
chapter 10


Sirone and the others proceeded towards the mainland.

It would be faster to travel by Zulu's summoned beast, but it wasn't a good choice as we didn't know about the conflict in Purgatory.

In particular, since the sky of Heaven is a place where angels, Maras, and drones are active, I wanted to avoid situations where I could be captured from a distance greater than the radius of Etela's Spirit Zone.

But contrary to their expectations, the forest of the profane was very quiet.

It was a surprise to them, who imagined angels patrolling the sky and defeating heretics and rebels.

Gangnan asked.

"How can I interpret this? An unexpected change? Or proof that the rebels were destroyed?"

"Either way is possible."

At Sain's words, Fleur tilted her head.

"Is there a possibility that the forest will be quiet without the rebels being destroyed?"

"Common sense, it's impossible. But if you think like that, the maze disappeared as well. Anything can happen. We still have to see it that way."

Sein felt the sense of incongruity felt in the maze's space-time again.

No, the fact that even the situation in purgatory was different from what was expected made her more anxious.

'It's something I've been designing with bated breath for 20 years. But why is it going so wrong?'

Can I really trust my current senses?

Maybe this too is a coincidence. Because anyone can check the result and fit the cause there.

Sein made a simple conclusion.

'Let's not think hard. Both situations need to be calculated. I can do it.'

"There is someone."

Ethella stopped and looked to the right.

Of course, I didn't feel it nearby. A variety of information flowed in from the Spirit Zone spanning a radius of two kilometers.

About 20 people are moving, displaying motility beyond the normal range.

The sound of weapons colliding with each other and the sound of explosions came through synesthesia.

"I think we are in a battle. It's about 800 meters away."

Flew asked, looking out of the corner of her eye at Gaold.

"Are you sure?"

It meant that I needed approval to raise my mobility.

Since the current situation in the forest was different from what was expected, holding your breath would be an option, but Gaold chose the straight attack method.


At the same time as the instructions were issued, the entire team turned into a flash of light and disappeared.

Kuan and Gangnan were moved by Zulu, and except for Sirone, they were all pros, so there was no problem navigating the complex forest.

Sirone also conquered the master difficulty of movement control in the senior class, but the difference in level was clear depending on the grade.

In particular, the movements of Gaold, Sein, Zulu, and Armin, who were in the lead, were escaping the complex terrain like ghosts, as if reminiscent of the movement of aircraft.

'How long does it take to train like that?'

Upon arriving at the scene, the silence from before had disappeared and a loud sound was filling the forest.

"Follow me! Take out their hearts!"


The Kergos, clad in black armor, were chasing after the Mechas, emitting a distinctive groan.

Their movement as they ran together with the horse was like a gale, but the speed of the Meccans was not easy to catch.

'What is that?'

The mobility of the Mecha tribe was coming from a mechanical device connected to a bony skeleton mounted outside the body.

A skeleton ran across the shoulder line at the back of the back to the arms, then ran down the spine from the neck down to the legs.

According to the movement of the wearer, Ching! Ching! The joint joints were rotating with a refreshing sound, but each time they hit the ground, the jumping distance increased by 5 meters and 6 meters.

"Piper, a strength aid. These are Mecca fighters."

The Mechas flew around the forest as if springs were attached to the soles of their feet.

But the Kergos are also excellent hunters.

One of them, who unknowingly put the Mecca under siege, burst out of the forest like a surprise and brandished a sword.


A Mecca member held out an Xd.

The hologram shield spread and created a shock wave, but schema's physical strength was slightly superior, and he stumbled and fell to the floor.

Mecha soldiers gathered around their fallen comrades and looked around.

The Kergos, who had blocked the escape route before they knew it, were revealing themselves one by one, surrounding them in all directions.

The short-haired woman who is the leader of the Mecha tribe whispered into her mouth the drone mounted on her wrist.

"This is the 2nd reconnaissance team. Currently under siege by the Kergos. I wish you support."

No answer came.

However, due to the nature of radio communication, it could not be guaranteed that the request for support did not go through.

'please please… … .'

At a distance of 20 meters from him, Sirone and the others were watching the situation.

The Kergos are proud of their excellent pursuit skills, but they couldn't use much power in front of Sein's Equilibrium.

