
Akashi Seijuro in RWBY

After an incident in his world Akashi suddenly appears in the world of RWBY. What will happen in this world? Who knows? ___________________________________________ Yeah I am shit author so don't expect much. I had this idea for awhile now so I decided to post this. Enjoy

Asce · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 3

* beep * * beep * * be *

Shitting off his alarm, Akashi got up before looking at his surroundings in confusion, before reality hit him.

' That's right, I'm in another world. Well whatever let's get ready. Training begins today. '

After freshening up and wearing the same clothes from yesturday he went to the kitchen when he smelt something.

" Smells good, doesn't it. " Said the old man.

" Indeed. "

" I doubt you know how to cook, so I'll teach you when we have free time. For now eat. We have a lot of work to do. "

Nodding at his words Akashi ate everything on the table.

' I need to learn how to do chores. Everything was down by the butlers and maids. ' Akashi thought as he remembered how the maids offered to do everything at home.




" Alright we will start with the basics first. " The old man said as he looked at Akashi.

" Depending on how fast you learn, the more I'll teach you before you can help me with actual customers.

First thing you are going to learn is each component used for weapons, how to replace them if the previous one is broken and how to maintain their usefulness. Understand? "

" Yes sir. "

" Good. Follow my instructions. If you have questions ask them at the end as we only have 3 hours till we open at 9am. "

" Okay. "

" Good let's get started. "

The old man wasn't joking when he said that he wouldn't take it easy. Since Akashi practically understood everything from the book he read yesturday, he was info bombed today.

The weapon the old man focused on the most was guns. Guns were the main focus as practically every Hunter uses a gun.

However what fasinated Akashi the most was the fact that guns were part of every weapon used by hunters.

Put simply every weapon was part gun.

Asking how that was possible, the old man explained that each weapon were made with gears that allowed the weapon to transform.

The best example he used was the weapon uses by Qrow Branwen, who used a weapon that could transform into a sword, scythe and a gun.

Akashi was understandably shocked as his determination was greatly increased.

During the time when the shop was open, he tended to the customers and helped them out while the old man worked on their weapon.

When there were no customers, ideas of weapons were flowing into his head like a tsunami.

During breaks he also learned how to take care of a house. It was hard at first considering his father's words of

" Leave the chores to the maids son. You are an Akashi, you don't do chores. "

' Tch even in another world, the old farts words are still there in my head. Well shut up already. '

With a greater amount of willpower than normal Akashi managed to learn everything, but the first time he cooked was a huge blow to his pride.

' It tastes as bad as Satsukis cooking! ' Akashi thought as he looked at the food in silence while the old man laughed at his failure.

' I refuse that this will be the case. Being comparable to her food is an insult!! My food will be delicious!!!' Akashi promised himself with fire burning his eyes.

During times when there were no customers, Akashi focused on physical exercise.

He did 100 push ups, 100 sit ups and 100 squats, along with a 10 kilometre run.

' I should get up early to do this before the old man teaches me again.' Akashi thought.

Soon enough the day ended as Akashi planned out his schedule from now on.

The next day, the old man taught him some more as he gave Akashi practical exams.

He had Akashi do the task he showed him and repeat that task over and over till he got used to it.

Akashi learned exceptionally fast. The old man was impressed as he watched Akashi learn faster than most.

' At this rate he would be ready to start helping by the end of the week for maintaining the weapons of hunters.

That's good. After he gets used to that, I'll start teaching him how to make weapons. That and the fact that he seems really enthusiastic when learning how to cook.

Was it because I laughed at him? '

If only the old man knew.




After a week of the same schedule, Akashi already started working in the store taking care of customers weapons.

His first day went great and nothing went wrong.

However he had to use a HEAVY amount of willpower to not go full emperor on some of the rude customers.

' Relax Akashi, if they attack you, kill them and bury their bodies where no one can find them, after you erase the cctv footage. '

Akashi spent some time learning about the computer programmes that exist in Remant. He started with the most common becoming quite good at it but had not perfected it yet.

He had time to go out and explore the rest of Minstral but the money he stole to buy more clothes.

Currently Akshi was on his bed, with a book a about aura in his hand.

' Alright, I read this book multiple times and have a good understanding of aura. However I really wished that someone would've actually made a better book about this.

It's already known by the general public through the use of hunters anyway. Plus there are schools that teach kids how to train aura and control it.

Well no matter, let's try to unlock it. Awakening it naturally takes longer as it's based on a person's talent. Let's begin. '

Getting into a meditative position, Akashi closed his eyes as he tried to find his aura.

Time passed, before a thin outline enveloped Akashi, coating his entire body.

Opening his eyes, Akashi raised his arms. He could feel something around his arm and felt a connection with it.

' It seems I got my aura to awaken. How long was I meditating. '

Looking at the time on his phone, which he corrected to the time here, he noticed it was currently 4 am.

' I started at 10 pm. 6 hours to awaken my aura is not bad. However... '

Akashi tried to control his aura, but it went an erratic motion and was hard to control.

' I need more co tell over my aura. I can do this at night after I train during the day. I haven't been able to make weapons yet but the old man will tell me when I'm ready.

I also need to learn how to control dust as well. Reading that book about Dust, it says that you can control it. This allows people to mix certain dust together.

I have a lot to learn but at the same time I am very excited. Plus I'll need to fight Grimm at some point. I'll do it after my weapons are made.

For now let's get back to training my aura. '