
I want a cute maid

The rain fizzled outside, I stared boringly outside the dark-tinted window which added nothing but the grimness of the sky. Despite the full power to stop continuous barrage of .50 Cal bullets, surprisingly, they are not capable to stop the cold seeping in from outside.

I should file a complaint letter to my father later. I've possibly been lied into. My eyes peered to the driver who silently hummed, I thought nothing of it since I was in a good mood today.

People have been terrified of my visage, whenever I peered my eyes off at them, they've been nothing but deer caught in spotlight. To be honest, I didn't mean to do it. I was just born this way.

Soft dark red strains caught in reflection from the window. It's a novel experience to have a change appearance much more than the fact I have been born once again. I was black-haired before as a British but to think I would have a red blood hair as Japanese?

Sometimes I wonder if I'm really the child of father, my face leaned towards my mother western ancestry the only sole credence that I was of Shinomiya blood is the crimson rubied eyes I inherited.

"Akagi Shinomiya, today you'll receive your personal aide. She's still in her training phase and as such it is your duty as her new lord to guide her properly."

The woman beside me listed off such a thing. I scoffed, my hand still leaning against the window, waiting impatiently for the light to turn green.

"I know. Don't tell me obvious things, Hayasaka, spout something entertaining instead. I'm bored."

"No. Then why don't you just go outside, I'm sure the traffic light will patiently wait for you until you're done playing with the rain."

"Tch… even If I could I wouldn't, not with some pesky brats watching in the corner."

2 or 3, they didn't even bother to change the car model when going so far to switch in every turn or corner. Hell, at least change the paintjob, they stick like an eyesore with the all-black mystery crap.

Well as one of the children, possibly inheritor, of prominent Japanese Financial Yakuza, I should have acclimatized myself with such trifle's amusement.

The partial Irish caught this quickly. I'm surprised she didn't even notice all this time; how inept this woman is to not notice something trivial. I've been hearing nothing but praise from most of the household members as a loyal servant of the Shinomiya.

I'd heard her daughter is appointed as my older sister aide. It's somehow a tradition in the family to receive at least one aide, servant, vassal, valet, however you like calling it. At least it's been going this way for hundreds of years since the Shinomiya founding in the Tokugawa period.

"I see, no wonder you've been grumbling all this time, Akagi-sama, rest assured, we will clear the playground for you to enjoy."

"Do that from the beginning."

The light turned green finally, and the car sped up but not too fast as our unseen stalker wouldn't notice. They probably wanted to keep track of my location, reconnaissance of our route, or something else.

The fact is clear that they're annoying buzzing flies.

We'll pick up my cute maid at the Haneda International Airport. She would be my servant and I want nothing but maid, probably due to the fault of Hayasaka's influence and my old lingering romance.

The car turns right to a busy shopping district, the airport should have been any minute from this distance. I saw our stalker instead of going straight, there was no replacement car after that.

Strange, have they become aware that they've been noticed by us? Or perhaps they've accomplished their goal, either way, it would be bad if Hayasaka knew nothing of it.

"Hayasaka, they've gone. What happened?"

"No, in fact, I just lost contact with some of the men ahead in the airport."

I clicked my tongue. Those insipid buffoons, I should have known to fly her with a helo instead. But no, I've to go with such obnoxious way and greet her personally, with a bloody car and stupid slow-arse traffic nonetheless.

I've learned to keep my face still all the time, to show emotion in Shinomiya household is to mean death. That's how unpleasant to live in a household that will simply toss aside someone they deem useless or has outlive it.

I should take a course on how to vent deep frustration and stress management. No wonder Yoga is very popular among the top class. The more you know how rotten they are.

Hayasaka's fingers now are practically glued to her cellphone, furiously typing into it. Somehow, I missed smartphone but alas those technology won't be available world-wide until a few years later.

"Then any news?"

When I asked her, I heard the phone buzz, she looked over at the sender before receiving the call. I raised an eyebrow when she presented me with the phone, I took it and held it over my ears.

"You have three seconds to realize the error of your mistake."

