
Akashi Seijuro in RWBY

After an incident in his world Akashi suddenly appears in the world of RWBY. What will happen in this world? Who knows? ___________________________________________ Yeah I am shit author so don't expect much. I had this idea for awhile now so I decided to post this. Enjoy

Asce · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 13

Akashi followed Glynda and was lead into a room along with Ruby. He sat on one of the chairs as Ruby occupied the other chair on his right.

' Is this really necessary? An interrogation room with one exit and single light. ' Akashi thought as he just looked around while spotting some cameras in the room.

As for Ruby, she is currently having a mental breakdown considering she is in a dark room after the incident was over but also because she sharing the room with someone who she admires.

' God this so awkward! What do I do? Should I say something?! What should I talk about?!.. '

She tried to stay as calm as possible but her fidgeting gave her away. Akashi looked at her and noticed a discomforted she feels.

' She must have watched me participate in the regional cup. ' Akashi thought as he looked at her.

' Let's just calm her down. '

" Are you alright? " Akashi asked. Ruby jumped in her seat as she nervously looked at him.

" Y..yeah I'm fine.. " Ruby said while stuttering.

Akashi sighed a little before raising his hand and flicked her forehead.

Ruby yelled as he massaged her forehead.

" Hey! What was that for? " Ruby asked while pouting.

" To stop you from stuttering. " Akashi said as he looked at her.

" Okay but was the forehead flick necessary? " Ruby asked as she looked at him.

" It stopped you from stuttering so yes. " Akashi answered. Ruby pouted as she massaged her forehead more.

" That being said what is your name? " Akashi asked.

" Oh my name is Ruby Rose. " Ruby said energetically as her forehead know longer had any pain.

" Seijuro Akashi. But call me Akashi. I only let people who really close to me call me by my first name. "

" Okay. But with said can I ask you a question?"

" Sure. "

" Can i see your weapons?! " Ruby asked as she put her face very close to Akashis.

Akashi just put his hand on her shoulder as he pushed her back into her seat.

" No. "

" Please? "

" No. "

" Pleeeeeaassee??.. " Ruby asked using the puppy dog face.

" No. "

They stared at each other for a good few seconds before Ruby finally relented and deflated as she sat back down on the chair to sulk.

' Thank you Satsuki for your daily torment using the puppy dog eye technique. I am now immune to it. ' Akashi thought remembering the times she made her homemade lunches which she wanted to share with everyone.

He was knocked out of his thoughts as the door opened. Glynda walked inside the room after she closed the door.

She walked towards Ruby and Akashi and stood in front of them while having a stern gaze.

" Young lady do you know how reckless your actions were? " Glynda asked.

" It's not my fault though. They started it. " Ruby argued.

" Yes they did. But was reckless was that you went after Roman right after. You were almost hit with a letal blow by him. " Glynda said sternly.

Ruby flinched as she remembered the bullet that mere inches away from here face that was shot from Romans cane.

" However someone would like meet you. " Glynda said as she sighed.

Akashi stayed silent as he watched everything. He then watched as the door opened and a silver haired man walked in.

' Ozpin. The headmaster of Beacon. ' Akashi thought as he looked at the man holding a plate of cookies and glass of milk.

" Ruby Rose.. you have silver eyes.. " Ozpin said as he walked towards them, placing th3 plate and glass on the table as he looked at Ruby.

Akashi stayed stoic but inside he analysed Ozpin. The moment Ozpin spoke that phase Akashi memorised the tone he used before he continued to watch.

Ozpin backed away as he looked at Akashi.

" Seijuro Akashi. Congratulations on your win. I watched the match. It was spectacular. " Ozpin said.

" Thank you professor. " Akashi said with same face he had on since the beginning.

Ozpin looked back at Ruby.

" So miss Rose. Can you tell where you learned to do this? " Ozpin asked. He placed a scroll in front of her as it showed Ruby using her weapon against Roman and the one guy she knocked out of the store.

" Signal academy. " Ruby said to Ozpin before looking at the plate of cookies with a bit of drool. Ozpin motioned to her that she could eat it.

Ruby inhaled all the cookies as crumbs fell to the floor. Akashi wisely moved to the left as he knew that look on her face as it was similar to when Aomine and Kagami had an eating competition.

" I see. They taught you how to use one the most dangerous weapons that a person can use. However the way use it reminds me of a certain dusty old crow." Ozpin mused.

" Oh that's my uncle. " Ruby said after she gulped down the milk. " He was one who taught me all those moves.. " Ruby said as she made fighting motions with her hands.

" I see but why become a huntsman? "

" Well I want to be a hero. " Ruby said. Akashi listened to her explanation of being a hero. He observed as Ozpin and Ruby had their conversation.

" Would you like to join Beacon? "

" More than anything. "

" Alright then. You're in. "

" Huh?!!! I'll be joining Beacon??!! " Ruby asked excitedly. Ozpin nodded as Ruby was excited.

Akashi noticed that Glynda had a very distraught look on her face. He could understand. While Ruby displayed excellent skill in handling her weapon and everything else, that wouldn't justify the action of allowing a 15 year old to a huntsman academy like Beacon 2 years early.

" Well then I'll be looking forward to seeing both of you in Beacon. " Ozpin said.

Soon enough Ruby and Akashi left the room. Akashi stayed silent the whole time and stayed polite.

" This is so exciting! I'll be going to Beacon. " Ruby said as she bounced around.

" That's great. Right Akashi?!! " She asked.

" Getting admitted 2 years early is a great achievement." Akashi said. Ruby was glad that he thought so.

" By the way don't you have to get home. It's quite late. " Akashi said.

" Wait really. " Ruby said as she looked at her scroll.

" Oh god I have to go!! Bye Akashi, see you at Beacon!! " Ruby yelled as she then left leaving behind a trail of rose petals.

Akashi looked at the rose petals before turning around and walked back towards his hotel room with a cold calculating gaze.



Okay so the reason why Akashi didn't do much in this chapter was because of the interaction between Ruby and Ozpin.

Honestly I was confused as to why they basically interrogated. They basically had everything on camera anyway. She could be just said her side of the story and gone home.

Bit instead Ozpin had a chat with her and allowed a 15 year old into his school. All Ruby did through was fight some low level robbers so it was weird why she was allowed in Beacon early until the whole silver eyes thing came into play and we know what they can do.

You'll see what Akashi thinks in the next chapter.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed.

Have a nice day.