
Akagi-sama: War is love

Akagi Shinomiya is the youngest child of the incredibly prestigious Shinomiya group, asserting his position as genius among geniuses. All the time he spend on top of financial and immense wealth and his obsession in nationalistic idea has develop feelings for the old glory days! War is love, and their battle to make the other nation kneel begins now! Seriously, this is my first writing. The world is a blend mix of others fandom like most non-dimensional travelling system fic. Maybe later. Also warning to those who had sensitive political leaning since I'll mention it a lot here. Otherwise, please do enjoy. Grammar and quality might be terrible in exchange of fast update rate, and if you want to sue me for ownership or other things, please don't bother, I barely able to afford monthly bill as it is.

Stalkah · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Akagi wants to be visited

"Like I said, I can move my hand just fine Belfast!"

I whined at the new maid who had been slicing apples and feeding me since I woke up this morning. It's been a week since the incident but I'm still not allowed to move. My head and most of my body hidden beneath the hospital gown is bandaged and must be changed every 12-hours, honestly, it's kind of a pain.

I opened the interface and yeah, I have the skills. Though to avoid suspicion only Belfast and Hayasaka are allowed to change it. You have to explain the mysterious miracles that were my recovery. We had to bribe half of the hospital staff, modify the records, etc. Practically I was never here to begin with.

"It's a maid's duty to feed his master, whether he is sick or healthy." The maid raised the knife as making a point, an apple on the other hand.

"Yes, master. It's a ship!"

I begrudgingly opened my mouth. Enduring the shame I felt, knowing someone is watching, I hope she's too busy from her work to notice this.

"Huh, that's very convenient. You spoil me too much Belfast."

"That's fine, Master. Once in a while it's fine, it's been a hectic week after all. Are you sure you won't need psychiatric instead...? I-I mean I heard that killing someone can make you feel wrong, I'm sorry if I step my bound."

Well it certainly is wrong if you look at it from one side, no matter the justification. Honestly, it's not the first time I've killed someone. I just need to have a proper mindset, it's your life or them. Because at that point they won't give you another choice. They're subhuman no more, no less.

My thoughts drifted to my past life. I shook my head; this time it will be different.

"I don't want to talk about it, Belfast. I would rather see them die than see you or anyone else I have cries. Value your life highly and those who don't see it will regret it in their error."

She appeared to be confused, before nodding hear head enthusiastically, "Yes, master! I'll treasure those words." You don't need to go that far. Still we will be together from now on, it's not an overstatement that we will be bound at the hip. I need to prepare her as much as possible.

"Talking about you feeding me, can you make me tea, Belfast."

"Yes! In fact, I have pride in my tea brewing skill, so what do you want, Master?"

"That's reassuring, Belfast. How about herb tea, rose hip may be good for this weather. Also bring a few extra cups."

"I understand." She rose from her chair, "If you'll excuse me, Master."

I sighed once she went outside. I grabbed the apple slices; I feel bad to eat it from how cute the bunny shape is. Huh, it feels different compared to when she fed me. It's like there's an extra sweetness to it and a tingling pleasant sensation. Maybe I should make it mandatory for her to feed me every day, albeit at the cost of my pride.

As I enjoyed my solace time, the door busted open, loudly. Here comes the party crusher. In fact, I've anticipated their arrival, and the danger sense skill sure comes in handy.


"Don't be so loud, Chika."

The girl didn't appear to feel sorry at all. No, in fact is there a single instance where she regrets one thing? It probably floats away the same as how her ribbon works.

"Please excuse us. I hope you're doing Akagi."


I nodded my head respectfully to the girl in front of me, though I gave a stink eyes to a certain pinkette who smothered me in her bosom, and rubbed her cheek upon my pearly messy hair. They're 11 right - in fact, Kaguya Avenue development is as flat as the pink sheet market stock.

"I can feel your mind Akagi."

I feint a cough while using all my measly 10 STR to shove the airhead that is Chika Fujiwara. She's pretty heavy I admit.

"Are? What is this tingling sensation, someone thought something bad of me?"

You too. I was almost facepalmed. They're secretly psychics, they're psychics right? Maybe latent talent!? Either way, I coughed once again.

"What bring you here, Nee-sama."

She took an empty seat beside the bed and Chika just sort plopped her soft plump butt on the side of the mattress.

"Of course, we're wary of your condition. I heard you had surgery to patch your head, it pains me if somehow it goes wrong." As always, she said in indifference, though I can still feel her worry. She's been melting after meeting with Chika, god, she always feels so distant whenever I approach her.

