!! Kawasaki-san, just as I predicted. How dare you call yourself a black

dragon, you're just a monkey with the brains of a pig. I knew that message was you,

therefore I brung all the guards here beforehand."

All the Yakuza guards appear from behind the bleachers, all aiming at JacQuarius with a

strange look on their face.

"Chao, ask your guards how them niggas feeling?"

Right as he finished the sentence, all the guards fell over, from the bleach he put in their "complimentary" Casamigos drink.

"NOOOO! That's it, I have to take matters into my own hands."

Chao backs out a gun, and points it at JacQuarius's head.

JacQuarius unbelievably falls to his knees and begins begging for forgiveness.

"No Chao, I'm sorry. I'll kowtow in forgiveness, just put the gun down."

Chao then began to laugh hysterically as he was the victorious one.

"100 hundred kowtows then give up your other eye."

Chao then puts the gun back up as JacQuarius gets on his knees.


Surprisingly, Kiyomi immediately backs out the glock 21 and shoots Chao directly in the


JacQuarius then runs up and takes Chao's gun.

"Hey Selena, long time no see."

Selena, in a loss for words, drops on her knees and begins to cry.

"Kiyomi, you gotta work on your aim, now I gotta make this shit quick, he could bleed

out. Bring out your phone and record this."

Kiyomi heeds his instructions, and does as he says.

JacQuarius takes his sunglasses off, then begins a long speech.

"Hello Japan! I'm here to make an announcement. See me, you all may or may not know

me, but I was formerly known as JacQuarius Kawasaki! The One Eye gives it away huh?

It's why I keep the sunglasses on. But we're not here about that, I'm here to make my

country wide Debut! I'm no longer JacQuarius Kawasaki, but now The Black Dragon of

Akihabara or Akiba's Black Dragon. To show my dominance above you all, I'm here to

show a display of power. This lil bitch ass nigga here is Chao Baozao, Young master of

the Baozao family and son of a Yakuza member. Chaozao and my ex best friend Daniel

Nakimura, committed some very serious crimes. They took my eye, killed my family,

and my best friend Lil Joey and framed me for it all. They even paid the judge to not give

me a fair trial and sentence me to death. Seeing as Japan did nothing to help me in my

worst state, then Japan will have to face my wrath, starting with Chao here."

Everyone in the audience could do nothing but watch, not sure if they should be feeling

bad for him or afraid of him.

Selena, hearing what he said, breaks out into even more tears as she felt extremely guilty

for what she did.

Hearing that he was framed, made her feel like a complete monster, knowing that she

had unknowingly created a monster.

She knew that every horror that JacQuarius commits now is because of her malevolent

words during his day of sentencing.

Then the unthinkable happened.

Just when everyone was beginning to feel afraid, JacQuarius showed his true power and

new malicious state.

He cut Chao's head off.