In a state where even the sound of breathing was ground inside the iron wheel and dropped to a silent level, the five senses were useless.

Kang Nan turned to Gaold and asked.

"Where are you going? Kergo? Mecca?"

It was the first turning point they encountered after coming to heaven.

The subjects are classified into three races: Kergo, Mecha, and Nor, and each has a different fighting method, culture, and way of thinking.

Depending on which race you start with, the process of reaching the maze will be completely different, so you need to be careful.


The bush swayed and Kergo warriors patrolling the outskirts of the formation appeared.



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The warrior opened his eyes wide with a heart-stopping face.

It was natural to be surprised to see 10 people suddenly standing in a place where nothing could be captured even with the sensory system schema.

Heading back to where his comrades were, he raised his lungs and shouted.

"female… … ."

Gaold's hand swung quickly.

"feather… … !"

With a pop, the Kergo warrior's face flew away.

Sirone and Fleur stared blankly at the shivering muscular body without a face, then came to their senses.

If restraining one's emotions and making rational judgments and putting them into practice is a normal human reaction, then Gaold's reaction just a moment ago was extremely mechanical.

"If you think you have to kill someone according to your own judgment under any circumstances, kill them. I do the rear end. Even if it was the wrong choice, I will consider it as the worst thing other than the death of a team member."

It was, for example, the issuance of a license to kill Gaold.

It is a thoroughly correct method for the survival of the team members, but not even asking whether the judgment is right or wrong is something that can be said because it is a Gaold that can take and press down with force in any situation.

Also, this was almost the only reason he was chosen as the team's commander.

Kang Nan looked sideways at Gaold and asked.

"Now that it's like this, the race selection is Mecca?"

There are many values ​​that are more important to humans than the death of others, but the Kergos are an organization bound by divine law.

Since he had already killed one person, the barrier to compromise was higher than in Mecca.

"For Anchera!"

Gaold's eyes twitched in displeasure.

"I'm going to Mecca."

As soon as the words fell, Quan jumped out. Hitman was perfect for this kind of work.

"Squad leader! If we continue like this, we will be annihilated!"

The Meccans were barely holding on in the face of being beaten.

Piper compensates for muscle strength, but it is only a function limited to large muscles, so it was almost impossible to defeat the Kergo warriors, whose whole body is a weapon, in hand-to-hand combat.

"Retreat! I'll take care of this place!"

The squad leader jumped to the limb.

He knew what a person caught in a heresy hunt would go through, but he had to buy a little time before he could expect reinforcements.

"Cut her limbs and bring her torso!"

Just hearing the words made my teeth tremble.

She wanted to run away even now, but the Kergo warriors who had already jumped over her head were swinging their swords to cut off her arms.


At that time, a strong flash blew, and a faint afterimage passed by the Kergo warrior.

"what… … !"

The woman's eyes twinkled in shock.

The faces of the Kergo warriors were separating and falling away from their bodies like a cork being pulled out.

'There are 7 people left.'

Spinning in the air, Quan grasped the position of the remaining enemy.

Six people were killed with a single cut, and no one knew that there were 12 subtle changes in the process of the cut.

"Enemies! Kill!"

Only after losing half of their power did the Kergos realize the presence of the assailant and throw themselves at it.

Kuan's body continued to move bizarrely while being bound by threads of external gravity that stretched out in three directions.

It vibrated like a pendulum, then suddenly jumped out, and blood spattered from the bodies of the four people who passed him.

'Three more.'

Another warrior was decapitated.

'2 people.'

The enraged Kergo squad leader's eyes widened.

They also make full use of external gravity, but it is only an auxiliary means to slash the enemy. It was the first bizarre movement that made him feel like being ridiculed like Kuan.

"Don't disdain Kergo's skills!"

As the vice-captain swung the moon sword, Quan's line of movement bent like a magnet with like poles and flew past the vice-captain.

"haha! It took!"

Digging traps, the basis of Kergo tactics.

The horsehaired warrior who had been dormant beforehand lowered his sword to the flying Quan.


But it didn't feel like it was in my hand.

When I looked up, Quan, who should have been within the radius of the sword, was floating in the air and did not move.

