
Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

OP - Yes! | Kingdom building - Yes! | Harem - Yes! | 16+ Wives - Yes! | Deres - Every variety! | World building - Yes! | Fan service - Yes!! | Lemons - Top Tier! | Milfs - Yes, Yes of course | Handholding - Y-yes! B-Baka... | Degeneracy - Yowai mo! --- Goals— • 50 golden tickets: 1 bonus chapter • 100 golden tickets: 1 bonus chapter • 150 golden tickets: 1 bonus chapter • 300 golden tickets: 4 bonus chapters. Gifts • Super gift: 3 bonus chapters Power Stones • 300 power stones: 1 extra chapter • 450 power stones: 2 extra chapters • 500 or higher: 4 extra chapters --- "Ever wondered how a bastard child lives a normal life while married to a goddess? No. Neither have I, because he's an overpowered bastard child of the king married to a goddess that looks like a demon." Once upon a time, there was a guy named Lumiere. Being a bastard child of the King with an unknown mother, Lumiere didn't think his life would amount to much. When he unlocked the Unique Skill - [Beginner's Luck] things took a drastic turn. He summoned and got engaged to a goddess, Serena, just under a minute. Talk about a shotgun wedding! To make matters even more complicated, All-Father, Serena's father, decided to bless Lumiere with overpowered abilities, turning him into a magical powerhouse. Suddenly, Lumiere, the fifteenth child and eleventh son of his family was the chosen one to change the world. Lumiere was an Integrator, which was a fancy way of saying he had super-crazy, intense memory that could make elephants jealous. He also had a past life regression syndrome which was just a fancy way of saying he could remember vivid visions of his past lives. In this world of magic, demons, gods, and dragons, Lumiere had a big job on his hands. But with Serena by his side, and All-Father watching his every move, Lumiere was ready to bring peace to the realm. Will Lumiere and Serena's shotgun wedding work out? Can Lumiere change the world for the better? Can he find his mother? Can he put all his past life memories to good use? Find out in this adventure overflowing with magical hijinks!

Pendulum_ · Fantasy
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375 Chs

I'm lecturing a goddess?

After some much needed lectures, I successfully taught her about some of the normal worldʼs traditions.

To make the lesson less distracting, I handed her my bedsheet to use as a garment. I wouldn't be able to focus if she was completely naked while lectures were ongoing.

"Alright, are you ready Serendipity?" (Lumiere)

"I am.." (Serendipity)

Even when she tried to sound enthusiastic about something, her voice was still quite mellow.

She was an angel.

The way she respectfully knelt down atop my bed touched me. Oh, such an angel!

"Alright, what's the first on our <<Successful guide to living amongst humans>>, quickly." (Lumiere)

"Otherworlders should avoid standing out by appearing too different from the local population. They can do this by disguising themselves as humans or adopting a race's form that is acceptable." (Serendipity)

As she spoke, her nose wrinkled up. That, was quite cute.

"Great! Now what's the second on our guide?!" (Lumiere)

It was compulsory I acted like the strictest teacher possible. You know... Like those commanders you'd see in a military school. If I had a whistle, it'd have made me more of an imposing figure.

Of course I hadn't forgotten that Rhetessia told me to dress-up and prepare for the big occasion today, but there was still more than enough time to prepare and meet the welcoming of the guests. Although, it also meant I'd have to skip breakfast.

Her nose wrinkled more as she spoke. It was heart-warming, trying to see her shout only for her angelic voice to come out as mild and welcoming.

"Two. Otherworlders should dress in a way that blends in with the humans around them. They should avoid wearing clothing that is too distinctive or unusual." (Serendipity)

It was funny a guy like me was teaching a goddess.

"The third one! Quickly!" (Lumiere)

She hesitated for a moment, but after closing her eyes she resumed.

"Um, Otherworlders should become fluent in the local language of the place they plan to visit. This will help them avoid drawing attention to themselves, as they can speak to humans and understand what is going on around them." (Serendipity)

She was making her teacher proud, I almost shed tears. (~sniffles)

"What's the fourth?" (Lumiere)

"Um... Otherworlders should interact with humans in a way that is consistent with local customs and cultural norms. They should avoid doing anything that might seem strange or out of place." (Serendipity)

"Great! You did good Serendipity!" (Lumiere)

I was genuinely proud of her efforts. But, it was expected of a goddess.

"Well, you didn't ask me the fifth one..." (Serendipity)

"(Such an observant girl)" (Lumiere)

I was on the verge of tears. Just knowing she was that absorbed by my lesson was cotton to my heart. I could die now and be happy.

With my hand atop her head, I smiled from ear to ear.

"Don't worry, that one's more like a promise than a guide... we'll talk about that one, later..." (Lumiere)

"Hmm! Hmm!" (Serendipity)

She nodded several times.

Then, I realized something. I should've asked this the moment we returned from All-Father's domain.

I snapped my fingers.

