
Akame ga KILL: Killer

In 1937 before scientists of Reich the task to deduce "true Aryan", superhuman has been put. The results surpassed any expectations - among thousands of "true Aryans" several unique ones were bred, which were given the code name "crowned". In 1940, an unknown spatial anomaly was found in the occupied territory of Poland. After its discovery, research into the nature of the portals began, and as a result, the most prominent among the "crowned ones" went missing. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Chapter 35

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The two generals returned to the Capital late at night and separated almost immediately. It was inconvenient for Leon to get to the headquarters of the Secret Imperial Police from the palace, so he refused the second offer to spend the night in Esdeath's apartment.

Wishing only a good night, Leon returned to his home and before going to bed, he decided to fill out his diary. He took a small book out of his desk drawer and opened it and began to write down the events of the last few days, from the battle in the Imperial Coliseum to the hunt in the Ornngol forest. When he finished, he put the diary back and looked at his belongings before closing the box: the Iron Cross, the swastika armband, the iron eagle, and the dead SS head. But he didn't look at these things for long; closing the box and putting it back in the desk drawer, the guy started to take off his uniform. A good night's sleep was needed before tomorrow.


Back in her apartment, Esdeath's first order of business was to take a shower. The plan to hunt down dangerous monsters had completely failed, and instead she had to deal with Nakaido's defecting army as well as her own. On the other hand, she was happy with this arrangement: she could spend more time with Leon and learn a little about his homeland, and she could eliminate General Nakaido, thus preventing the revolution from adding a talented and experienced strategist to its ranks.

Stepping out of the shower, the girl collapsed onto the bed. It had been a busy day, and tomorrow she would have a new group of teigu owners under her command, so she needed to get some sleep. Except...

Esdeath shifted her gaze to the couch where Leon was sleeping and remembered how she had laid down next to him. A slight blush appeared on her face - sleeping with him in her arms had been warm and pleasant, but now... Esdeath caught herself thinking that she felt lonely, even though it seemed that they had separated only an hour ago.

- Nothing... I'll see him again tomorrow. - said the girl, closing her eyes. - ...He will love me.


As he approached the headquarters of the Secret Imperial Police, Leon felt as if he hadn't been here for three days, but three months, which was unusual. He pushed his thoughts away and walked through the front door. He was about to show his ID, but stopped when he saw a familiar face.

- Your documents..." River interrupted, seeing the young man's face, "...nts. - he finished.

River was standing behind the counter in his Imperial officer's uniform at the moment. Leon hadn't expected to see him here, but he remembered his request and handed him the documents, noticing the old man's prosthetic hands as he accepted the papers.

- I didn't expect to see you here.

- It's all thanks to Anna. I wanted to continue my military service, but because of my reputation, I was simply rejected. When she found out about it, she offered me a simple job at the Imperial Headquarters. Well... I didn't mind, I don't have much to do in retirement. - River told me, while checking my papers. - It's all right. You may pass. - he said, saluting and handing the papers back.

Leon accepted the documents and, leaving the former general of the Empire, headed towards Anna's office. Along the way, the soldiers and officers who passed him saluted him, congratulating their commander on his recovery. Upon reaching the door to the office of the head of Imperpol, Leon knocked and, after receiving permission to enter, went inside.

- Leon! You can't imagine how happy I am to see you. - Anna greeted him cheerfully.

- Did something happen?

- Fortunately, no. The Night Raid has gone to ground and is not showing any activity. So all that's left is paperwork and checking up on anyone suspected of aiding the revolution. How are you feeling, by the way?

- The sick leave has been good for me.

- That's good to hear. And now that you're back, you can get to work right away.

- I got it. - said Leon, saluting and leaving Anna's office.

Back at his workplace, Leon immediately began to do the usual paperwork - even wondered how Anna did it all alone. While Leon was busy with the accumulated paperwork, his colleagues gradually started to come to his office: Hector and Alec came together and congratulated him on his recovery, wondering how he was feeling; Nero and Alec also came by with a request to arrange training for their fighters; the next guest was Mia, who came just to congratulate him on his recovery. The last one was Seriu - she was the most happy about Leon's recovery and immediately started to fulfil her commander's tasks.