Quan gave the ponytail warrior an annoyed glare, then slowly looked away.

At the same time, his body was spinning like a top, and he was dragged to the unit commander's place as if a skein of thread was wound around him.

"Captain! back!"

Before the unit commander could react, Quan's sword cut his throat.

As the external gravity disappeared, he landed on the floor and threw his sword while spinning.

The sword, which flew faster than the arrow, pierced the ponytail warrior's stomach and stuck into a tree.

When Kergoin was annihilated, the forest fell into silence.

It was a dazzling battle, but it happened in about 5 seconds at the most.

Sirone and the others entered the scene only then.

I was deeply admiring Kuan's ability, which I had only heard about through rumors, but the face of the person concerned was distorted with irritation.

'damn! How much garbage has a guy like me become?'

In the past, it would have been enough to cut down everyone before even one breath of external gravity was over.

But now, rather, there was only one person left, and the last treatment was nothing more than a temporary response using the secret sword.

"Kuan-san, are you okay? Even if you are injured… … ."

As Shiina approached, Kuan hurriedly erased his expression. She had no intention of getting her sympathy from her.

"sorry. It seems that the balance is not perfect yet."

Shiina tilted her head.

As a sorceress, she could never know what Quan had done wrong.

After thinking for a moment, she just said what she had prepared.

"It was amazing. I haven't seen much of the swordsman's technique, but I think I've broadened my perspective this time."

It was rather embarrassing to Kuan.

As I passed by with a bitter smile, Shiina looked back.

'Did I do something wrong?'

Mechas, meanwhile, tensed their arms as Gaold approached.

Thanks to their appearance, lives were saved, but it was difficult to clearly identify Pia in Purgatory.

Above all, if a single swordsman had annihilated the Kergo unit, it would have to be seen that he was clearly outclassed with his skills.

"Who are you? Is it heresy?"

Gaold looked back at Sein.

Some of the team members have learned the language of Heaven, but more than half of them needed an interpreter.

When the woman's words were finally understood by Sein's spirit world magic, Gaold took a step further.

At the same time, the Mecca flinched back.

The piper attached to the body narrowed the angle of the joint joint by the distance it moved while making a clicking sound.


Gaold, who had invaded like a robber into the gap between the Mechas, looked down at them with high-handedness and asked.

"Are you rebels? Where is your headquarters?"

One of the reasons for going to the mainland was to find a key base for the rebels, so if you listened to them, it would save you a lot of trouble.

But unexpectedly, the woman's face, which had been frightened just a moment ago, changed dramatically when she heard Gaold's voice.

Jumping up, she raised the arc and shouted.

"It's a military community! Raise your arms, everyone! We die here today!"

At the command of the squad leader, the members also took up a fighting posture.

With Cigna and Xd at the fore, their expressions showed their determination to even die.

"Get out of here right now! Otherwise, you will become Ark's food."

Ark's laser aimed at Gaold's forehead.

Mecha ranged weapon that shoots explosive orbs.

However, the woman knew that he was not an opponent.

'Since I risked my life, I have no choice but to try blackmail.'

"haha. Kkkkkkkkk."

As if the wind had entered his lungs, wrinkles appeared on Gaold's face as he shook his shoulders and smiled.

And when he raised his head again, his eyes were blazing with a flame that was nowhere to be found.

"You're babbling annoyedly."

Great heat hell engulfed the Meccans.

It doesn't matter if it's misunderstood or misunderstood. Gaold was not a nice person enough to look kindly on those who dared to fight fearlessly.

All the Mecca members who fell into the superheated hell had pale faces and their legs trembled while drooling.

When I heard the demon's scream, I was so horrified that I wanted to tear my eardrums apart.

It was not a kind of fear that humans could handle.

Even the woman, who had passed the life and death crisis several times as a squad leader, was all about sitting helplessly with her chin shaking.

"Huh. that stop please… … ."

It was only after the Meccans lost their will to fight that Gaold let go of his self-denial.

The tear-stained woman lifted her head and glared at him resentfully.

"Why are you bothering us? We're fighting against Heaven. Aren't you guys the same?"

"I don't know what nonsense you're talking about, but I don't know if it's the military community or what. And weren't you the ones who called borderline people "mojo people" and belittled them from before?"