"Uwah, I'm scared. Please spare me Mr. Akagi, I have a family to feed!" Plead the jovial tone in its attempt to infect my ear with cancer. "And you have three seconds to realize for the rest of your life that complying is better than knowing that your little princess will be sold to slavery, Bahahaha, she'll make a fine bitch when she grows up!"

I merely closed my eyes, sighing at the sheer buffoonery the man spouted. Do they realize who they are messing with? Even supposedly they got away, they won't ever be able to see the light of day, not anymore when Shinomiya's servant will hound them for the rest of their miserable lives.

Some people probably would like the thrill considering how degenerate society has become. Truly sometimes I wonder if Eiki is joking that we would ever reach the space age if we keep going at this pace.

"Then what we have to do to comply?"

"There's a black SUV behind you right now. Let them guide you to the rendezvous point. No fun business trying to escape, or contacting for help, or the like. We have hijacked the network connecting to any devices towards your end, no one will realize that you've gone even the Shinomiya."

Just play along, I guess. I have gone tired from this charade, and I'll demand that no one disturb me for 2 whole days after this is over. Not even Hayasaka or my father, they can eat shite.

"Fine." I made eye contact with Hayasaka, "Do it."

"Good. I'll welcome you with red carpets and champagne! Prince."

The phone screen turns blank afterwards, the signal bar is empty despite being in a central hub of the city. I see they may have a bark if only a little.

"Is this Wise Akagi-sama?"

Hayasaka asked in a worry, I scoffed at it. "Who cares, as long as we get this over with. I'm tired."

"I have a few snacks if you wish, Akagi-sama."

Hayasaka rummaged through her small waist bag, presenting me with two snacks wrapped in colorful plastic.

"Umaibo? Really?"

She never allows me to eat such cheap things, I admit she's rather scary when going mad. The thousand-yard blank stare when I once made her mad by eating a stolen ramen cup from some servant quarter. I never know which is wrong, the fact I stole something or that I eat cheap sweated goods labored from dirt cheap third-world workers. Either way, only one is wrong, and I leaned towards the latter seeing how moral is thrown away in Shinomiya Household. Even Hayasaka may not be an exception to it.

I stared at the two light snacks before grumbling away and hesitantly took it. "Hmph." She probably wanted to comfort me seeing this is the first time they got away with it.

For all her faults, she is both me and my sister wet-nurse. Even if I said faults, it's only over some things we didn't agree with, and most stemmed from childish tendencies that mixed badly with my old personality and belief.

As I mused such thing, the black SUV supersedes ours and takes the lead. Over a few hours later, I realized they've led us to a quiet dockyard area in Chiba Prefecture which borders the Pacific Ocean to the east. The car stopped at a warehouse jam packed with empty ship crates.

A few men come out of the car and the warehouse, most wearing casual wear and jackets, but all of them conceal their faces behind a mask and eyeglasses.

We patiently waited for them inside until they yanked all of us out. Hayasaka was the first to be tied and put in a gag, a simple white cloth over her mouth as they do the same to me. Though our poor driver were treated more badly, and he was separated when they dragged us to the warehouse. They checked our baggage, Hayasaka didn't bring anything incriminating with her so does me.

Really, we can walk just fine, no need to go edgy or they've been high in Adderall this time?

"Welcome, welcome indeed! I've been waiting for my red prince."

Came the jovial same tone I heard over the phone. A typical fecker with balding head and ugly shite face that only a mother could love. No wonder he is so high in the thrill of being soon on Shinomiya's hitlist.

There's nothing I can retort to when I am being gagged, and I have no desire to amuse the balding swine.

He was probably ticked by my everlasting bored eyes, as he took off the gag and slapped my face with his wrist. Once again, I was introduced with newton third law about the application of force.

"And there's your champagne! Ah, I always wanted to do that to one of the pigs that is Shinomiya."

Hayasaka squirmed under the laughter of his men as her voice muffled in dismay at the sight. Really, I thought she's used to this kind of condition since she always appears so professional.