Leon did not notice how quickly time flew: it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. And it was at this time Anna came into the office with news.

- Leon, get up, we need to go to the palace.

- And why do we need to go there? - Leon decided to ask.

- Today a special group of teigu owners will be assembled under the command of Esdeath. And since we will be working together, we need to be there.

- I see." said the boy, rising from his chair. - Serju, when you're done with the job you've been given, take care of the training with the specialists.

- Got it. Koro and I will give it our best!

- Kyung~ Kyung~.

- Let's go Leon, we better not be late.

- Got it. Also, Serue...'' Leon said before leaving the office.

- М?..

- Don't overwork yourself.

- I will! - She nodded enthusiastically as she continued working on the documents entrusted to her.

Leon left the office and followed Anna. After they left the headquarters building, they were met by a carriage in which Anna sat down and invited Leon to sit next to her, which he did.

- You are thoughtful. - Anna said as the carriage moved off.

- Hmm?

- I sometimes look at the way you behave in front of Seriu, and I get the feeling that you don't care about her as a subordinate, but rather... as a sister.

- To be honest, I did have a little sister.

- You've never brought up your relatives before. What's changed?

- A lot, Anna. A lot.

- I know how hard it is to lose people. My mother died of an illness when I was thirteen. She wasn't a soldier fighting for her country like my father, she was a doctor who wanted to help people. If an epidemic broke out somewhere, she was already there to quell it. If there is a war, she is almost continuously treating the wounded so that they can return home alive. And once she was brought to the hospital a wounded father, who, as he told me himself, was almost at the end of the world. She performed surgery and my father survived and for the next week watched her treat and care for the wounded as well as himself. That's when he realised he had fallen in love, and when he recovered he confessed his love to her straight away... in truth, she turned him down then. Many rescued men confessed their love to her and often offered her a trouble-free and happy future. But my father was more stubborn... Ha ha ha, as I recall now, he tapped his connections in the spy network and a week later knew more about my mother than her parents did: favourite foods, holiday destinations, hobbies, entertainment and so on. "In love as in war!" - that's what he used to say. In the end, he won that war, his mother's heart melted, and she accepted his proposal. And soon after, I was born to them.

- It's a touching story.

- Yes... but the ending is sad. A new epidemic broke out in the east of the Empire, and while my mother was researching the disease, she contracted it herself. For a couple of months she lay on her bed so exhausted she couldn't eat without help, and then the next day her father noticed she wasn't breathing. - tears came to Anna's eyes, which she wiped away with a handkerchief. - I've never seen my father so distraught. He was depressed for about a month, and then he began to take a serious interest in my upbringing. I remember, when I turned fourteen, I had to make a serious choice whether I wanted to be a doctor or a soldier. Unlike my mother, I had a poorer understanding of medicine, so I followed in my father's footsteps. As a result, instead of saving people, I started to protect them.

- Such a daughter is something to be proud of.

- Huh... You sound just like my father. What about your sister?

- She was the last and dearest member of my family. Always kind, cheerful, joyful and obedient. - Leon was silent for a moment. - I remember... when I lost her... it felt like the whole world stopped existing. But then the psychologists were able to bring me out of my depression, but still... the pain of the loss is still there. As for Seriu... she's a bit like her: also radiates kindness and sincerity, just like her sister. I'm aware of her mental imbalance, but still, I'm counting on being able to channel her desire to do justice. - Leon shifted his gaze to the window and looked up at the sky. - 'Anna, may I ask you to... help me with a grave for my sister?

- Of course.

- Thank you... It's very important to me.

- We're friends. And friends are supposed to help each other.

- Friends? - Leon was a little surprised.

- Aren't we?

- No, no... We're friends.

- By the way, we're already here. - When Anna said that, the carriage stopped and the girl opened the door and got out of the carriage, followed by Leon.

