
Akiba's Black Dragon

Introducing "Akiba's Black Dragon", set in the modern-day era with Cultivation! The Main Character, JacQuarius Kawasaki, was adopted by a Japanese family, being of Black/Asian/Samoan descent a.k.a The Ultimate Nigga! JacQuarius gets backdoored leading to his Right eye being stolen, putting him on the path of Villainry! Come experience JacQuarius take over the world or die tryin!

MrPutThatShitOn · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Akiba's Black Dragon

As he took his first steps outside of the dilapidated iron prison face, the world unfolded

before him like a masterpiece he had never seen before.

The sunlight painted the surroundings in hues of gold.

The gentle breeze whispered freedom into his ears.

"Damn man. Fresh out, no drip, no car, no money and my day 1 nigga is gone."

JacQuarius began to snap out of his demonic state, once reality began hitting him.

He lost everything.

But still in a moment of need, even while deceased, his lifelong best friend still managed

to be there for him.

"RIP Lil Joey, everything i do is for you my nigga. Best believe I'm finna get up with

them niggas. First things first, I need to figure out where this wedding is."

It's now time for the 2nd half of Step 3: Revenge.

"I know what to do."

With that said, he begins to head towards the city with a long walk ahead of him.

3 hours later.

As he began to stroll through the enchanting streets of Akihabara, senses of awe and

deja vu began to wash over him.

Then as Jimmy Neutron would say, he got a brain blast.

"I may have went a lil bit to far back there, I should have wrote a different note, that shit

was lowkey too obvious. The police are definitely after me, but I wouldn't doubt the

Chenjao nigga and the yakuza aren't. I need to hide my identity to avoid unnecessary


Sitting on a random bench, he began to think to himself: what should he do next?

Completely forgetting he has an orange inmate jumpsuit on, he was spotted by multiple


They managed to call for backup without JacQuarius even paying them a thought.

"First let me go get a fresh fade, then i gotta find a hotel or sum, then some drip and I

need to rob a nigga for some money."

With that said, JacQuarius began to walk into Yamamoto's Barbershop.

"Hello sir, you can step right up to my chair, I'll be helping you out today."

"Hell nah nigga fuck that, where the black barbers at? I need a nice taper with a line up."

Growing up, JacQuarius had never been to a barbershop.

At a young age, it was mainly the orphanage cutting his hair.

Then during their teen years, with the help of Utube, Lil joey began cutting his hair.

"Sorry sir, but we don't have any black workers here. So it's either I cut you or you


JacQuarius accepts and then sits in the barber chair, and begins to converse with his

newly acquainted barber.

"Don't fuck my shit up nigga. Now, what's yo name?"

"Yui Yamamoto, the owner of this shop. It was given to me by my father, this is a family


"Shit i fuck with that nigga. So is yall under yakuza protection? Or them niggas don't be

around here?"

"No sir, this is a Yakuza free district. Our Akihabara district has heavy police activity, so

we don't have to worry about them."

"That's good to hear. Well ima keep 100 with you my nigga. This district will be mine

soon. You're now under my protection."

"Hahaha very funny sir. That's all wishful thinking. This taper is costing $25 by the way,

I take cashapp, venmo and cash but that'll be a 20% increase so $30 in cash."

"You a funny nigga but I was dead serious. Yamamoto's barbershop is now under my

protection, I'm officially the co owner, not only is my cut free but I'm taking 50% of all

yall niggas profit today or niggas finna get it on, and that's on my nigga Lil Joey."

"Fuck that. You're paying up."

Saying that, Yui immediately swings at JacQuarius from behind the barber chair, hitting

him directly in the face.

"Not gonna lie my nigga, you hit like a bitch. I know some niggas in jail that was getting

they salad tossed that hit harder than you. MINK MINK!"

JacQuarius hops out the barber chair and hits Yui with a diabolical two piece combo,

knocking him to the floor.

The other 5 barbers immediately jump on JacQuarius turning it into a 5v1 situation with

JacQuarius on the losing side.

With the limited space in the compact barber shop building, he is backed into a corner

taking mass amounts of punches, unable to dodge or return any of his own.

"Yall niggas on my ass I can't lie. But watch this though.

Concentrating all his Qi from his soul ocean into his throat, he lets out a fierce shout,

nearly destroying everything in the shop.


His newly learned martial art caused the entire building to shake.

All the chairs were blown to the front of the room, mirrors were broken, and the barbers

were sent flying into the wall with extreme force.