"That, that… … ."

Just as the woman was about to retort, trees began to fall in the forest behind the Meccans.

Everyone's eyes turned to it.

It seemed like something huge was approaching at high speed, but I couldn't see anything yet.

– Release the magnetic field. Start the argon engine.

As the landscape of the forest shimmered, an opaque boundary began to emerge.

What finally revealed its identity was a bipedal armored tank with a height of almost 4 meters.

The ratio of the upper body to the lower body is 1:1, and it has a sense of stability, and it has relatively long and thick arms on short legs with reverse joints.

The hydraulic cylinders were pumping at different cycles in sync with the sound of the engine.

-Enemy in sight. Preemptive strikes are allowed.

The chariot rushed forward with its four-fingered palm outstretched.

As Gaold stepped back, he leaned forward and slammed the ground. The soil stood up like an iron wall.

The tank, which was hit by the pouring soil, seemed unable to stand up on its own, judging from its shape and weight, but continued to move its legs forward and regained its center by scooping out about 2 tons of soil.

In the meantime, Sirone and the others spread their distance while maintaining their respective fighting distances.

Sirone also activated the Diamond Arms and put on a hood to keep an eye on the situation.

'What is that?'

Each time the bipedal tank's waist turned like oil floating on water, the c*ckpit at the top looked ahead.

The c*ckpit was an oval glass ball with an electrified purple sheen, so it was impossible to look inside.

"Guroi. It is the second stage equipment of the Mecha combat system."

Gaold narrowed his eyes at Gangnan's explanation.

"Oh, the real thing is definitely good."

When I only checked the specifications with documents, I thought it was just a walking lump of scrap metal.

However, when I encountered it in real combat, it was a device that had excellent mobility and could be used tactically depending on the skill of the pilot.

In particular, the method of distorting the magnetic field to erase the sense of presence was a state-of-the-art technology that had not been described in documents until recently.

The upper part of the Kuroi spun and turned toward the Mecha.

"Is everyone in Squad 2 all right? What about Kergoin?"

The voice transmitted through the speaker was neutral, but judging from the tone, it was likely a male.

"The Kergos were annihilated. But not us."

Kuroi's c*ckpit returned to Gaold.

"Who are they?"

The woman chose her words for a moment.

The bearded man clearly said it was not a military community.

However, the fantasy he showed was tantamount to intangible violence that could not be inflicted without blind hostility.

It was to the point where I thought it would be better for me to go crazy than to go back to that hell again.

"The enemy attacked us."

Kuroi gave instructions through internal channels.

– Sweep them out. Convert to strike mode. Raise the argon engine gear to level 5.

Chunk! Chunk! Chunk!

The five advancing Kuroi planes changed the shape of their hands all at once.



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Four fingers folded outward, and a huge gun barrel with black holes protruded from the inside.

-Open fire!


A deafening roar was heard as the hundreds-kilogram iron cylinder, in which the ball played the role, swayed with great force.

Heavy bullets ricocheted at three hundred rounds per minute, bursting rocks and snapping trees.

A group of Kuroi turned to Gaold.

The black bullet flew rapidly to a distance of 30 cm in front of Gaold, then rapidly slowed down as if buried in something.

Puff! Fluffy!

Bullets that failed to penetrate the air shield were gathering, creating a black metal barrier.

"Hmm, it's an iron ball."

Gaold waited until the bullets lost their rotation before grabbing one with his hand.

Then, the perplexity of the Kuroi unit was transmitted through the shaking of the aircraft.

– Cow, Platoon Leader! I caught the bullet with my hand!

-Keep shooting! They are presumed to be borderline! Don't judge your enemies by your experience so far!

Gaold, who was weighing the bullet in his hand, let it fly upwards with a thumbs-up.

"Something like an air gun. It will hurt quite a bit."

Gangnan said with tears in his eyes.

"If you're going to do it, don't do it. Or am I?"

Gaold caught the falling bullet.

"take. I'll have to try it myself."

Kang Nan gritted his teeth at the nonsense, but he had no intention of overturning the commander's decision.

"Is that so? Can you take it without damage?"

