
Akeno the OP Irregular at Magic High School

Join this OP Akeno's Slice of Life Adventure as she has her New Fun Yuri Life that Christ has given her. As she's living in a Futuristic Earth where she has the Absolute Power to take over the Magic World but as of Right Now she's Enjoying her School Life. - I shall Update this Synopsis along the way so I hope You all Enjoy this Fan-Fic that I've personally have wanted to make and I've been searching all over WebNovel to find. - Update: 1. As for Akano's OP Capabilities I have inspiration from Superpower Wiki and as for the Powers of Tsunami from the Anime 'Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki’ is actually inspired from the VS Battle Wiki. The Same can be said for Akano's OP Loyal servants from the VS Battle Wiki for their display of Capabilities of course. Thank You all for the Amazing support on the 1st Day. - Update: 2. I decided to change Akeno's Absolutely Loyal servants Power Race into Superior Magical Humans from High Humans. You can find their Capabilities Stronger than High Humans as, High Humans is Very vague on what types of Powers they have. You all can find Superior Magical Human Capabilities on Superpower Wiki. - Update: 3. I've decided to Not have Mahou Sensei Negima as a Crossover Franchise.

AbsoluteDragon · Anime & Comics
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Page 3. Daily Life of Age 5

Today's Date is September 23rd 2084

Today is a Day off from Elementary Classes and I have done a lot over these Days in My Life. I have been creating New things with My OP Capabilities and I have a Dimensional Space World that is as Big as a Solar System

The Dimensional Space World Solar System has various Future items that I will be releasing to the Public such one of which is State of the Art Gaming Systems that has Dive Massively VR Capabilities. I have produced enough Gaming Systems to supply the entire Population of Earth of 10× of that of the Current and Future of the Human Population of Earth. As to when I'm releasing the Gaming Systems when I'm 13 in Middle School.

I have also made all various Digimon My servants and are Guarding My Networks as Well as secretly My Enterprise Empire which they have been relieved of because something is helping them deflect Viruses and Hacks they don't know what it is but they don't mind it much because the Digimon are secretly helping them. My Parents of course purchase the Rights to own the Franchise.

As for My Crossover OP Loyal servants. I can actually create Anime, Light Novels and Manga their from, and I'm thinking maybe I might do so after I'm in My 30's Years of age. As they don't mind and have even said they would be honored to be in their own Anime, Light Novels and Manga. Of course there are No drawbacks to this arrangement as I have deduced that they are set to be Absolutely Loyal to Me and will Never question me about their True reality.

As for Star Wars it has been on a very long hiatus because of the turmoil of conflict over the Years. I'm grateful for My Parents because they purchased the Rights to own the Franchise from Disney. Disney as of Right Now is Dead. Their Parks were destroyed during World War 3 and various other New companies bought the Rights to own their Franchises. I actually have Complete drafts for an alternate Timeline where Padme joined Anakin and defeated Palpatine, and they rule the Main Galaxy of the Series along with their Future Generations of descendants as Well as a New Timeline of Events that span 200,000 Years of the New Star Wars Legacy. I plan on doing it after My School Life of course. I also have various items from the Franchise in My Pocket Dimension for when I'm in during dire situations. Now I have given some of My OP Loyal servants of the various items of Star Wars but they can only use them when in Times of War to use the items. To defend Me and My Enterprise Empire building complexes.

As for Right Now I'm actually making My Enterprise Empire make all the Classic Gaming Systems and Video Games from Nintendo as My Parents purchased the rights to their Entire Corporation and Sub Corporations. As for Pokemon it has also been on a long hiatus and they Stopped the Pokemon Franchise at Gen 9 because of the turmoil of the State of the World at the Time. I plan on revitalizing the brand by having Perfect proper Remakes of the Generations of Pokemon which of course I already have them set for release at a Moment's notice from Me. As Well as the Future Generations of many New Pokemon and their Video Games will be Perfect as Gen 8 was boring and Gen 9 was Garbage.

As for Marvel and DC, My Parents purchased the Rights to own the Franchises. As of Right Now I have ordered My Enterprise Empire to make a Yuri Anime Crossovers between both of the Franchises. This is to Test the Waters to see if the Enterprise Empire can make High Quality Yuri Anime Franchise without being Absolute Garbage from Past Movies and Shows from the Other Corporations that owned Marvel and DC as I made a strict absolute order to Not Screw it up. My Loyal servants did Not question My Yuri taste as I've already stated that I'm into Yuri. The Marvel and DC Crossover Yuri Anime is to also make known that the Current Heir of Himejima Enterprises is into Yuri but what they don't know is that, I'm the Eternal Heir of Himejima Enterprises. As for Spider-Man My Parents purchased the Rights to own the Franchise as Well.

As for the Tenchi Muyo Series, My Parents purchased the Rights to own the Franchise. I plan on Expanding on the Ryo-Ohki Series as I have made a Perfect Complete Story Legacy that spans 1 million plus Years and More. I actually have Juraian Treeships on invisible standby that Guard the Solar System of Earth. So far it's been silent out there, but I can detect that there are in Fact Advanced Alien Civilizations, they are just far away in other Galaxies and they haven't located Earth, yet. My OP Digimon are in Physical bodies that can materialize in Cyberspace and are on standby in the Juraian Treeships. As for the Capabilities of the Juraian Treeships they have the same as themselves but actually operate by themselves without pilots and Love to Defend for the Loyal service to Me. As regularly they don't like to Fight, so they don't have that limitation of theirs. I also have various items from the Franchise in My Pocket Dimension for when I'm in extreme danger. However I'm Not giving any of the Technology to My OP Loyal servants because the various items should be Highly classified to them until at least a million Years in the Future which the OP Loyal servants will still be alive as Well.

Today's Date is April 21st 2085

Things are going smoothly as My School Life is Very Easy and I mainly Role-play as a 5 Year old would at the High Class School with the other kids, but at Home I'm an Absolute Genius with unique experiences along the way. I also have a Day off School as Well.

Production of goods have also been going smoothly as there is High demand in Classic Nintendo products. I've also have made Perfect blueprints of New in Nintendo Gaming. Now My Enterprise Empire has been given strict orders to keep Me highly classified that I was apart of the creative process.

It turns out that I have Very OP Geniuses in My service that know what they are doing and follow My Absolute orders to the letter. For creating Masterpieces of Entertainment.

As for the Yuri Marvel and DC Crossover Anime it's been going smoothly as Well. As there is also High demand for Future stories of the Anime Yuri Franchise. As for its production I've made minor changes to some scripts but overall the studio that I own is doing a Fantastic job.

As for the General Public some ridicule that I'm Lesbian but I could care less about those Fake People. While many still really like what I'm doing and support Me. My OP Loyal servants are Absolutely supportive of Me and I've even had a lot of sexy fun times with My Loyal OP servants as Well and the ladies and I enjoy it.

Now from the upper echelons of High Class society have their theories but are Totally in the dark as to what I'm Truly capable of. My Royal Shadow Guards under the command of General Senjumaru Shutara have been deterring and putting down a lot of People who want to cause painful and despairing harm to Me.

At the End of each Day I Thank Christ and praise him Everyday while also watching various preachers of their sermons of Christianity in My Royal movie screening theater. With My Loyal OP servants watching with Me every Sunday, though some of them may Not convert to Christianity they still like the teachings of Christianity, and they highly respect My Worship of Christ.