"Now I'll be taking my cut and getting out this bitch. On behalf of our newly found

partnership, I spared you bitch ass niggas' lives. If this shit happen again, I'm killing all

you niggas, on Lil Joey nigga."

Holding his jaw, Yui manages to get up and ask one last question.

"Hey sir, what should we call you? You never told us your name."

Ignoring Yui's question, he begins taking money from each barber.

Taking around $300, he then begins to leave.

"You can call me the dragon of Akihabara. Or Akiba's Black Dragon."

With a huge smile on his face, he leaves the barbershop and begins walking to


Not realizing that he is being followed.

30 minutes later.

"Damn man this bitch aint got no drip. Fuck that let me get some chill shit til i re-up."

JacQuarius takes his clothes to the changing room and begins to try them on.

In the front of the store.

"Excuse me ma'am, have you seen a black male with an orange jumpsuit on?"

"Yeah he just went into the changing room, he should be out shortly."

5 minutes later.

"Damn I'm really that nigga."

Walking out he feels like the shit, wearing a gray Nike tech sweatsuit and the true blue


Immediately after he walked out, shots were fired.

JacQuarius takes a 9mm to the shoulder, knocking him a few feet back and nearly


"Fuck! These niggas found me already."

JacQuarius, now shot, begins running. Switching over from aisle to aisle to dodge the

incoming bullets.

"The Yakuza sends you their regards, die monkey!"

JacQuarius escapes through the emergency exit and sprints full speed through an alley.

He then cuts through traffic, nearly being hit multiple times, and hops in the back of a


"Hello sir, you're wounded and bleeding very badly. Want me to take you to a hospital?"

"Hell nah nigga, i aint got insurance. I'm good, just take me to the Tipton hotel."

25 minutes later.

As he steps outside the taxi, he's greeted by the bustling city atmosphere and the

anticipation of reaching the luxurious hotel.

As he walks toward the hotel, the surroundings become increasingly opulent.

Lined with high-end shops and designer boutiques, the street showcases the epitome of


The storefronts gleam with polished glass and enticing displays, luring passersby to

indulge in the extravagant offerings.

Approaching the hotel's entrance, he's met with a grand façade, adorned with

impressive architecture and ornate details.

Valets are busy attending to high-end cars and guests arriving in style.

The sound of chatter and laughter fills the air as visitors share anecdotes of their

experiences in the city.

Upon entering the hotel, he steps into a lavish lobby that exudes sophistication and

class. The atmosphere is vibrant, with a lively buzz of guests coming and going.

The lobby is adorned with exquisite artwork, elaborate chandeliers, and plush

furnishings, creating an atmosphere of indulgence and elegance.

The concierge desk is attended by attentive staff, dressed impeccably in professional

attire, ready to assist guests with their needs and inquiries.

The sound of gentle music playing in the background sets the perfect mood for the

refined ambiance of the space.

He then approaches the concierge desk.

"Hey ma'am, I need a suite here, preferably a room with a king size bed and a nice view."

"Yes sir, we have a penthouse suite available, that will be $476/night. Room service and

access to all the hotel's extracurricular activities are included."

"Yeah ima need that. Which room number is it ma'am?"

"Umm sir, it's actually room number 2330. But we'll need you to pay first. Now will that

be cash, debit or credit?"

"I ain't paying shit, take it as a sign of good faith. I'm Akihabara's Black Dragon, put

some respek on my name bitch."

JacQuarius then takes the elevator to the 23rd floor and walks to his room.

"Fuck man, I'm taking this bullet out and going to sleep."

Arriving at his floor, he convinces a maid to let him in the room.

"Excuse me ma'am, the concierge never gave me my key, she had a bit of an attitude.

Could you please let me in my room? As you can see, my shoulder is heavily injured

from me being mugged and I need to clean this up ASAP."

Nodding in agreement, the maid falls for his sob story and lets him in the room.

The next morning.

The phone begins to ring, waking JacQuarius up.

"Good morning, Kawasaki-san or should I say Akiba's Black Dragon? How does your

shoulder feel?"

"Damn Chao I ain't heard yo bitch ass voice in months. I'm good nigga, my shoulder

fine. Now let's skip the bullshit, drop addy so I can pull up."

"Actually I'm here to do just that. Our wedding will be tomorrow at The Community

College. I hope you come to celebrate our life changing moment."

"Trust me I'll be there. Tell Selena, I hope that bitch remembers what I told her."