
Akashi Seijuro in RWBY

After an incident in his world Akashi suddenly appears in the world of RWBY. What will happen in this world? Who knows? ___________________________________________ Yeah I am shit author so don't expect much. I had this idea for awhile now so I decided to post this. Enjoy

Asce · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 15

When the bullhead landed, the students got off as they went outside to admire the view of beacon from ground level.

Akashi and Percy were also there as they stared at the giant medieval castle.

" Damn that looks so cool. " Percy said as his blue shone in awe while staring at the castle.

" You're right. " Akashi said agreeing with him as he looked at the castle.

" Well I think I'll go explore the place. I'll meet you at the auditorium. " Percy said as he ran off.

Akashi just watched as Percy ran off. He said nothing as he just calmly walked forward and started looking at the landscape. After all he had to deal with 3 idiots back home, Blue, Yellow, and Red respectively.

' Interesting. He decided to use a castle as the design. He could have just kept a regular building but made a castle. Does it have any significance?

I should stop and just enjoy the scenery. I have time. ' Akashi thought.

He walked around the courtyard looking at the falling petals around him. It was peaceful.

* boom *

' Why do get the feeling I know who caused that explosion? ' Akashi thought as he walked over to the explosion.

When he arrived at the scene he saw a familiar red coat girl laying on the ground as well as a white haired girl next to her in a similar state.

" Look what you did you dunce!! " The white haired girl yelled.

" I'm sorry. " Said Ruby as she got up. However the white haired girl kept insulting her.

Akashi just stood on the side as he found the act amusing.

' I wonder what would happen if they be part of the same team. I could use more drama like before. ' Akashi thought.

He kept listening as a black haired girl came and told the white haired girl off who he now knew as Weiss Schnee.

He just watched till he saw Ruby on the ground, sulking.

' Well let's go meet her. ' Akashi thought as he walked up to her.


Ruby watched as both girls left her. She sat on the ground and looked down as the say was going horribly.

" You certainly have skill for getting in trouble." She heard next to her.

She knew who's voice that was from as she turned around to see the familiar eyes she had meet before.

" Akashi. " She said happily as she stood up before his words sunk in.

" Hey. I don't get into trouble that much. " She said as she pouted.

Akashi just smirked as he looked at her.

" Then why did I meet you during a burglary and now at Beacon when you caused an explosion in the court yard? " Akashi asked with a smirk as he looked her.

Ruby blushed in embarrassment that he called her out.

" Well still in not that bad. I'm not a trouble magnet. " She said to his face.

" Hmm we will see. " Akashi said as he chuckled a bit. Ruby pouted at him as he didn't believe her.

" Well either way we need to go to the auditorium. " Akashi said as he started walking.

" Okay. " Ruby said as she started walking next to him.

" Wait! " They heard behind them. Ruby and Akashi looked behind themselves as they saw a blonde haired boy running towards them.

He stopped in front of them and started panting as he looked at them.

" Hey arnt you vomit boy from the ship? " Ruby asked as Akashi stared at her while the blonde deadpans.


" Okay I'll have you know that having air sickness is a common condition. " The blonde said as he walked next to Akashi and Ruby.

" I'm sorry. You vomited on the ship so vomit boy was the only thing that came to mind. " She said.

" Then I'll call you crator face! " The blonde said.

" You saw that!!" Ruby said in a high pitch voice as she blushed in embarrassment. Akashi smiled at the interaction as he found it highly amusing.

' I missed this drama. ' Akashi thought to himself.

" By the way my name is Ruby Rose. What's yours? "

" Jaune Arc. Short and simple. The ladies live it. " Jaune said with a smug grin.

" Do they really? " Ruby asked innocently.

" No. " Jaune said as he sulked.

' I wish I had popcorn or some sort of snack like when I watched Aomine and Kagami be idiots. Good times. '

" So what your name? " Jaune asked Akashi.

" Seijuro Akashi. Call me Akashi. "

" Okay Akashi. " Jaune said.

Silence rained over the 3 of them as Akashi waited.