"That's right Aka-kun," Chika nodded along her, "We even have come to visit 2 days ago, but the staff won't allow us in." She pouted childishly as if someone had taken her candy away.

"Isn't that obvious, I'm still recuperating."

"It seems you're turning just fine. That's a relief."

"Then how does it feel, Aka-kun? Beating up terrorists must be cool; you even get a new maid afterward!"

I was about to reply but the door chimed in, indicating someone had entered the room. "Please excuse me, master. I have the tea ready."

Of course, it would be Belfast, no one is permitted to enter the room lest they have to face a few guards in full riot armor that stationed just beside the door, window, and any possible opening.

"Ah Kaguya-sama and Fujiwara-sama." Please excuse me to not notice you before." She bowed her head while holding a plate carrying the tea set.

"It's fine Belfast, in fact the tea scent feels nice. Would you mind pouring me some?"


She hurried up, preparing all the wares, and obviously I got the first cup. The water is still boiling hot though. Chika seems doesn't really like the tea, complaining it was bitter until Belfast offered her a few sugar cubes. Then she stands on the bedside, exactly to the right of my side.

"Then how does it feel Aka-kun!?"

She continued the conversation enthusiastically, practically almost shook the matress.

"Fujiwara, don't you think you're being inconsiderate?"

I interrupted her, "It's fine Nee-sama. Hmm how does it feel, to be honest it feels like crap. Not only can you do anything other than exhaling air all day, we don't even get snacks."

"Eh you don't get snacks or food, that's evil of them." Chika bemoaned the tragedy.

I agree with her. At least Hayasaka is kind enough to give me additional sustenance in the form of Umaibo otherwise I won't have energy left.

"So how do you beat them? I hear it's pow or it's bang! Or something like that." Chika emphasized, making a few gestures with her mouth and hands.

"It's not like that, sure there's bang in there, but mostly the pow was directed to me." I chuckled, pointing to most of the bandages. Chika wasn't in the slightest discouraged by the sight or the implication, probably she never cares for such trivial matter. Knowing that I would never get mad.

In a way, she had a great empathic talent, while academically wise she is not the top bread, people would follow her lead even if it's one of her crazy ideas. She's the daughter of politician, maybe she caught it from her parents, but I don't recall her father being that strict with her education.

"Aka-kun sure is strong, I wonder how can I be strong myself." She murmured, Kaguya merely enjoy our bickering quietly as so does Belfast on my side.

How could one be strong, no, perhaps the correct question would be, what qualified someone as strong? Wealth, power, connection, knowledge or perhaps it's the determination to follow through? There's never been a correct answer. Even the god, the administrator in spite of all their power, is limited in some way.

When one simple mind thinks of power, it would be an omniscience and omnipotent and omnipresence, the absolute strength of one god.

But still, how does one simply think such musing is coming from a child's question? In a way, I'm weird huh. Back then, I would do nothing but frolicking and thinking in my bed all day like a rotten person, tormented by the lack of what I think as power.

I just ambiguously answered to Chika. I doubt myself I would have the answer for my own.

Afterwards, she lost interest and we simply talked about the school stuff I missed. Now I think of it, I have no friends in my class, we're two years apart, so it's probably weird if I associate myself with those of senior.

There's a hidden hierarchy of seniority among school students, much less those who come from selective and elite breeds. They're proud creatures, including me, though I couldn't carefree who I was talking to unless they're frothing absolute nonsense to my ear.

"By the way, now I just realized it. Do you guys know Belfast?" I asked them, though none in particular.

Kaguya answered, still sipping her teas. Mine has gone cold and Belfast quickly replaced it with a new warm cup.

"We met when we tried to visit you last time. She's been a nice company after explaining to us your circumstances."

"I thought we had scrubbed clean the incident; how do you even know?" Honestly, I didn't expect them to come visit.

"You can throw paper, delete all records, and wipe clean the trace. But people's mouths won't shut for a reason. In fact, I think almost everyone back in the house knows of your condition, while the official reason you're currently undergoing special education." She explained, before asking Belfast to fill the empty cup. She continued, "In fact we coincidentally bumped with Nao, and she gracefully drove us here." I think there's more of it, but I won't pry.

"Hayasaka? Well she just does whatever she likes."

We had a pleasant exchange throughout the time. In the end, before we knew it, they had extended their visit time. Once they were gone, Belfast cleaned up the silverware and went outside.

"You can come in, Hayasaka."

I said sharply, eyes pointed towards the door. Really, she's been there the whole time. At least, she's considerate enough to give us some time.