
Akame ga KILL: Killer

In 1937 before scientists of Reich the task to deduce "true Aryan", superhuman has been put. The results surpassed any expectations - among thousands of "true Aryans" several unique ones were bred, which were given the code name "crowned". In 1940, an unknown spatial anomaly was found in the occupied territory of Poland. After its discovery, research into the nature of the portals began, and as a result, the most prominent among the "crowned ones" went missing. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Chapter 40

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Leon, lying on the sand, looked at the peacefully sleeping girl who was sleeping on his chest, not forgetting to hug the boy. Looking at Esdeath, a slight smile appeared on Leon's face. His hand reached for the girl's head, stroking it, feeling the softness of her long blue hair.

As he stroked the girl, the young man thought. He had thought about it before: what would happen if someone found out the truth - that he was from another world. But each time Leon came to the opinion that no one would believe him. First of all, he would have to prove it, which was almost impossible: unknown language - a foreigner; strange clothes - no one would be surprised by that in the Empire; unknown weapons - invented in his homeland; strength - rare in this world, but at the same time a normal phenomenon, etc. Leon himself would never tell the truth, for he would simply be sent to a mental hospital for treatment, for it sounds like the ravings of a madman.

The fact that Esdeath had learnt his secret for the first time had stunned the lad greatly. Even more mentally shocking to him was the way the girl had found out about it. Even now Leon couldn't explain why Esdeath had dreamt about his sister, and if she had learnt his real name from her, it couldn't be called a dream. As much as he wanted to, Leon told the truth and expected the girl to react accordingly. However, the way Esdeath took it all calmly surprised him. As she put it, "What difference does it make? You are my lover, whether in this world or the other." Then Leon felt as if he felt a little lighter on his soul. He was not so much afraid of being thought a lunatic as he was afraid of being looked at differently. But Esdeath was still looking at him the same way... with kind, loving eyes.

But what came next... when she saw him about to enter the portal that could bring him back. Then, looking into the girl's eyes, Leon felt such a weight of guilt before her that words cannot express. Leon had behaved selfishly towards the one who loved him: he was almost ready to leave her alone on the island, while he himself would have gone to his homeworld. And before that he had behaved rather coolly with Esdeath, though he sometimes felt a warmth that he did not notice. Leon himself had not realised until a certain point that he liked this girl.

When Esdeath kissed him, it was as if something switched inside. His thoughts emptied and his doubts disappeared. Then he kissed the girl back and said something that he realised only now. And further... they both went about their desires.

Remembering all this, Leon could only grin to himself, for now he would have to take responsibility. But now, in a good way, it was time for them to go back.

- Esdeath, get up. - Leon whispered in the girl's ear.

- Mmm...

- I know you're awake. Your breathing gives it away.

- Five more minutes...

- Get up, you'll still have time.

Esdeath looked at Leon with indignation. Her whole look said that the girl didn't want to get up and was ready to protest.

- Believe me, I don't want to get up either, but I have to.

- Just. Five. Minutes. - Esdeath said stubbornly, laying her head back on Leon's chest.

Humming at Esdeath's request, Leon continued stroking the girl's head, but to make the time pass faster, he decided to strike up a conversation.

- Did you take advice from someone? - Leon asked, remembering the night before. - You acted quite confidently, as if you always knew how to do it....

- Balls' wife. She was experienced at it, so I would sometimes drop in on her with questions. You were pretty good at it, too, by the way.

- Love novels...some authors like to add unnecessary detail to the love part.

- Ha ha ha. - Esdeath laughed. - I've read them too, so I know what you mean.

- Did Balls' wife teach you how to scratch and bite too? - Leon asked, rubbing his slightly bitten neck.

- No, I taught myself... I thought you liked it.

- And why would you think that?

- Let me demonstrate. - Esdeath moved closer to Leon's neck and began to nibble on it. The young man's face turned red, his breathing became heavier at once... it was a really pleasant sensation. The girl stopped only when she felt something resting against her. Pulling away from the guy's neck, she hovered over him and spoke with a smirk on her face: "I feel that you liked it. - Murmured the girl.

Taking Esdeath by the shoulders, Leon pulled her to the ground, hovering over her. However, the girl's face did not change at all.

