
Bloody Mary

"The night is young~" Akane says as she pull the man back down to the couch. She smiles as if she is drunk and wasted as she threw her self at the man.

They were in a private club, in the VVIP area in one of the rooms, and Akane is with her target, a man in his fifties who played an important part decade ago. She drug the man and invite herself over to the mans' hotel room. She dumped the man on the bed, two guards in the room opposite to them, keeping watch but she didn't mind.

3:36 am in the morning, Mr. Ming woke up but he was sober and only complaint about a slight headache. Akane watches him from the balcony door, arms by her side, her right hand holding a little dagger.

"Hello Mr. Ming," Akane greeted as she made her way towards the man. Ming gasped upon looking up and seeing her, he went pale as if he just saw a ghost and he started shivering.

"You knew my father, didn't you?" Akane raise her left eyebrow as she swings the dagger, cutting the air in front of the man, "Kim Yoon Hoon, the man you worked for many-many years ago. Don't tell you forgot who trusted you like his own brother and help you when you went almost bankrupt. It'll be a one failed lie, you see." she pull out a knife from under her floor length dress and drags it over the duvet, cutting into it and making the feathers there to fall out.

"Please miss, I would do anything. Please, just don't kill me." Ming pleaded, getting into his knees and bowing many times towards the women who looks the man the women mentioned. It was just uncanny. But the young Kim miss had been killed in the accident and people has never even heard of her existence since. How could this be? he was beyond terrified by the scary look in the woman's eyes.

"Please miss, I beg you. I have a family?" Ming got on the floor and kneel in front of the women.

"Tell me what you know." Akane crouch down in front of the man and cut a thin line on the mans' face, from the corner of his jaw to his chin with a wicked smile.

Ming bit his lips shut as to not scream at the pain of being cut open by a knife.

"I knew Yoon Hoon through our mutual friends , we met on a late night drinking at a street food stand. He was friendly and rich so I kept in contact with him and got close to him over the year. I intentionally led him into knowing about my financial problems and he fell on my trap and helped me with the money and saved me from going bankrupt. I never repay him other than doing a project for him in China. Then I met Park Min Hyun, he promised me a large sum for taking Yoon Hoon on a trip to America or Europe like that, and I did... I did what he asked me to because I wanted the money. Mrs.Kim and Park had an affair even when Yoon Hoon was alive. Someone told him but he loved his wife so much that he didn't believed it. Then-then.... during coming back from a business trip he saw them together, even then he denied it but Park Min Hyun came clean about the affair. Kim was heartbroken but the car accident was planned, it was a murder. He was a responsible and calm person so it was unlikely of him to be drunk and driving in the middle of the night. It was planned by Park and some members of the board. They were jealous of him. They wanted his property. The case was drop since the doctor confirmed that he died in the accident itself. They even gave me some share when Park got hold of the company. I never knew they had it planned, I never wanted Kim to die please believe me. I have nothing to do with his death please."

"So like a coward, they killed my father with a car crash." Akane tilts her head to the left and cut another line on the mans' face, right above the first cut, she cut the cheek a little deeper. The man whimpers and started full on crying, shoulders shaving up and with ugly tear drops but he didn't dare move or fight back since it'll be useless. He didn't even dare look up. He was pale with blood running down to his neck then drenching his white shirt and grey coat.

"Stop shaking, I'm carving your sins." Akane let out a frustrated sigh, threw the dagger on top of the bed and grab hold of the man's face, "There-there." she slapped the man twice by the flat side of her knife.

"Where I grew up there's a kind of a rule," Akane move back and sat down in front of the man, "If you can't pay the debt, for every thousand they'll cut off your one finger. Do you know who does that?" she questions

"Yakuza." Ming's voice was trembling, hands on his lap clenching.

"Good." Akane claps her hand before tapping the marble floor of the hotel room with her knife, "Hands flat on the floor."

Ming didn't so Akane use strength and hold his hand down flat on the floor then cut the fingers off one by one of the left hand, not minding how the man was shivering and crying with ugly sobs wrecking his fame.

"Please... young miss spare me." Ming cried ugly. It was gross.

"I'm not gonna kill you silly, you're just paying me back," Akane hushed the man, "For an old man, your fingers bone structure is kinda pretty. To bad, I have to cut it for the payment."

Then she reach for the other hand and hold it down and started cutting the fingers off while humming a tune as if she's not making a bloody mess on the floor, soaking the carpet near them on the floor and even some part of her own black dress.

"Done~" Akane lean forward and wipes the knife with the man's coat before standing up and putting the knife back on its hold. She picks up the dagger and from the bed and her hand bag from the night stand. She put the dagger back in the bag before coming to stare down at the finger less man crying on the floor.

"I'll call you guards, you'll survive so dont cry like a little kid. Even I didn't cried hard like this when they raped me and I was fourteen. You're an pathetic man Ming."

Akane dumped a glass of water on each two guards in the room next door before making her way out of the floor, down by skipping the stairs, flirting with the staff when she bump intentionally on the managers back and leaving after kissing the manager goodbye playfully.

Akane got another prey to catch before dawn and she was in a good mood, singing Bloody Mary in the dead of the night as she bounce on her steps towards a certain hospital.