
Akashi Seijuro in RWBY

After an incident in his world Akashi suddenly appears in the world of RWBY. What will happen in this world? Who knows? ___________________________________________ Yeah I am shit author so don't expect much. I had this idea for awhile now so I decided to post this. Enjoy

Asce · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 11

" Thank you for your help Pyrrha, though you didn't have to. " Akashi said as he brought a box with him outside the shop.

" It's no problem. Plus I can't stand by and not help my friend out. " Pyrrha said as she chuckled while carrying another box with her.

" True but we would meet at Beacon anyway. " Akashi said as he smiled.

They placed the box's down in front of the shop where Akashis car was parked.

After the Regional Cup ended with the award ceremony right after, Akashi and Pyrrha had exchanged phone numbers as they hung out with each other.

Spars were the most frequent as they wanted to become stronger. They meet up frequently.

Akashi had thoight about what he should do after the Regional Cup ended. What he wanted to do the most was go and travel across remnant.

However he decided on going to Beacon to become a huntsman as he wanted the benefits of having a hunters licence. The most prominent was that he would have access to info that wouldn't be revealed to the public. That and he didn't have to hack into databases.

After deciding that he told Pyrrha who was happy as she told him she was applying as well.

' At least I will some competition. ' Akashi thought.

Akashi also spent his time training his aura and building his new car.

The car Akashi built was far more advanced than what was created on earth thanks to the technology on remnant.

The pain power source for the car itself is based on kinetic energy. Everytime the car moves the energy for engine is charged.

The principle is that the car will have infinite energy as every time the car moves the engine is charged and that energy is used to move the wheels.

The wheels are connected to 2 mechanisms. One is basically like a toy car that you pull back to charge the car, so when released the car moves.

The other mechnacism is also connected to the engine, however the engine powers the wheels to move.

This car doesn't need any dust and it is a secret that Akashi will keep. If it got out then Atlas would be the most common threat towards him because of General Ironwood and Jackace Schnee. Akashi already had an idea on their character thanks to his connections.

Other aspects of the car is that it contains many weapons. From guns to bombs if need be. It can also has an tank filled with a slippery substance useful in a car chase.

However the thing that Akashi changed about the car was it's ability to transform and have a flight mode.

Using the technology of the transport used in Atlas he indicted the same ability for the car to fly. The car itself also uses the energy from the kinetic energy that it gathered.

Along with this Akashi also installed an AI into the car which is also connected to his phone and other devices. The AI works with voice command.

" Seems like you gathered everything. "

Akashi turned his head towards the old man and walked towards him.

" Yes. " Akashi said before bowing towards him.

" Thank you for taking me in that day. " He said.

" Stop bowing you brat. " The old man yelled as Akashi stopped bowing.

" Sigh. You did well kid. I don't think I'll ever have a better student than you... mainly because I will never take another student." The old man said. Akashi just kept the his blank face as he looked at him.

" Well whatever. Go have fun with your life kid." He said as he walked back into his shop.

" Don't cry old man. " Akashi said.

" Who do you take me for?! " He yelled as he slammed the door.

Akashi chuckled as he loaded the box's in his car and went to the drivers seat.

" I guess I'll see you at Beacon. " Akashi said.

" Yeah. Though I still want a rematch at one point. " Pyrrha said.

" So do I. Well I'll get going. " Akashi said. Pyrrha nodded as she waved at Akashi as he drove off.

Akashi looked out the window as he looked at Mistral.

' Didn't expect for time to fly by so quickly. Well it doesn't matter. I can always visit this place again.

For now let's head over to vale. I need to find a place to stay and look around the area. '

" Alexa. Find the best course to get to Vale as quickly as possible. "

" Alright sir. "

A map was then shown on screen. Looking at the screen Akashi smiled as he then sped up as soon as he left Mistral.



Arriving in Vale, Akashi drove his car down the street as he looked around. He looked at the stores that were still open at the time considering he managed to get to Vale quicker than he expected.

' Not a bad thing. But now I need to find a place to stay. '

" Alexa. Give me a list of the places where I could rent a room for the next few days in Vale. "

" Right away sir....

I would recommend this hotel. The cost is low but the quality will suffice for the stay.It also has a parking lot for cars. "

" I see. Thank you. "

Akashi drove all the way to the hotel. Getting out he then rented a room and parked his car in the downstairs parking lot.

He then made his way to his room. His room was of good quality. It had one bed with a clean bathroom. It had enough room for him alone.

Setting his things down and organising them, Akashi wore a jacket as he then left the hotel.

' I'll go around to check the area for Vale. Mainly the dust shop that's located here. ' Akashi thought as he looked at his phone.

" Dust till Dawn. " Akashi muttered as he walked towards the shop.

Standing outside the store, Akashi took his time to peer through the glass as he looked inside before heading in.

The bell was struck as the sound echoed through the store alerting the store owner.

" Coming. "

The store owner was an old man with grey hair wearing an apron as he walked up to Akashi.

" Hello valued customer. What can I do for you? "

" I came here to collect some dust crystals. " Akashi lied as he already had enough. He just wanted to check the quality of the dust.

" Of course. The dust are in the back and are labelled. "

" Thank you. " Akashi said he walked toward the back. As he walked past the aimed he saw someone in the corner of his right eye.

The person was wearing a red cloak and had headphones on listening to music while reading a magazine.

' Seems to be a young girl. She looks strong. Possibly a huntsman in training around 15 to 16 years old. ' Akashi thought as he walked towards the back.

He looked at the crates and opened them up and inspected them.

' The dust crystals are more or less the same but it seems that this shop ended up getting the better ones. ' Akashi thought.

Before he could look some more he heard someone talking in the back.

" Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late? "



Sorry for not updating sooner. School is a pain as it literally sucked in most of my energy and brain cells couldn't think.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed.

Have a nice day.