When Kang Nan looked back at Sein and asked, Cheoryun eyes began to turn.

"It is counting. It will take about a minute."

Gangnan looked at the battlefield anxiously. It was because it seemed that one minute would be enough time to finish all five planes.

"shit! Who the hell are these people?"

The pilot of Kuroi Unit 3 was to die for.

In the AMOLED Vision installed in front of the c*ckpit, seven split screens cover the front 360 degrees, but it was difficult to capture the man with the sword as if he jumped between screens.

'There are many strange things in this world.'

Kuan cut all over Kuroi.

Every time the sword was cut, the iron plate opened like flesh and sparked electricity.

'Is it thicker than armor? Where did people hear it?'

When the engine artery was accidentally cut, Unit 3 lost its balance and stumbled.

"Keugh! This bastard!"

The pilot raised his arms and regained his balance.

Kuroi, which corresponds to the second stage of the mecha combat system, can operate only when it meets the first stage.

The first stage is none other than Piper, and since Kuroi's operating organs are connected to each part of the pilot's body, those who have not strengthened their muscles cannot easily move even one arm.

The pilot, who struggled with his limbs and finally found a sense of stability, searched for Kuan's location.

But what caught his eye was not Kuan, but a cute woman with long brown hair and dark glasses.

"Cute bitch!"

Contrary to her appearance, she was a martial artist, and every time she landed a blow, Kuroi's body shook and a roar exploded inside.

"OK! I will crush you to the bone!"

The pilot gritted his teeth and swung his fist.

As Kuroi's waist accelerated, the thick gun barrel struck Etella.


The pilot turned pale as he realized that his back could no longer be turned.

When I checked the multi-vision belatedly, the woman was blocking Kuroi's gun barrel with her elbow raised to her face.

"Uh, how? One arm alone has 17 horsepower."


Taking a deep breath and calming her arm muscles, Etella turned to Guroi's side.

Yin-Yang Wave Fist – Wall Mount.

When Kuroi's leg was struck with a spear, the iron rang along with the waves, and a roar struck the pilot's eardrums.


Unknowingly, when he grabbed his ear, Kuroi's arms followed suit and collapsed forward.

-Damn it! What to do with that big-breasted girl! not human! It's a monster!

-This way first! Only the engine artery is being picked and cut! Take care of the inspection!

"No, I'm asking who to catch first!"

Kanya, who looked left and right while turning around Kuroi's waist, shouted with an annoyed expression.

Either way, it wasn't a fuss.

bang! bang! bang!

Kanya's one eye closed due to the shock transmitted to the aircraft.

Checking her vision with her other eye, she saw a tentacle monster flying through the forest with tentacles embedded in trees.

"That damned monster!"


Kuroi's bullet broke all the trees in the area around which the tentacle monster was roaming.

In the meantime, the monster continued to fight by shooting light without a break.

Empty! Empty!

Every time it hit the light, dozens of tons of Kuroi shook, and the shock was fully transmitted to Kanya, who was connected to the piper.

"That really sucks!"

Wasting ammunition to catch a monster was not the only thing.

As the weapons of the rebels are reduced day by day due to the interference of the military community, pilots are selected only those who can perform strikes as efficiently as possible. It was the reason why she, the sharpshooter of the Ark, was able to board the Kuroi.

"Why such a monster… … !"

What annoys her more than anything is that the monster's ability resembles the magic of a person she misses.

The incident in which Sirone stopped Ilhwa from drinking did not end with simply saving Kanya's mother.

The wind he left behind has now become a huge typhoon and has become the conviction of the first principle of the rebels.

It was terribly unpleasant to recall memories with such a precious person by seeing that monster.

"No matter how many bullets it costs, I will definitely kill you!"

As all the trees around it were broken, Sirone's range of activities became extremely narrow.

Realizing that there was no chance of winning in a long-term battle, Sirone pulled back her robe and began casting magic in earnest.

Like a retina, the light gathered in the center along the Spirit Zone turned into a red ray and shot at Kuroi's leg.

Exploding the torso would be the most obvious, but the drive joints on the legs were suitable for striking during engagements.

-warning! Detect heat inside the aircraft! Cooling system on! Output limit exceeded!

"No, what are you talking about again?"

