
It's the Park

Joon Ki decided to tell and come clean about his situation with Eun Yoon to Jin Kwang after some weeks.

"Don't tell me that it happened spontaneously, I don't believe that." Jin Kwang looks at Joon Ki pointedly, arms cross as he sat leaning back on his office chair, "You just ended things with your wife and the divorce have not even taken place. If words got out that you're seeing someone, your reputation gonna take that blow and no one will believe that Suran cheated on you."

"I know that hyung." Joon Ki sighs as his hands drums against the table, "I've been stressing and feeling depressed even before I found out Suran was cheating on me. We were falling apart already, Ran was the only thing keeping us in the same house. I did loved her, I married her didn't i? I just want to find happiness again, hyung. Ran likes Eun Yoon too. She even calls her mama Yoon, I overheard them once. It's sad but my daughter is coping with it by having her attention taken with Yoonnie and I'm happy to be with her too. She makes us happy and I'm just clinging to it. Yoonnie said she's not going to disappear again. She's everything to me, you understand that."

Jin Kwang glares at the younger man and clicks his tongue in distaste.

"She had been through a lot, please remember that. Don't be too public about your relationship with her, I don't need unnecessary scandal in my company. She may not look like it but she's delicate, and she loves you so make decision carefully after knowing the whole story. Don't jump into conclusion of your own and try to understand her."

Joon Ki didn't know what the other was trying to say but he listened and tried to keep it in his mind for later. He'll have to ask Yoonnie later.

"When are you going to tell daddy that you kill people?"

Akane stops folding the laundry and looks at the girl sitting on the bed with a laptop.

"How did you found out?" Akane ask, since she knows there's no point in denying and lying to the kid as smart as Oh Ran.

"I was curious so I search up on your new name on dark web."

Akane never stood so fast. She closed the laptop and pull the little girl into her arms and walk straight towards the guest room, were she is staying for a while now.

"Yoonnie?!" Ran clutches the older's shirt when sound of the front door opening came through the closed door of guest room.

"Hush.. quite now, I'm here so don't worry babygirl, okay?" Akane kissed Ran's forehead and urge the girl to quickly get under the bed, "I'll be right here to protect you, hide now love."

Akane knows it's not Joon Ki because the man always knock and call for his daughter to open the door for him, and it's still early evening for the man to come home. They are not expecting any guest too, and if they are a guest they will have rang the doorbell or knocked on the door for a response. The feeling Akane is getting, the bad vibes that's coming from the house is really unnerving and her guessing is rarely ever wrong. The guest room where she's staying is the safest room since it's the place where her weapons are and she had already checked this room for anything suspicious from outside. She went to the little walk in closet and pull out her secret stash of guns, strapping them around her torso and tights. Then her twin swords on her back. She took the gun on one hand and one of the swords on her right hand while she stood facing the door, waiting for the intruder.

The footsteps sounded through the hallway and Akane grips on the gun tighter. She is in her pyjama pants and oversized long sleeve shirt for fucks sake, even her hair was in the state of flying in the air from her messy bun. Whoever it is, they should be fucking brave to come up here.

The lock was shot open by a gun. Akane watch it explode and she could hear Ran gasp from under the bed. The broken door opens quietly and a man steps into the view. Akane shot him right at the man's head and the two more men behind that man went to hide behind the wall.

"Akane, I'm surprised you're really here." a voice sounded and it laughed. He spoked Japanese.

"Who are you, what do you want?" Akane speaks in Japanese, questioning back at the man.

"Let's fight like a real swordsman, I heard you're good."

"How can I trust someone like you who came uninvited and unwelcome?"

"I, Haruhi give you my word that if you defeat both me and my men here. You are free to go."

Akane accepted, she saw no other choice in which she can get Ran unharm from here. The two men came towards her wielding a sword in their hand. One against two, it wasn't fair but it was alright. Life was never fair to Akane.

They fought fiercely, cutting through the air with their swords and slicing towards the skins of each others body. Both men seem to be well practiced in swords. That Haruhi managed to cut her left tight when Akane was dodging the other man's sword and she fall on her one knee.

"Give up Akane chan." Haruhi smirks down at Akane and hold his sword to her neck.