- Do you really want to do it again...? Personally, I don't mind. - Wrapping her arms around Leon's neck, Esdeath said.

- I don't mind either. But first... - repeating Esdeath's actions, the boy moved closer to her neck, nibbling on it. The girl experienced all the same sensations as Leon, the only difference being that a sweet moan came out of her mouth. Leon looked at Esdeath and, showing her a similar grin, as if teasing her, he said: "I feel you like it.

Esdeath, pulling up to Leon, only kissed him, then said:

- 'There's no need for us to rush... so let's enjoy this last day on the island.

- Let's..." Leon agreed, kissing Esdeath again.


Anna sat in her office with the expression of a man who had won the war. Under the drug and torture Shura had told her everything, and Alec had got even more out of his thoughts. Now she has to find a suitable gift for Yaga, because if it wasn't for her dictaphone, Shura's guilt of involvement in the monster attack could not be proved. And also, as it turned out, he was involved in the death of two members of the Huntsmen, namely Stailish and Nyau. All the proof and evidence Anna handed over to Budo and then to Onest. The trial didn't take long, and the Emperor sentenced Shura to life imprisonment... Onest still had mercy on his only offspring - he saved him from execution by persuasion. The girl is more than sure that in a year or a couple of months Onest will be able to get Shura pardoned and released from prison, but until then he will sit in one of the strictest prisons in the Empire.

- General, an urgent report! - burst into the office and announced Seriu, remembering to salute. - The Night Raid has arrived!

Within an hour, Anna was at the scene of the attack. From the words of the investigators who were first on the scene, the main target of the Reid was the young aristocrat Buck - at least the estate where the murder took place belonged to him. Besides the owner of the manor and the guards, there were three other old men who were influential merchants in the Capital City.

- So Reid's back in action....

- Did you say something? - Ran asked. After Esdeath disappeared, he had become the new commander of the Huntsmen, even though Budo had handed over control of them to Imperpol.

- Just thinking out loud, don't mind me. Tell me, did the investigators find anything else?

- Apart from the dead guards, nothing new.

- I see. Have they interviewed any witnesses?

- They said they didn't see anyone, just heard the sounds of a struggle.

- So again nothing... - Anna took out a packet of cigarettes, immediately smoked and began to think actively. The girl did not believe that after such a long lull they would just go back to eliminating aristocrats... their goal is completely different. - There was a reason they had become active again.

- You think the Night Raid is up to something?

- Yes... but not in the Capital. I think they're killing again just for the money.

- Wouldn't it be easier for them to ask the Revolutionary Army for funds?

- Perhaps they're trying to remind the people of themselves.

- Or to attract attention.

- It's also possible. We won't know for sure now, but your squad had better be ready. And you'd better start keeping your ears open while patrolling the streets.

- I'll pass that on to the others.

- I'll see you then. A copy of the case file will be sent to you.

- Understood... Mrs Anna, can I ask you a question?

- You may.

- When is your day off?

- Next week. Why do you ask?

- Here's the thing... do you mind... if I take you for a walk? - Ran asked with a hesitation.

- I don't mind, but where?

- In Central Park, sometime in the afternoon.

- Hmm... I'll come. - Anna agreed, stopping smoking her cigarette.

- Thank you. I'll see you at the weekend, then.

As soon as Ran left the crime scene, Anna continued her work. She was unlikely to find out why Rade had reactivated, but she still hoped to find some clue.


Holding the Shambala teigu in his hand, Leon prepared to open the portal. The only thing holding him back was not knowing how the teigu worked - there was a chance that the portal would take them further away from the Empire or to another world altogether, something Leon had little desire for. All that remained was to mentally prepare himself.

- I'm ready. - Esdeath's voice came from behind him. The girl, like the boy, was in her general's uniform.

- Then I will begin. - Putting his hand with the amulet in front of him, Leon said: - Shambhala! Activation! - After these words, a luminous circle with a bright Yin and Yang symbol was formed on the sand.

- Still, I'll ask. What are the chances that this portal leads to your homeworld? - Esdeath decided to ask.

- Very slim. But if we do get there, how would you react?

- It would definitely be a very entertaining experience. But you know... I don't mind seeing your world. - Esdeath said with a chuckle.

The pair entered the circle and disappeared in a white flash, leaving that vast island behind.