Kanya checked the instrument panel with wide eyes.

On the interface where Kuroi's front view was drawn, the left leg was flashing red.

-Excessive energy output! Energy overload!

The output of the instrument panel went up endlessly.

At 240 percent, 370 percent, and finally 600 percent, the drive joint on the knee side cracked with a bang.


As Kuroi's body tilted, the boarding seat fell to the ground.

The shock as if she had fallen from a building made her bones tremble, but Kanya did not let go of the control stick until the end.

"Die, monster… … huh?"

As the noisy AMOLED vision became clearer, the focus was automatically focused on the target at the point where the muzzle was aimed.

"What, what?"

Kanya doubted her own eyes.

The face of a boy who had appeared even in the dream was greatly magnified in the vision.



Kanya's voice trembled.

It was definitely Sirone. But how is it here?

No, that didn't matter anymore.

It meant that if the character on the screen was Sirone, he could bring new hope to the rebels in despair.

-Unit 5 collapsed! Cover!

After hearing the radio, Kanya finally came to her senses and turned her head to Multivision.

Most of the aircraft were immobilized, but there were still devices that could shoot bullets.

And all of them were aiming at Sirone.

"Wait, no!"

Kanya hurriedly pressed the radio button.

"You can't shoot! I am not an enemy!"

When there was no response, she radioed and was not relieved. She checked on Sirone.

He was proudly showing off his courage.

"this… … !"

When the emergency escape button was pressed, the tempered glass in the c*ckpit flew forward with a bang.

After removing Piper from Kuroi's synchro machine, Kanya crawled out of the bush and raised her hand.

"stop! Stop shooting!"

The voice of the platoon leader came from the speaker of Unit 5, which had escaped.

– Open fire.

Tick! Tick! Tick!

Kanya tightly closed her eyes, but the only thing she could hear from the remaining three Kuroi was the sound of steel bouncing.

"What, what?"

Looking around with a blank expression, Kanya realized that the scenery was distorting.

At the center of the distortion, a pair of gigantic cogwheels rotated in mesh.

Sein's Equilibrium equalized the changes in the chemistry of the gas.

"misfire! It's an unexploded round, Platoon Commander!"

"Me too. Check your spark plugs."

"Nothing wrong! this… … ! Kuck!"


Kuan and Etela took down one Kuroi.

It took a long time compared to their skills, but it was meaningful that two people specializing in anti-biological warfare destroyed the machine with their physical abilities.

Kuroi's tempered glass popped out.

The pilot passed out, clinging to the synchro machine, with Armin standing beside him.

As long as the coordinates were certain, it was the spookiness unique to space-time wizards who could penetrate even an enclosed space.

The other team members also destroyed the Kuroi easily, and the only surviving aircraft was the one Kuroi the platoon commander was riding.

Gaold approached Kuroi, stroking his chin with interest, as if meeting an unknown.

Then, instead of asking for a handshake, he looked up at the purple face of the aircraft and said.

"get off. Unless you want to die."


As the tempered glass soared to the ceiling, the platoon leader jumped at Gaold with the piper attached.


"No, Platoon Commander!"

Kanya shouted, but the platoon leader's Cigna was already falling on Gaold's head.


Gaold looked back at Sirone. And as if it were separate, his fist swung quickly and hit the platoon leader's jaw.


Falling in disgrace, he rolled on the floor with eyes open.

If Gaold hadn't canceled the press magic, his face would have disappeared from the world with this blow.

"Anyone you know, Sirone?"

Sirone doubted his eyes and looked more closely.

"Is it Kanya? You, Kanya, right?"

Kanya seemed to have finally relaxed and moved on without power.

Empty! Empty! She, who even stripped her piper in the middle, ran with her bare body and fell into the arms of her sirone.

"Sirone, Sirone! Aaaaaang!"

Everyone was bewildered when a sweet scene suddenly unfolded in the hostile relationship that had been fighting to death.

"really… … Sirone?"

Among the rebels, there is no one who does not know Sirone.

The first Nephilim to stop Ilhwa's drinking.

The rebels were organized starting from the riots that started in Sharmaine District 73, and they honored Sirone by calling it 'the light of District 73'.

Kanya belatedly wiped away her tears and smiled shyly.