"Never for the likes of you." Akane glares and stands up again to face the man. The other man was already bleeding from his guts where Akane wounded him, twice, but he's still standing. Now that she's down one leg, the only unharm is the man Haruhi.

"I heard you're good with tricks too, did you run out?" the man taunts her.

"I thought we are doing a fair fight." Akane replies, smiling at the man as she kicks the gun behind her towards under the bed. Maybe if Ran is strong enough, she can help her. If not, she still have one gun strapped to her waist and a sword on her back.

"Well, we never keep our words, now we?" Haruhi shrugs his shoulder and charges towards her and the other men also came from her side. Akane had to draw her other sword to block the incoming attacks.

"Who sent you?!"

"Got a contract, you're my target!"

"Who's paying?"

Akane stabs the unknown man right on his chest, finally on his heart and Haruhi came clashing their swords, backing up into the wall near the door.

"You know him, it's the Parks." Haruhi whispered leaning their face close to each other. He smiles at her and Akane chuckles at him for the bravery.

"I'm impressed." Akane comments and kicks the man off herself, making him fall on the floor, "They still want my head after all this years I spent in hell. Now tell me, which Park initiate this target?" she took the table and smashed it against the man, making him take the fall again. Then Akane kicks the man's sword away and pins him on the floor with her own sword pressing into his throat.

"It's the Park, I told you. What's the difference between the Parks you greatly despise?"

"There's a great difference, maybe you cannot understand even if I tell you." Akane states and let the sword cut through the neck till it thumps against the wooden flooring.

"Ran baby, close your eyes and come out but don't move from the bedside alright." Akane says as she pull out her sword from the man Haruhi, then she stands and reach for her other sword from the other man's chest. She wipes the blood on the man's clothes before sliding them back on its hold.

Ran was by the bedside but her eyes were not closed, she was staring down at the puddle of blood by on the floor, right below her.

"It's warm, the blood is warm Yoonnie." Ran look up at the older while she took a step forward with her sock clad foot on the blood.

Startled, Akane steps close and pull the girl into her arms, blocking the scene from her by pushing his face on her own chest.

"I told you to close your eyes why didn't you?" Akane softly scolds the child as she sidesteps the puddles of blood on the floor and walks out of the room and down towards the stairs.

"I wanted to see how dead people looks like after being killed only seconds ago." Ran replies but even though her voice sounded steady, she was pushing her face on the older chest and clutching her own t-shirt tightly. If she gets a trauma from this, Akane can't ever forgive herself for causing this.

"Yoonnie is here baby, I'm here for you." Akane coos when Ran took a harsh breath and pulls her arms around the older's neck, hugging her tightly.

It was difficult but Akane put Ran on the passage seat of her car with soothing words and kisses. Then she went back inside the house to grab the change of clothes for both of them and the first aid kid and a box of wet wipes. She came back and put the things from her arms into the back seat before getting in the driver seat and starting the engine to finally drive away from the house, away the neighbourhood itself.

'not home, don't go there. call me when you see this. I'll explain later.'

Akane pulls the car up to the side of the busy road, there's no one here and the bypassing are too busy on their own to notice them. She sat there taking a breather for some minutes to compose herself. Then she get on to help change Ran's house clothes into shorts and different t-shirt with light jacket. She took of the socks and wipes clean the blood coated foot with the wet tissues before making the kid wear new socks and shoes. Then she put the kid on the back seat to take a nap since Ran was feeling sleepy after the ordeal.

The slashed wound on her tight hasn't stop bleeding, the blood is oozing out slowly with her every shift. It stings and she had to peal off her pants off the drying blood from the skin around it. She took off her shirt and put it below her on the seat to prevent the blood from sticking into her seat more than it has. Then she quickly pull pours the alcohol directly on the wound before wiping them clean with the cotton. The sewing kid was in the first aid box so she made use of it and stitch up her wound before applying the cream and warping it up with the bandages. There are several small cuts on her right lower arm and a long cut on her left arm from her elbow to her wrist. Since non of them were deep, She just cleaned them, applied the cream and bandaged them all before wearing the clothes she brought for herself. She wipes cleaned the blood from her skin and dispose the blood stained clothes of theirs into a garbage bag to be thrown away later.