After presenting their IDs to the palace guard, Leon and Anna were able to go inside and head towards the conference room where the members of the new group of Teigu owners were to meet.

When they reached the right room, Anna was the first to enter the office and froze for a second when she saw the masked man. But realising who it was, she nodded and went to the window.

- Balls? - Leon turned, recognising the man who sat at the desk with his hands folded on his legs.

- Le..." he wanted to say the young man's name, but when he noticed his epaulettes, he corrected himself. - General Leon?!

- We can go without formalities now, so just "Leon". - said the young man, holding out his hand to Balls.

- Whatever you say, Leon. - he said, shaking hands.

- Do you know each other? - Anna asked.

- Yes, a couple of months ago I helped his wife find her daughter.

- And I'm still grateful to you for that! But it's rather unusual... not even a year has passed and you've already become a general.

- The Empire loves a strong man.

- You know, to be honest, I'm very pleased to see you. Familiar faces give me confidence.

- And you're still so shy around strangers... By the way, how's your family?

- They're fine. My daughter is studying with a tutor and wants to become an artist in the future. I have her drawing with me, by the way... here it is! - Balls took out a slightly wrinkled sheet of paper from his pocket and handed it to Leon.

Accepting the drawing, Leon began to look at it. For a five-year-old child, Bols's daughter was really good at drawing. The only embarrassing thing was that she had depicted her father wearing the gas mask he was currently wearing.

- I apologise for the inappropriate question, but... do you take off your gas mask at home? - the young man asked, returning the sheet.

- Well... yes... I do. - he hesitated.

- Well, who am I to pry into your private life? - Leon said hastily, going to the window where Anna was standing.

- By the way, my father has long wanted to meet you in person. I hope you don't mind meeting him after Esdeath introduces us to her squad? - Anna asked as Leon approached her.

- I don't mind, I'm kind of interested in meeting him myself.

- Then decide...

- Hello! I'm a sailor, I'm in the Imperial Navy! I..." A dark-haired guy who was holding a bag of fish, judging by the smell of it, walked through the door that opened sharply. He wanted to introduce himself, but when he noticed the three eyes focused on him, he became quiet.

When he saw Balls, he was frightened and thought that he was in the wrong room, but when he saw the two generals standing near the window, he felt a bit of an idiot with his greeting.

- P-excuse me... I'm going to sit here. - said the dark-haired man and sat down on the edge of the table.

The guy clearly felt out of place. On the one hand a creepy masked man staring at him, and on the other two generals who were also looking at the newcomer with interest.

- My name is Wave. Nice to meet you. - More delayedly he introduced himself.

Then the door to the hall opened again and a black-haired young girl of about sixteen or seventeen walked in, who looked vaguely familiar to Leon. She sat down at the table and, placing the pouch on it, began to eat the biscuits as if nothing had happened, and the smell of the spices was quite unusual to Leon.

The next to enter the hall was Niau, whose head was bandaged. The first thing he wanted to do when he saw Leon was to run out of the room at full speed, but his fear of the lady was stronger, so he sat down at the table and turned his head so as not to meet the one-eyed man's gaze.

The door opened again and rose petals flew into the room, causing confusion among everyone present, and then a man with spiky black hair and a white scientific dressing gown walked in.

- First impressions are the most important... especially for someone as stylish as me. - he said, looking at everyone in the room with an appraising gaze. - Oh, my God!" the man exclaimed, spotting Leon and running up to him. - The facial features, and what a shape!... Except that the missing eye spoils the picture a bit, though it gives some masculinity. If you like, I can do a little magic on you.

- Doctor, you'd better sit down and be quiet. - Leon asked politely for the time being.

The Doctor actually did so, after focusing his attention on Veiwa.

- You're all right, too. - He turned to the boy this time. - A complete redneck on the outside, but so... Shall we go somewhere private?

Wave turned pale at his suggestion.

- Looks like I'm the last one.

A young blond man with golden eyes entered the hall. He wore a white tunic and was holding a book.