"Sorry. I didn't recognize him because he was wearing something strange."

Sirone didn't care, as anyone would have done that if they had met as enemies while hiding their identity.

"are you okay. How is Lena?"

"huh. It's in the main unit. I will go black with joy when I see you."

"haha! So, what about your parents?"

"Dad still corrects me."



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"… … I see."

Sirone didn't ask about her mother.

Even at that time, her lifespan was short, so it was possible to guess what happened after Kanya didn't say anything.

There is no good death in the world.

However, Sirone hoped that she would leave happily, being seen off by her family.

"How long has it been since I went back?"

"Exactly 432 days."

Kanya didn't think long. The day Sirone stopped Ilhwa's drinking was a monumental day for the rebels, so they didn't even have to calculate it.

'432 days.'

It was a time not too different from where Sirone lived.

There is no temporal error caused by the distance because the Guffin's door distorts the space.

Even so, the reason why the time here is a little faster must be the influence of the gravitational field around the planet.

Sirone asked the most curious question.

"I heard that you are at war with Heaven, but I haven't seen even Mara, let alone an angel, since I came here. Why is that?"

Kanya shook her head.

"We don't know either. We fought really fiercely, no, we almost ran away, but somehow the angels started disappearing from one day. Even on the day of the full moon, when I was always on patrol."

Sein, who had been listening while linking the mental magic, intervened with her eyes shining.

"When exactly did this change happen?"

"Um, maybe 130 days?"

130 days.

In contrast to the time zone of the original world, it was around three months or so.

It first occurred to me that it was then that I lost contact with Gaold's bodyguards who had infiltrated heaven.

'Surely something happened in heaven. What is it? Does it have anything to do with the maze? or not… … .'

The platoon leader looked at Kuroi with a bitter expression.

Sirone, called the light of District 73, didn't have to fight for any reason, but the loss was too great.

"It's a big deal. The damage to the aircraft is serious."

Sirone approached with an apologetic expression. It was so damaged that it could not be repaired without window maintenance.


"There is nothing to be sorry about. We were the ones who struck first."

The squad leader woman, who had some responsibility for that, appealed by showing her palms with an unfair expression.

"But that man gave me a grotesque vision first. If you see it, you will understand, but anyone would have recognized it as an enemy."

Flew took a beating.

"Before that, you aimed at the arc first, didn't you?"

"Before that, that man started a fight first."

"You misunderstood first before you started a fight."

The woman could not stand it and cried out.

"Then how can you not misunderstand when you look like that! You approached me as if you were going to hit me!"

A moment of silence followed.

In the end, when the opinion that Gaold's face was a sin came out, the platoon commander didn't want to argue anymore.

"it's okay. Stop that and quickly collect the aircraft and join the main unit. The main unit is also not in a relaxed situation right now."

Sein asked.

"Where is the main unit?"

"Plains of the Dead. We are currently carrying out an operation to wipe out the giants."

The platoon commander walked to his Kuroi.

"This is the only equipment that can be put in immediately. For now, I will lead, so follow me… … huh?"

Gaold stood behind the platoon leader.

When the platoon commander, with one foot on the aircraft, looked at him in disbelief, Gaold pointed to the side with his chin.

"Move. I will ride."

"What are you talking about? Are you riding this?"

Kang Nan sighed and approached.

"Why the hell do you want to ride that? It's linked to Piper anyway, so it won't move even if you just ride it."

Gaold's solution was simple.

"Give me Piper, then."

Kang Nan looked back at Se-in.

It was an official question to the team's order, whether it was okay to leave this human alone.

Sein nodded.

Heaven is destroyed by Sirone, but Gaold must be in charge of the angels. He was the only one who could buy time against a bunch of angels, so he had better leave it to him when it came to fighting.

"For now, let them do whatever they want."

5 minutes after that.

Chunk! Chunk!

Garold, equipped with a piper, boarded the Kuroi.

The platoon leader, deprived of everything, was just looking at the distant mountains.

Sirone looked at her anxiously and asked Fleur.

"Can I really do this? At best, the atmosphere was relaxed, but the stealing of equipment was a bit… … ."

"What are you thinking? Aren't you the kind of person who would stop working just because you're interested?"

