
Lovely Things

"Yoonnie, I want to paint a mural in my room." Ran seem excited as she gaze at the one blank white wall in the room.

"It's your room now, you can paint whatever you like." Akane says, smiling fondly at the girl who seem to be looking for an angle tilting her head from side to side as she started at the wall intensely.

They had just unpacked and put the things accordingly to Ran's taste in her new room.

"I'll be down in the kitchen." Akane told Ran before making her way down the stairs towards the kitchen where she came to see the man already preparing the vegetables and such for the dinner.

"Hey," Akane comes and pull herself up to sit down by the countertop, then she steals a piece of chopped carrot and eats it so casually while the man starred at her in disbelief.

Joonki scoffs but only shakes his head and continues with his cooking, all the while bearing the gaze of Akane following his every move with her eyes. He chops the veggies and diced the chicken neatly and set the pan for the stew before he turn to face the woman.

"You're staring." Joonki bluntly comments, "What do you want?" he crosses his arms and raise his eyebrows.

"What's new?" Akane smirks, "You know how I like to admire pretty things. It's a fact." she shrugs her shoulders and lean back on her hands behind her with her legs parting suggestively.

"Don't be a tease if you're not gonna even let me kiss you." Joonki grumbles and went back to his stew, his lips in a pout and shoulders slouching.

Akane almost laughed but instead clears her throat and watches the man. She did said no to all the kisses and touches since Joonki was still literally married and was not single. If they cross the line and get intimate, it will be count as adultery and it didn't sit well with Akane. She don't want that kind of immorality into their house. After all things considered, she still have her standards and rules. But now that Joonki has divorced Suran officially (: finally) Akane thinks that they can move on with their relationship. Joonki is one piece of hot single parent now, ready to move on with life. With her, ofcourse.

"Hey single hot parent." Akane calls, her foot stretching forward and grabbing the man's hair and tugging it with her toe mischievously.

Joonki turns with a blank face and eyes the still stretching leg, then opens his mouth, "You did not just toe tug my hair."

"I just did~" Akane smirks while she folds her leg and pulls the man towards herself, to stand in-between her open legs at the edge of the counter.

"You're weird." Joonki comments but didn't move out and instead, he put the spoon away and hold his hands up to rest it on Akane's neck. His fingers massaging the muscles there. Well, she's inviting him so he should just take it.

"Well, your taste in women is weird in general then." Akane whispers as she warps her arms around Joonki's neck and pulling the man as close as they can get.

"Yoonnie are you sure?" Joonki still ask softly, just to be sure that Akane is finally letting him touch her like this.

"Yea." Akane nodded her head for a good measure and honestly, she would have guessed it that their first ever kiss after years of yearning will be a mess. A fucking mess of lips slick and shiny with salvia and limps tugging and stretching all over each other.

..and of course-

"MY POOR EYES!!!!!!!" Ran screams so loud that it startled the two adults.

Akane slid off the counter and fall down into the floor with Joonki below her.

For a second, they were stun then Akane started laughing at their situation, getting caught kissing by the kid is never fun you see.

"I'm sorry you had to see that darling." Akane chuckles as she pick herself up from the floor and waddles to the girl be the kitchen door, leaving the man stun still on the floor.

"Leave daddy, he's cooking chicken stew for us." Akane comments as she pull along Ran with her towards the sitting room.

"I would have lived better without getting the solid image of you two kissing you know." Ran complaints, eyes rolling dramatically and scoffing. While Akane just chuckles at her reaction to them.

"I'll answer any one of your question, ask." Akane offered, as a bait to forgive her for tainting their image like that. She sat down by the big couch and pull the girl to sit beside her.

"Anything?" Ran asks, eyes sparkling in curiosity as she stares in disbelief, because Akane don't say much normally or even give out hints when questioned about her past.

"Under reasonable line, yes." Akane replies, nodding her head for the good measure as she turn to sit sideways to look at the girl and observe her.

"Why did you started killing?" Ran questions, her eyebrows narrowing and her lips pouting, eyes searching for something as she looks up at the elder.

Akane wasn't fazed though, Ran has seen her kill those assassins back in the house months ago and at this point in her life there's not much which can actually surprise her.

"It's not like I wanted to," Akane starts, she took the girls hand in hers and softens her voice and tries to search her mind for the easy words to say for the child to understand.

"I wasn't forced into it per say, but.. but I had no choice. It started as a means of defence, than it turned into a way of surviving. The place I grew up in was not a good one and I had to do everything I can to survive just a day more. Killing someone or hurting someone in general is not a good choice but we do that in order to survive, to achieve something we want, either with good intentions or just to gain something we are interested in_"

"I can kill people for you too like you killed those men to protect me that day."

Akane was definitely startled to hear Ran commenting that. To kill for her.. it's a big thing and such loyal words for a little child to say so casually.

"Than I'll have to make sure you won't get the chance to." Akane breathes out a giggle and pull the girl into her arms for a tight hug. Ran pouts but smiles a second later and hugs back just as tightly as the older.