- Hi, I'm Wave, nice to meet you. - introduced himself, looking like a squeezed lemon.

- I'm Ran. Nice to meet you.

This was the last person from the squad that was expected in this hall... there was only one person missing. Leon looked at Anna with a mute question, which she understood perfectly well and only shrugged in response.

- I've made tea. - Balls spoke up, starting to arrange the cups of tea. - Sorry for not introducing myself... I'm a bit shy around people, so I was nervous. I'm Balls from the sweep squad, nice to meet you all.

- Yeah, me too. - Wave said awkwardly, accepting the tea from the man.

- General Leon, General Anna. I'm sorry I didn't make you tea, I was told there would only be six of you. If you'd like, I can make some.

- No need to bother, really. - Anna stopped him.

- If you say so.

The door opened again and a masked girl came in, one that Leon and Anna would recognise from a thousand, especially with that long blue hair.

- I don't recognise either of you! What are you doing here! - she asked.

Leon and Anna looked at each other, searching for an answer to the question: What kind of show was she putting on?

- Hey! We were invited here for a special... - Esdeath didn't let Weyve finish, sending him into the nearest wall with a kick.

Next she attacked Ran, who skilfully began to block her blows.

"He's not bad." - Esdeath remarked.

The black-haired girl struck next, and would have succeeded in catching the girl off guard had Esdeath not turned towards her at that moment. Esdeath dodged the katana's attack and kicked the brunette to Wave. And already the next target she chose was the one-eyed guy who was standing peacefully by the window together with Anna.

Having realised the girl's intentions, Leon prepared to block her blows. And so it happened - if the same Ran blocked Esdeath's attacks skilfully, Leon did it masterfully. Esdeath was gaining momentum with each blow, attacking faster and harder, which didn't stop him from continuing to block them.

- You're playing games, Esdeath. Take that mask off. - Anna brought her out of her semi-fighting trance, holding her teigu revolver at the level of her stomach so that Esdeath wouldn't notice it.

- Hm... - the girl finally noticed that she had a gun pointed at her and stopped attacking the young man. - Nice move, Anna.

Esdeath took off her mask, allowing everyone present to see her face.

- Mr General Esdeath!!! - surprised Balls.

- It is a pleasure to welcome you all to the new squad of teigu owners. I guess I don't need to introduce myself.

- Quite an unusual way of checking in though. - said Ran.

- That's the way of the mistress...' muttered Nyau.

- Have you had a chance to meet them, by the way? - Esdeath asked, pointing at the two generals.

- We will introduce ourselves. - Anna began. - I am Colonel General Anna Volkova and I am the head of the Secret Imperial Police, and this is my deputy, Major General Leon Koenich. Given that your squad and our organisation share a common goal of finding and then eliminating criminal and terrorist organisations, it was unanimously decided to work together. I hope we'll get along well.

- Anna has told you everything, I have nothing more to add. Now we just have to put on our costumes for the special meeting, and then we'll have a party. By the way, Anna, you and Leon are invited too.

- We'll be there.

Esdeath nodded and led her troop, before looking at Leon with a kind smile.

- I see you and Esdeath had a good three-day weekend.

- Yes, if I may say so.

- Let's go. By the time the Emperor's audience is over and they're getting ready for the party, we'll have just enough time to meet my father.

- Let's go. - Leon agreed, following Anna.

Leaving the conference room, the two generals walked down the ornate corridors of the palace. Anna's father's office was three floors above, and the palace was not small in size. On the way Leon noticed a kind of agitation on the part of the girl - it was indicated by a twitching hand, which wanted to take cigarettes out of his pocket.

- Is something wrong, Anna?

- Hm? No, nothing's wrong. I'm just thinking about an unpleasant subject.

- I see.

When she got to the right floor and found the office of General of the Army Alexander Volkov, Anna was about to knock, but the door opened abruptly and out came the man every soldier of the Empire knows - Generalissimo Budo. A tall muscular man with spiky blond hair and blue eyes, shrouded in dark grey armour - this man looks intimidating, and his aura speaks of great military experience and strength. On his way out, Budo turned his attention to the two generals, and especially to the young one-eyed youth.

