
Akame ga kill - Revenge of the Ban tribe

Esdeath won, she crushed the Ban tribe's rebellion, however, she allowed all the women of the tribe to be raped and abused by her army, and all this while the defeated tribesmen were forced to watch all the humiliation. Among these warriors was a young man who watched everything with pity and hatred, the young man died of hatred watching his sister suffer...... a soul of the earth merges with the soul of the poor warrior, this time the worst nightmare of the empire was born

dogassnetorare · Anime & Comics
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MC skill and system

MC = Antares

(he has the same appearance as Antares from solo leving)

[photo here]

Antares Teigu = a crystal that simulates a unique dragon organ

Name = Dragon Throat, grade SS

Abilities = Primary Ability; allows control of all fire around, in addition it can generate and create self-fire from the throat, the fire is SS grade and becomes the hottest fire in the world.

Secondary Ability = Dragon Physique; increase in strength, stamina, speed and all other stats to a higher level than any human, mental abilities become perfect

Teigu Trump Card = high healing ability, can use once a month and regenerate any wound the user has


Explanation of the system

As it is in chapter 1, the system will be incomplete, it will only have the status and function of summoning

can invoke anything but the system is incomplete making it impossible to earn points so MC will only use this function once a month because it's the free chance