
Ch 3: The Languid Mannerism

I lay on my bed feeling drowsy and drunk. I let out a deep sigh. My rooms setting in dim light as I closed my lamplight.

My eyes staring into the empty ceiling, trying to figure out about the choice Garisson offered me. Being an assassin isn't a choice of mine. I blinked my eyes for few times and went to sleep..

Loud thunderclaps surround the silent of my room. I suddenly jolt up to the sound of thunder rumbling outside.

"God damn it." I took a clock from the lamp table, it was 4.00 am. I heard a rustling voice down my stairs. I could sense a deep trouble here. Maybe Garisson right about a creepy stalker?

I stand up from my bed, took my phone and on the flashlight.

I went straight to my kitchen and looked around.

Empty. I sighed.

"I'm delusional." I run my fingers through my hair. I turned around. A person suddenly appear and came closer, I yelp.

"AH!" I kicked the person groin in a swift without thinking who it is.

"Who the hell are you?" I bring my light to the person face. I let out a sigh of relief as I realized who it is.

"Ma'am. I'm sorry!" A tall guy wearing a black hat with a mole on his neck fall to the floor, he groaned from the impact. It was my security guard.

I crossed my arm. "What are you doing here around 4.00 am?" I asked him with calm tone. I gave him my hand for him to stand up. He brush his pant and look at me.

"I..uh.. I was checking something in the kitchen." He scratched his head, feeling nervous.

"Why? Is there anything peculiar here?" I asked him in neutral tone.

He nodded slowly. "Ma'am, I heard noises in the kitchen so I go check but..." He fidget his fingers.

"Turns out it was just the wind...." He pointed at the open pivoted windows on my kitchen. I raised my eyebrows alarmed by his explanation.

"Is that so? The rustling voice I heard in the kitchen was you huh?" I shake my head. "Go get some rest now. Its early for you to be here." I order him.

"Alright, ma'am." He turned around to leave but then he fell again. This time something came out of his uniform, foods from my pantry falls to the floor.

I tapped my feet, sigh. "Care to explain, Desmond?" I picked up the foods. He looked at me, his gaze shifted nervously at me.

"Ma'am I-" He gulped.

I patted his tense shoulder. "I won't be mad at you. Just explain to me what were you doing in my kitchen." His head look straight at me.

"I steal the foods for my family. We don't have.. foods much for this month." His tone sadder.

"You don't have much foods?" My heart sank as I heard his condition. I gave the foods to him. "Take all of them and give your family as much as you can." His eyes lighten up.

"Ma'am. I-" I shushed him.

"I know the state of the economy nowadays drastically change especially for you and your family. I suggest you to find another path of finding the money but not this way." I smiled at him. "Perhaps.. if you work harder I'll give you more of benefit. Don't tell the others." I put a finger to my chin.

Desmond eyes soften as he listen to me. "Ma'am, this feels unfair actually.. especially for my other co-workers.." He look down.

My eyes squint at him. "Why? Its a great offer for you." Desmond took a deep breath and let it out.

"They... We.. are all the same. I mean.. all of us plan to leave Girand Stellar after a month since we need to find more suitable sustainable life for us to live.." His eyes teary. "The government really left us to live in the street with the insane inflation they give. We.. we rather much leave this place, Ma'am.." He cried. "Its.. Its not because we hate you but we hate the government for making us this." My eyes widened at his words. I rubbed his back.

"Oh, Desmond..." He let out his cry and sniffed.

"I'm sorry, I can be sensitive sometimes." I smiled gently at him.

"Hey, hey..." An idea pop out of my mind. "How about I give you all more bonus if you all work harder? I know it cna be tired but I can assure all of you its enough for your family. Besides, I don't like spending my money for lost cause so its a pleasure to use my money to help you all." Desmond look up and hugged me tightly.

"Ma'am, you're so kind. We don't deserve you." I tubbed his back.

"Its the least I can do." Desmond wiped his tears and stand immediately with the foods on his arms.

"Alright, ma'am. I will tell the others about this news!" I giggled at his reaction.

"Now, go get some sleep. You'll need it." Desmond smile and wave goodbye. I waved at him back.

I have realised how the effect of living in this wealthy place. They leave the unfortunate people dying and not hearing their voice. So much for wealthy but not for their rights. Its barbaric that people honour this place..

To be continue...