- I take it you are the young general who defeated the three teigu owners? - Budo addressed Leon.

- I am, Generalissimo. - Leon answered him firmly.

- Your name is Leon, isn't it? Hold out your hand.

Leon did not ask stupid questions and fulfilled the man's request. Budo shook his hand firmly, and it felt as if he wanted to squeeze it.

- You are indeed strong for your age. And you also didn't flinch at my presence, which speaks to your courage. - Budo said as he stopped clenching his palm. - I am usually suspicious of people from other lands who join the Imperial army, but I recognise your service to the Empire.

- I am honoured to hear you say that.

- Well, I have no time to talk now, so I must leave you. - After these words, Budo left, leaving Leon and Anna standing further back near the entrance to the office.

- Was this some kind of test?

- Yes. And I'd say you passed. - Anna said, walking over to the door and banging on it.

- Come in. - came a gruff old man's voice.

The first to enter the office was Anna. Standing in front of the army general, the girl wanted to salute, but a simple movement of her father's hand stopped this action.

- Did you want something, Anna?

- I brought someone to see you.

Leon came inside and stood in front of Anna's father and saluted him.

- I was wondering when I could meet you, Leon Könich. Anna, could you leave us alone for a while?

- Of course. - Anna left the office and there were only two people left inside.

Leon glimpsed Volkov's office, and in general it was similar to Anna's, but more richly furnished. And Alexander Volkov himself looked like a man of mature age with grey beard and hair, and also, though not outwardly, reminded Leon of Otto von Bismarck.

- Sit down, there's no need to stand.

- Thank you.

Volkov nodded and, opening a desk drawer, took out a wooden box and put it on the table.

- Anna told me a lot about you: strong, clever, talented. I would never have believed it if it hadn't been for all the progress you and Anna have made. - he said, opening the box and pulling out two glasses and a bottle of cognac. - ...I keep it for special occasions. - he explained, pouring the liquid into the glasses.

- Mr Volkov, may I ask you a very straightforward question?

- Of course.

- Is there a coup planned?

The atmosphere in the office changed dramatically. Volkov, having closed the bottle, put it aside, put one glass in front of Leon and the other in front of himself, and rested his head on his crossed arms.

- Anna? - The man asked, looking straight into the young man's eye.

- Me." replied Leon.

- 'Ha ha... And yet she warned me. She said... that you're clever and sooner or later you'll figure it out for yourself. - grinned Volkov, drinking a little.

- How long ago?

- When everything started to go to hell. Onest is confident that he's keeping the whole situation under his umbrella while he controls the Emperor, and he can't see that the ice under his feet is already cracking. And how do you feel about all this, now that you know?

- Honestly. I don't.

- Really?

- Firstly, you've already got me involved in all this. And secondly, I still remember the words I once said to Anna: "I gave my word that I would serve the Empire under your command. So... all I ask is that you give me my orders." And nothing has changed since that day, I'm still awaiting orders.

- You're a strange guy, Leon. - he said, sipping his brandy again. - But loyal, and that's what I respect about you.

- So what's next?

- And then... we'll just talk. - said the man, moving the glass of cognac closer to the young man.

As Volkov had said, the usual conversation began, in which they discussed: the internal problems of the Empire, the revolution, neighbouring states, the pros and cons of military service and the coup itself. Leon learnt not much from Alexander's words, but enough to draw conclusions. In any case, the task would not be easy, especially if we take into account the fact that if any of Onesta's cronies found out about it, the whole plan would go down the drain.

The conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door, which opened and Anna came into the office.

- I hope you've had enough to talk about, because Esdeath is already finishing her preparations. - reminded the girl.

- Go on. We'll still have time to talk.

- See you later. - Leon said, putting on his cap and leaving the army general's office.

- You were lucky to find such a friend, Anna. - Volkov said, looking at the painting of him and his wife.