' Ruby will the first to make a move since she can't handle the silence. What will she do? '

" Well I got this. " Ruby said as she slammed Cresent Rose into the ground.

Akashi deadpans as he looks at the damage.

' First an explosion and now with her scythe. When she's put on a team, I'll give them my condolences that they will get such a destructive teammate. ' Akashi thought.

" Woah that's cool. What is it? "

" A scythe and gun combined into one creation. " Ruby said with pride.

" Cool. All I have is a sword and a shield. " Jaune said as he brought them out.

Akashi looked at the weapons and notice that they were in great condition.

" Why are you sulking? Those weapons in your hands are quite unique and in the right hands will be a force to be reckoned with. " Akashi said as he praised the weapons.

" Really. That good. " Jaune said.

" Yeah no one really appreciates the classics. " Ruby said.

" True. Wait do you know where we have to go? " Jaune asked.

" Hmm no. I was just following Akashi. " Ruby said.

" We were heading in the right direction. The auditorium is right there. Just behind those doors. " Akashi said as he pointed at the doors that wee in sight.

Ruby and Jaune sighed in relief before deciding to race to the doors.

Ruby won.

Akashi just walked lesurially and entered the auditorium. He decided to hang at the back to listen to the speech.

Before that happened he looked around the room. He managed to find Percy who was hanging out with a orange haired girl and a black haired man.

He looked around looking at other people to see if anyone else was interesting. He managed to see the Black haired girl and Weiss in the crowd.

He saw the interaction between Ruby and a blonde haired girl.

' Possibly related or just close friends. ' Akashi thought as he looked at them argue.

He even saw Pyrrha in the crowd as well. Soon enough Ozpin came up into the stage as he intended to give his speech.

" I'll...keep this brief. " Ozpin started as he stared at the crowd of students. Akashi noticed his change in tone and immediatly started to pay attention.

" You have travelled here today in search of knowledge-to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amounted you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose-direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge will only carry so far. It is up to you to take the first step. " Ozpin said.

He then walked off the stage as Glynda told everyone to sleep in the main hall as initiation will happen tomorrow at 8 am.

Akashi ignored her and focused on Ozpin.

'His tone was much more depressing than when I first meet him. This Ozpin must be the depressing side of him created from him being a Huntsman.

Who are you really Ozpin? ' Akashi thought as he walked to the changing room.

Akashi changed into some comfortable pants and shirt to sleep in. He walked into the room and a manger to find a corner to sleep in.

Placing his down his pillow and blanket he decided to read a bit before sleeping. He quickly took out his headphones and started listening to music to block out the...

" Hey baby... "

" Take a good... "

Almost all the males in the room decided now would be the best time to start thinking with their second heads to impr3ss the ladies in the room.

' If these people pass, I'll make sure to use them properly as cannon fodder. ' Kashi thought to himself.

As he started reading he saw someone sit next to him. Percy.

" Hello Percy. " Akashi said as he took out his headphones.

" Hey Akashi. Can I sleep here since.. "

" All the other males are trying to lose their virginity before they die tomorrow. " Akashi said with a straight face.

Percy blinked before he could stop himself from laughing. Akashi smiled a bit as he aired for Percy to stop laughing.

" Thanks man. I needed that. " Percy said as he stopped laughing.

" No problem. However what's wrong? "

" Oh that. I was trying to find my twin brother. Before our parents divorced and he moved to Vale, we promise to meet at Beacon. However I couldn't find him. " Percy said in sad tone.

" I see. Well then I think it's best if you just get some rest for tonight and just worry about the initiation. Once your brother passes hell be in beacon along with you. You can try and find him then as you have more time. "

" Oh that's true. Thanks man. " Percy said smiling.

" Don't worry about it. Anyway it's seems we will have to sleep now. " Akashi said as he put away his book and got comfy.

Percy did the same as the lights went out.



Sorry for the late chapter. I was busy with school.

Anyway I intend to introduce the other 2 team members soon.

Any way I hope you enjoyed.

Have a nice day.