Seeing that I gave no response, and not even the muffled cry he expects from a 9 years old boy, he scowled briefly before hiding it with another faux smile and ordered his men.

"Whatever, I can enjoy it as much as I can afterwards. Get them inside the room and no touching! We can't let our guards down, not until we get off from this godforsaken land."

They dragged us again, the concrete scrapping my knees and it's pretty uncomfortable. They throw us into an empty room, probably used to be a tool storage or similar. Though there's someone already there.

Her state is similar to ours, tied and gagged. Her white dress was stained from dirt, though it didn't blemish her, admittedly, cute countenance. Oh, do I have to say the fact that she has silvery white hair? That's fairly rare unless you're an albino, then again, I've seen so many Japanese with out-of-place hair, I mean Fujiwara family had pinkish purple colors.

Sometimes I believed this is one of those fantasy Eiki's Juniors had created, she indeed says that the world is based on anime. But what kind, I had no idea. Admittedly I didn't watch or pay any attention to Japanese media after I turned 20, the last time I saw something was the sixth season of Natsume's book of friends.

Her clear azure eyes meet mine. Fire and water. I think this is fate, or so I wanted to say, but it sounds creepy honestly. I tried to convey through her fearful eyes, it is alright, everything will be fine like some cheesy protagonist but even if hypothetically I'm not gagged, I would die out of sheer embarrassment.

Perhaps the desire to save a beautiful maiden, how young or old she may be, is inherent genetic to all mankind, oh the tragedy.

I peered off after a while, cheek in a rose. Reality is sinking in and I was roughly kicked, not that there's a gentle kick at all, to the lifeless concrete wall.

I backed up in pain after my head fell first, I know I'm used to pain to some extent doesn't mean I'm immune to it, maybe someday. Groaning, I rested my shoulder against the wall. There's barely any light at all, just some sunrays going through the small glass panel that lines the upper part of the wall.

Hayasaka squirmed and so did, my possibly, new maid at me. I'm sure they wanted to check on me out of worry but I only grunted, as wanting to convey that I'm fine. Though it won't stop them, it's still useless in the state we're currently in.

There's nothing else to do but sweat, and possibly farting as silent as possible to not embarrass myself.

The light turns to orange hue indicating the day will turn night any time soon, going by the time I check the phone, 4 hours had passed since these bloody cobblers ruined my supposedly pretty day.

The door's knob turned and I saw the sole proprietor, the fecker smiles happily at our sight.

"Good news folks! The transport has arrived and as your guide I'll personally escort you to the place!"

Though smiling he as always roughly handles us, we were once again being dragged to the harbor. I'm pretty light, is it so hard to lift a scrawny child? At least they know decency to carry the little maid.

I don't see our poor Driver on the way, he probably had become the fish's fodder. Rest in peace whoever you are, Eiki-sama shall guide your path however faulty you may be.

There are three boats, enough to fit 4 to 5 adults comfortably in each one. We were shoved all at once into one boat, thank god, they didn't separate us. They probably have grown overconfident of how smooth their little mischief had gone.

The fecker boarded with us with a grin along the company of 3 guards with assault rifles. If they had this many resources, they probably had large backers behind their back. It's no small feat if you capable to smuggle military-grade top in the line firearms to Japan. Then again, they penetrated our comm network somehow…

As we went off and the city lights went smaller, almost disappearing over the horizon, he still had the same grin, satisfaction marred his face.

He pulled my gag once again, and hit me straight in the face.

"Take that you fucker! I always wanted to do this as I like, you Shinomiya are always so high in your ivory throne!"

I saw through glimpse, Hayasaka stared wide in shock, squirming violently even with the boat stability shaking as we cruised in the wild ocean. The little maid only closed her eyes in fear, not wanting to see the bloodied sight in front of her.

"Boss, you should stop. They want him in one piece."

Said one of the thugs, the codger let out a Tsked. He then slammed me to the side of the boat. "Fuck. I swear you will die a painful death after this, Shinomiya!"

He's about to turn around when he noticed I grinned widely.