"Oh yeah, can I see your status? Serendipity?" (Lumiere)

"Well, you don't necessarily need to ask, your my master, that means you can see my status whenever you want, with or without my permission." (Serendipity)

"I see..." (Lumiere)

That was a logical answer. Serendipity was contracted to me, but as a companion, meaning whenever she improved I would too. The only way to see someone's status was if you had an [Appraisal] skill higher than their [Status Modification], in other words, no one could see mine. I had a [Status Modification] ranked SSS+ if that was even a thing.

"So, um... how do I do that... the status checking." (Lumiere)

"All you have to say is 'status reveal' and it'll manifest." (Serendipity)

"Okay, I get it." (Lumiere)

I struck the palms of my hand together.

"Status reveal..." (Lumiere)

--- Status ---

Name: Serendipity Sel Dalacrya.

Race: Supreme Trifect.

Titles: Fifth daughter of All-Father, Holy goddess.

Class: Divine Summon.

Physical Strength: 6,800/6,800

MP: 50,000/50,000

Magic Arts: [Holy Magic] (Rank A), [Enchantments] (Rank A), [Water Magic] (Rank S), [Ice Magic] (Rank A)

Magic Skills: Integral Skill [Transformation] (Rank A), Integral Skill [Mana Regeneration] (Rank A), Unique Skill [Inventory]

Weapons: <<Seraphic Staff>> [A powerful staff imbued with the holy power of Serendipity that deals massive damage to enemies. It also allows the wielder to cast a variety of holy spells] (Rank A), <<Fortune's Edge>> [A longsword that has the ability to grant its wielder temporary boosts to their stats during combat] (Rank A)

Sacred Benefaction: All-Father's Crest of Protection

- - - - - - - - -

Rubbing my chin, I nodded several times.

"Woah, you're amazing. Your mana points exceed even the strongest court mage's, but it seems that your status as a goddess didn't contribute as much as expected. You even have a weapon's section, I don't have one due to the lack of a suitable weapon... also, all your abilities are ranked A or higher, which is a noteworthy achievement. I'm guessing the Integral Skill [Transformation] enables you to conceal your horns and wings." (Lumiere)

For some reason, she blushed having heard the way I praised her. Still, I didn't mistake it for something else.

"Thank you... Um... Lord Lumiere." (Serendipity)

"Uh-huh, speaking of names... If you're going to be staying in this world, you'll need another name." (Lumiere)

"Is anything wrong with my current one?" (Serendipity)

"Not especially, besides the length of the name, it doesn't really scream human." (Lumiere)

"I see... I'm sorry if it'll cause you any inconveniences." (Serendipity)

Waving my hands several times, I was trying to assure her it wasn't her fault.

Naturally, it wasn't a surprise for goddesses to have such names.

But they'd usually shorten it to something more presentable in society.

I had to do the same thing for her.

"It's not your fault... I just have to think of a good name." (Lumiere)

"My lord wants to give me a new name?" (Serendipity)

Her ears twitched as she smiled, it made me feel a whole lot less terrible about myself.

Initially, she was saddened to hear my comments about her name.

Not that I meant to sound like a jerk, it was just so no one would know who she really was.

"(Alright, now for a name... Serendipity... Seren... Sendip... Rena... Oooo I go it!)" (Lumiere)

As a sign of discovery I snapped my fingers.

"Alright, how about Serena?!" (Lumiere)

"Se... re... na?" (Serena)

The puzzled look on her face led me to believe she didn't like it.

"You... you don't like it?" (Lumiere)

An uncomfortable silence.


"I love it! I'm so glad my lord has given me such a name!" (Serena)

"Hahah.." (Lumiere)

Embarrassed, I scratched the back of my head.

- - - - - - - -

Some minutes had passed, and by that time I was prepared.

I had donned a fashionable attire typical of a noble, with the dominant colors of red, white and gold.

My father was hosting Genny's birthday party, and many influential people from the Royal Capital and its neighboring territories were expected to attend.

I was aware that, as a bastard child, I wasn't obligated to be present, but I had decided to be there for Genny.

"(I can't afford to make any mistakes.)" (Lumiere)

I allowed Serena to sleep on my bed. She could rest for the meantime, until we wrapped up the occasion at least.

Preparing myself, I stepped out the door.

"(Alright! It's time!)"

- - - - - - - - -

"Thank you all for coming here today! You took time of your obviously busy schedules to attend my daughter's birthday, she's turning ten. As such, I hope we can all feast today to celebrate her." (Grey)

My father, King Grey (51), was the one addressing them.

Regardless of his age, he still had a partly youthful appearance. Under his regal garments were muscles upon muscles.

As a man who believed in strength more than anything, it wasn't a surprise.

Brother Jericho (22, third child and second son) and Teramath (22, fourth child and third son) took after him.

His pale brown hair and beards were his symbols of maturity. He also had a scar above his left eye.

He told me he got it from a hunting expedition when he was younger.

Should a crown prince really enjoy hunting expeditions?

His siblings could just say: "Hey, let's go on a hunting trip," and then some hours later the crown prince would be found dead.

Yay! A new heir has to take the throne.

Unsurprisingly, the sibling who invited the deceased crown prince would succeed the King.

The party was about to begin.

All the iconic figures in the Kingdom were yet to arrive.

"(I hope I survive this...)" (Lumiere)

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