Sirone shut his mouth.

Flew also felt remorse and eventually changed his mind.

"Actually, I don't even know. But everyone here is the president of the association, so they followed us all the way here. I just trust the president of the association."

Gaold connected Piper to the Synchro Machine.

As I closed my arms inside, Kuroi made the same motion.

"Are you feeling okay?"

Since there was no tempered glass, Gaold moved the tank while checking the scenery with his eyes.

"Hmm, how about this?"

When the drive joint on the waist was turned all the way, Kuroi's waist began to spin like a top.

"Quack. Gangnan, look at this."

When Gaold jokingly attacked with Guroi's arm, Gangnan, who easily dodged it by leaning back, exclaimed unbearably.

"Oh really! I'm afraid I'll break it!"

These were the words of those who had already destroyed four Kuroi, so Kanya ej*culated with sincere eyes.

"Please bear with that. The Kuroi is a really valuable piece of equipment."

"Whoa, okay. I will die of stress because of that person."

It was only then that Gaold took a look at this and that.

It's not comparable to Spirit Zone's synesthesia, but Multivision provided an excellent field of view, and its firepower was powerful enough to be compared to an air gun.

"How many guns are there in the rebels?"

"That is confidential. I can't tell you."

Kuroi's gun barrel pointed at the platoon leader with a click.

I couldn't tell how much of it was a joke and how serious it was.

"It's also confidential, but I don't know. At most, it's about the status of the battalion's equipment. There's no way a platoon commander knows the total production of the rebels."

Gaold licked his lips and stopped the aircraft.

He jumped off Kuroi, threw off his piper, and quietly joined Sirone's group.

Kangnan crossed his arms and glared at him.

"why? It acted like it would ride all day."

"I get motion sickness. Worse than words."

Gangnan gasped and snorted.

On the other hand, Gaold's mind was getting complicated.

'I wouldn't even have a chin on that one. At least 2,000? No, more than that.'

It was the strength of the Kuroi unit that Gaold had calculated was needed to capture one ordinary angel.

* * *

As the sun went down, Sirone and the others left the forest.

When I arrived at the hill overlooking the Plain of the Dead, the scene of the procession of giants I saw in the morning and the 23rd Battalion of the 1st Rebel Army commanding a local battle spread all the way to the horizon.

The battalion possessed a total of 30 Kuroi.

However, because one group Kanya belonged to was sent as reinforcements, twenty-five Kuroi were currently in operation.

Divided into five groups, the Kuroi troops cooperated with the infantry to lure a handful of giants at least one kilometer away from the column and then use concentrated fire tactics.

Every time the giants collapsed in pieces, Sirone put on a terrible expression.

Giants are also human.

If the Mecca members were once subjects, they would know that fact better than anyone else, so Kanya's face was also shaded.

"The iron rule is to eliminate giants as soon as they are discovered. When they arrive in Jotunheim and achieve unity of mind, they will be able to use the power of giants."

The platoon commander said it like an excuse, but it wasn't wrong.

If the 8 egos are overlapped, the schematic of the schema becomes powerful enough to be comparable to an excellent swordsman. By that time, he would not have been able to cope with the strength of a single battalion.

After entering the plains, the group quickly returned to their main unit.

Seeing the party with only one Guroi, the company commander looked at him in disbelief at first, and then suddenly lost his temper.

"What happened! It was Kergoin! I sent five planes to deal with it quickly. I think I sent it to do it this way!"


The platoon commander repeated the same words.

Anyway, since he was in charge of the platoon, he had nothing to say even if he had 10 mouths.

But Kanya was different.

sirone is back It also brought a much stronger ally than last time.

This was a good news that could not be compared with the loss of tanks.

"Squadron commander! I have a report for you!"

"What are you! I can't see you're looking for a platoon commander! Are you ignoring the chain of command!"

Kuroi Pilot is an infantry squad leader, but reporting directly in front of the platoon leader was a huge disrespect.

But Kanya couldn't wait.

It was an issue that the chief executive must know about now that the giant's invasion line was being narrowed through the sound.

"The light of Area 73!"

"what? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Kanya burst into a tantrum and shouted.

"Sirone is here!"