"What's the matter? Don't you want revenge after what we've done to your poor face, shite must be so hideous even your mother weeps at the sight."

"HAAAAAH don't make me remember that! get that back to you little fucker!" Wait that's true!?

I don't know what drives him but certainly Shinomiya had a variable mountain worth skeleton that couldn't be hidden inside a closet anymore. He's one of the many and I can't see why someone would be doing this unless they have nothing to lose.


He flopped over the wooden deck with a hole puncturing through between his eyes. It's a shame that I can't torture him after all he has done.

I quickly pointed the handgun at the 3 guards, one driving the boat, and not giving them a chance to recover at the unexpected turnover.

Three shots resounded, and at the same time three bodies fell lifelessly with bullets in their ugly faces. To be honest I was hesitant to fight back in the warehouse.

The first thing I prioritized is the safety of my little maid and Hayasaka, I have to let go the nameless driver whoever he is. So, I let them capture us. Next, I was fighting whether to escape or waiting for perfect opportune.

I chose the latter option knowing I had to drag two women on top of fighting a few dozen thugs. Then I saw the boat, possibly the last chance before we will be shipped to whatever fate they prepared for us.

As we gone deeper to the ocean, possibly to a ship or submarine offshore, the boats will gradually spread out evenly. As such it's my sole chance after the hesitation from before.

So the question is, where's the handgun coming from? Well remember when they gave me assistance in this life? They sort of give me what is practically a fourth-dimensional inventory, though slightly limited in the volumes it could carry, and what I can infer as a gaming interface.

I quickly stood up, stowing away the pistol over to the two women. I loosened the ties and unbounded the mouth gags. Hayasaka quickly smothered me in her bosom.

"Are you alright, Akagi-sama!"

"No need. We still have two buggers suspicious of us after the boat stopped abruptly. Drive the boat, Hayasaka!"


I glanced at the little maid, she's probably the same age or less than me. "M-M-Master, please forgive me for the blunder I have caused! You even get hurt after those meanies hit you…"

So, she's indeed the maid, "That's alright, it's something beyond your control anyway. What's your name?"

"M-M-Maid Belfast at your service master." She stumbled slightly as Hayasaka started to steer the boat.

"Good. Now come with me."


I grabbed the rifles out of one of the thugs cold dead fingers and quickly grabbed a few magazines and handed them to Belfast. The rifle is simply too large for my small frame but I have to manage. The design is clearly American made, I checked the bullets, it's filled with 5.56x NATO cartridges, the velocity should be manageable in this range and wind currents.

The other two boats started to realize as they tried to catch us from each side. There's an ice box lying at the side of the boat, I put it in the center then rested the rifle's handguard on it.

"Belfast, put your hand on top of the railing."

"Understand, master!"

Well, it should muffle the recoil, if only slightly. I hope she's fine with this.

The interface is very convenient in this situation as it gives me what is practically a cross-hair often found in FPS video games. It's a shame that the rifle had no sight attached to it.

I shoot blindly at the boat on the right side, they're fairly far away, probably 300 meters apart.

"Hayasaka, can you contact the main family?"

"Yes! I pilfered a phone from one of the thugs and it has a working signal."

"How long till they've come?"

I said after touching the trigger a few times, earning a few spray shots at the chasing boats. In time, they've begun to shoot back.

"A rescue chopper and coast guard will assist us in 10 minutes."

"10 minutes? They should be right on time or early retirement will be the least concerning after I'm done with them."

Well at this rate, I hope I won't run out of bullets before they could catch us. Though the possibility is slim, the boat is the same model and probably had only minor differences at best.

I can never understand those flashy chasing sequence often showed in movies or video games. They barely able to land a stray shot at us, and ocean's wind is something not to be underestimated either.

"How are you holding up, Belfast?"

"I'm fine Master, really."

She said reassuringly, despite her huddling as close as possible to the ice box. The sight is adorable in spite of the blood that started to leak out the dead bodies around us. She held tightly over the rifle's rails, faithfully following my orders even when occasional bullets would stray past her.

