
Akatsuki Rebirth In One Piece

What happened to the Akatsuki? Well, you see, they landed in the world of One Piece. Some of them have some pieces of their memories taken by unknown forces. (Me) The Uchiha’s became Celestial Dragons. Kisame and Deidara became slaves. Kakuzu became a bounty hunter. Hidan became a priest. Sasori became a pacifista. Orochimaru became obsessed with the One Piece. Pain is now free from Nagato’s control. Konan is now Big Mom’s daughter. Oh! What about Zetsu? That guy became part of Imu. __ I almost forgot. Read my novel ‘Ultimate Throne’. I dare you not to. If I am arrogant come and prove it there. I bet you never so a synopsis as cool as mine. (I will be editing the previous chapters. The grammar is a mess.)

Platofox · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 10

"Hmm...so this thing is called a Buggy ball, fascinating."

Deidara who was now in a red cloak, observing the item the big red nose had handed him, as assurance for his life.

The Blondie was intrigued because this item was similar to his art, despite the weird shape.

"Captain...didn't you say that the Grand line was now like taking a straw in the park?" Mohji who was standing next to Cabaji, muttered in a grumbling manner.

"Shut up! You idiot!" Buggy shouted towards his subordinate, before smiling at the man who was laxly sitting.

'We can't possibly get on this psycho's bad side! The Grand Line is filled with all different types of monsters!'

"He he, we have other fascinating explosions on board."

Deidara raised a brow at the Buggy pirates, he couldn't pick up a fight with them as his chakra was now empty, and there were close to understanding that true art is an explosion.

'Although its appearance seem a little revolting this Buggy ball could be a great thing to my arsenal.'

At that moment Itachi's words from before played again in his mind.

– With your temperament, I am positive you do better as a pirate more than anything. No one can stand you beside Sasori.

'If I want to get my revenge on those Celestial Dragons, being a pirate seems to be the only solution available.'

Deidara looked at the Buddy pirates and Alvida, "You guys said that you were pirates, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's right." Buggy answered, with a smile on his face, "We are the Buggy pirates, we just arrived in the Grand Line."

"I see..." Deidara with an expressionless face.

He stood up and declares, "Your artistic ways seem to puzzle me. From now on we are the Explosion Pirates, and I will be the King of the Pirates, in the most artistic way possible."

Buggy blinked his eyes a few times, "Nani?"


At the same time, Smoker and his crew had stood in front of the Scorpio stopping the two men inside from going anywhere.

"It seems we have attracted some boring guest, Itachi." Kisame said with a grin.

He wasn't showing any signs of fear, but rather he was expecting a good fight.

"There is no need to fight them Kisame."

"Don't tell me you are chickening out?"

"Take this." 

Kisame was stunned with the sword Itachi was handing him, it was something that shouldn't be in this world, but that very sword had been taken over by the eight tails' jinchuriki.

"...how did this get here?...are the other six swords from the Mist here too?"

"I don't know, but...it does seem possible. "

Itachi was now getting stunned with the ability of his Devil fruit. He knew that paramecia Devil fruits were weird, but he didn't think that his was connected to his previous life that much. In the shop he even saw some jutsu that belonged to Naruto.


Used Normal Life Revival card [Life span increased by 1 month] 


'There is no use stressing about the five hidden villages, Itachi Uchiha is dead there.'

Kisame finally took the Samehada with amazed eyes. He couldn't believe that he was seeing it in this world, and the moment he infused his chakra into it, he felt the connection they had before return.

"This is so unlike you Itachi..." Kisame grinned, and pointed his samehada at the Uchiha's neck.

"To think that you of all people would give me this sword. Aren't you afraid... that I might use it to kill you."

"You are no longer in the Akatsuki, you should live a more decent life than before."


Used Bluff Mangekyō Sharingan card – [Can activate the Mangekyō Sharingan for a minute, without causing any strain to the body or consuming chakra. No sharingan ability can be used.]


Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan activated, and it felt painless like it was just any ordinary Sharingan.

"Kisame, like what I said before, you should be the one afraid of me."

Hoshigaki wasn't startled by this, he was put in a tsukuyomi before, so this was a given. He just retracted his sword, and looked at the Marines landing over on the Scorpio.

"Fair enough... don't die unless it's by my sword."

"Same goes for you."

Tashigi who was the first to land on the Scorpio, raised her brows at how the two treated each other, they looked like there were out at each other's throats.

But that wasn't the thing that caught her eye the most.

"Just what is that gross looking sword?... Its breathing and it even has a tongue..."

A sword of that quality would be one of the famed blades, but this one wasn't. Tashigi knew all the famed blades by head and this made her curious about the identity of the two.

"This two are–"

"Strong." Smoker finished her words for her, as he tapped her shoulder.

"What makes it even more suspicious is that people of that caliber were not known by the Marines. They really did a great job out smarting us."

The captain puffed out some smoke, and took his sea prism club, "The two appear to be Devil fruit users."

"Devil fruit?" Tashigi was startled, as she didn't expect that."

"Yes. Look at that guy holding the weird sword, at first glance he looks like a fishman, but look closely at his hands...those are human hands. And the other one look at his eye...it is just plain weird."

Originally Tashigi had mistaken Kisame for a fishman, and Itachi to be just a random guy, "I see. The Grand Line is full of interesting people."

"Be on your guard Tashigi, we are not in Logue town anymore. "

"Yes, Captain Smoker, Sir!!"

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