
Akagi-sama: War is love

Akagi Shinomiya is the youngest child of the incredibly prestigious Shinomiya group, asserting his position as genius among geniuses. All the time he spend on top of financial and immense wealth and his obsession in nationalistic idea has develop feelings for the old glory days! War is love, and their battle to make the other nation kneel begins now! Seriously, this is my first writing. The world is a blend mix of others fandom like most non-dimensional travelling system fic. Maybe later. Also warning to those who had sensitive political leaning since I'll mention it a lot here. Otherwise, please do enjoy. Grammar and quality might be terrible in exchange of fast update rate, and if you want to sue me for ownership or other things, please don't bother, I barely able to afford monthly bill as it is.

Stalkah · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

The Little Step of Magic: Russia Edition

Boris drove us afterward to the hotel after the… err… our exploration venture. He's a nice honest man, if only everyone's like that, I would be a happier man. After having a light banter, he went home.

Hayasaka seemed glad that we finally reached the hotel by the look of her face. Technically we've been here for 3 days already, which means the remaining 4 days are free! Ah, I'm glad to be out of that stink hole of a cave, now I can practice my magecraft with leisure albeit staying out of Ai radar.

"You still do think of whatever things are inside that cave, Akagi-sama, don't you?" Ai asked from behind, in fact we're inside the bathtub. I leaned and rested my back towards her developing chest with pure intention.

Well to her, I'm just a 10-year-old brat who barely developed his hair. So, nothing bad should happen, maybe. I should cherish moments like this. Ah, truly while I have a complex about my apparent height, I still do love tall girls.

Ai western trait is prominent than mine despite being a quarter-irish, and her height is fairly more developed than most of her peers.

I mulled at her question, sighing, and enjoying the steam coming out of the hot water. "Hmm, not really. It's best to forget it, for now. Though I might have to send someone to investigate it since its proximity is close to the factory land I'm about to build."

"Why not report it to the local government?"

"Huh? How preposterous, it's sealed and forgotten for a reason."

"I see."

"Forget about the stressful stuff, in fact I should apologize for doing something reckless."

"No, Akagi-sama. I'm just glad you can crack your stubbornness."

"Huh? Are you implying I'm thick headed!?"

"Yes, you are. Akagi-sama. I can't imagine what Belfast and Mother must endure to satisfy your baseless whim."

Ah. I remember now. If I can recall, I forced Belfast and Nao to kill someone, am I? Though they look fine afterward. Well, Ai might soon be added to the list. I grimly thought. I should hire a dedicated psychiatric soon.

"You're making weird face, Akagi-sama."

Am I? I feel I never twitch a muscle since I'm here on her lap. "I don't, you're imagining."

"I do, Akagi-sama. After all I have lived with my mother and Kaguya-sama far longer than you. It looks like a trait within Shinomiya after all."

Perhaps it's true, rather than inherited trait it's more like a coping mechanism from learning about the harsh environment. I said harshly, because every step you've done will be heavily scrutinized.

"Ai, can we stay forever like this." I said, sinking my back deeper.

"You sound like an old man now Akagi-sama."

While bickering, and enjoying the distinct warmth of her skin, the night passes. I woke up in the middle of night, I saw Ai at the bedside with only a white shirt and underwear. Cute.

I get up, the darkness of the room didn't hinder me from moving. I saw the clock pointed towards number one. Grabbing a glass pitcher, I poured the warm water towards the glass while looking outside the window.

I sat on the chair overlooking the city, then opened up my interface. Finally, I have some free time to do this. I released a content sigh. Searching for the inventory list which is mostly filled with ammunition and firearms, also explosives and grenades, a few medic kits, and water, I brought up the two distinct items I got from the lottery.

Mystic Code kit and Tactical Doll Creation Kit. I was a bit unsure about using the first one since I don't know what I am looking for. I have progressed leap and bound in thaumaturgy art after unlocking the origin, so thanks to that, I'm able to determine which type of mystic code that would be suitable for my art.

The two basic spell is very useful in practical terms, they're silent, quick, and easy to cast. Not to mention the effect it has; reinforcement allows me to go beyond the limit while structural analysis is very useful in identifying enemies in closed space. For now, I don't know what to do with air gradation.

Then there's the two affinities I have thanks to the influence of my origin. Spatial and Gravity. I can roughly guess where they stand, though I have no idea where to start. Sure, I can explain their theory and application in science, but I don't even know how to properly make a spell.

Until I get a book about spell creation or the related affinity, I think I'll refrain myself from using it unless I know what I'm doing. Perhaps a little bit experiment would help.

For 2 hours straight, I constantly cast reinforcement and structural analysis. I found out I would get a degree of penalty if I too often cast reinforcement on my body, I'm trying to find the cooldown parameter. Using structural analysis, I would scan the glasses or any object in this room and try to decipher what material they made of.

I checked the status.

Class: [Thaumaturgy Entrée – Lv. Max] [Change class Y/N]

Skills: [Air Gradation – lv 7] [Structural Analysis – lv. max] [ Reinforcement – lv.8]

Huh? I swear I was lv 4 before in class, and my structural analysis is lv 9. I guess I hit the limit. Maybe the further you progress the more level you need to achieve the next phase.

I hit the yes button to change classes. I was brought to the class selection window once again, there're more class unlocked for me, particularly the mystery section.

I didn't hesitate which class I chose.

Class: [Spatial Thaumaturgist Aspirant – lv.1] – The starter class to specialize in spatial branch of thaumaturgy. Gain fundamental understanding when practicing spatial spell.

Skills: [The Aspiring Spark – obtained after maximizing Thaumaturgy Entrée] – You are now in tune with magical forces and will innately understand and see the threads of magic as it is cast and maintains its form.

Huh, so in short, I can understand magical phenomenon more clearly, whether it's mine or enemies, and analyze or at least identify what kind of spell it is. It's very convenient. But why there's no beginner book included in the new class, ugh, I have to buy it am I.

I checked the store and the book for spatial manipulation beginner is about 5k tokens, I bought it, and I still have 4k left. Mystic code creation kit can wait until later.

Oh, I almost forgot about the structural analysis, I tapped the yes button for it. It brought my structural analysis back to lv 1 and the effect is fairly normal, all it does is increase the distance and detail I can cover with it.

Alright, I guess that wraps today's training. I see the clock is now ticking at 4. The cold never bothers me, but I feel I can have some extra hour to dive into the mattress.

However, one matter arose within me. I found myself as the object of malice approached me. Now what to do?