"That sounds reassuring. I'm glad I got you as my maid."

"Really, master?"

"Of course, why should I doubt someone who placed her life on me."

"But it's our duty…"

"And I have my duty too as your master."

"I understand, Master! This Belfast will serve you forever and ever!" She said brightly before hiding again in her shell, "But… is this alright… I failed you before."

"Like I said, I don't care. No, maybe I should give you a punishment after all of this is done."

"Yes, Master! Belfast will steadily wait for it." She said eagerly… is this normal?

…Somehow, I feel guilty for playing along with her. Sigh. All I care this is the fault of the cobbler at my feet and not her, if there's one to blame it should be him. The nerve for him to die from a mere shot through his head! I was well connected with a goddess that dealt with the matter of death, he shall know no rest for hurting and making Bel worried!

"All this sappy and matter is fine, Akagi-sama. But I'm worried if he hits you that hard over this change of personality."

Chimed in Hayasaka as she keeps driving the boat, maneuvering it so as not to get in our chaser bullet lines.

"Harr Harr Harr, I'm sweet when I just wanted to be, you know."

"Is this well connected with the fact you're on a first name basis with the second-daughter of Fujiwara and my daughter as well?"

"What're you spouting, we're childhood friends, it's normal we're so casual on a name basis. In fact, it's weird only Chika would call me by a pet name."

"Huh, so that's your taste, Akagi-sama. Next time maybe I should call you by your pet name too."

"Don't want to hear it from an old hag, it will lose its charm."

"Uhm… I don't want to disturb you or anything but is it fine to fight when we have bad guys chasing us?"

Belfast said in a worry and it was a guarantee that any bystander would see us bickering as we were fighting. But really, the fact is contrary. We just had different expressions in showing our mutual hat- I mean bond to each other.

"Don't mind it Belfast. You can rest your hand if you wish, I think I have used to the gun recoil."

"No, Master! You wouldn't know if you suddenly fell over after this!"

"Fair point, but don't exert yourself."

"I understand, Master."

Really this skirt chase is getting boring. They should have realized it's futile to catch us at this point, and it's probably best to break off now that the land is in sight.

I can hear the sounds of rotors and other motors coming in front of us. Looks like they've arrived.

They've sent 10 coast guard boats, by the looks of it, armed with rotary grenade launchers and two .50 cal heavy machine guns respectively at the back and front, a spotlight also placed on the front of the ship.

4 Helicopters, and surprisingly 2 of them are American AH-64 Apache gunships. Probably they came from the Yokosuka Naval Base, it's prominent as the main naval port for the American navy in Japanese seas.

"Hail this is the Japanese Coastal Guard! Drop your weapons and hands in the air! Failure to comply will result in immediate force! I repeat, this is the Japanese Coastal Guard! Drop your weapons and hands in the air! Failure to comply will result in immediate force!"

Hayasaka stopped the boat, as I dropped the rifle, and we raised our hands. Well no need for them to mistake us by accident. The rest of the thugs quickly comply with the demand, though one of the boats steered, clearly trying to escape.

In a divine light, they were quickly dispatched with a hellfire missile launched from one of the pods of the Apache gunship. Japanese forces are always under heavy scrutiny of their own media even though the people despise them deeply due to anti-nationalism belief propagated after their defeat. So it's clear why there's American gunships here, they have leeway and more clearance than the coast guard to shoot at them should things go awry.

I'm just glad that it's over, and before I realized it, I slumped my butt to the boat's deck.

"M-Master are you alright!"

"I'm fine just a little tired, Belfast."

"But your head is bleeding all this time, I think you need treatment soon master."

"Maybe… but wake me when they're done."

There's a limit to barely prepubescent body could hold. God, I'm tired. Just as I fell to the cold wooden board of the boat, and Belfast's panicked voice was the last thing I heard.

4 thousand words, it's kinda heavy for the second chapter I know. I hate leaving things with cliff-hangers, much less this early and intentionally split chapters just to pump the chapter quantity.

Stalkahcreators' thoughts
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