
Ch 2: Garisson Duncan

"I need you to calm down and took a deep breath." Garisson say sarcastically. I snickered.

"Alright, but may I know why the hell that you choose me?" I gritted my teeth, impatient to hear his response.

"Because.. you're my favourite student. I never taught my students the art of self-defence sharp witted like you. You even beat me at one time." He say it softly. I took a deep sigh.

"Is that why you chose me?" He hummed agreed. "So, you want me to be your assassin? What do I get in return?" I tapped my fingers.

"In return, you get a lot of benefit." I sighed.

"What benefit?" I asked him.

"Unlike the usual moneys. We can give you free customize weapons to your liking. Not only that, we can help you gather discreet informations about the city secrets.." He tittered. "I know you prefer that.. right Airin?" I felt shiver on my bone.

"And why do you think I prefer that Garisson?" I asked with a slightly annoyance tone.

"Well.. I do got upgrade my skills in coding. Let just say, your informations are too vulnerable for me to read." He laughed evilly.

"If you intend on threatening or black-mailing. I will hang up the call." I told him serious.

"Hey.. stop. I'm just kidding. I just want to mess my old friend, that isn't a crime isn't it?" I went silent for a minute.

"Stalking is a crime." I told him.

He laughed at my reaction. "Fine.. Come on, I know you love my offer. You wouldn't want to miss a chance to know about it. On the bright side, the people of my target for you to kill are the reason for your both parents became workaholic." I widened my eyes.

"What do you say...? Yes... or no..?" Garisson say it with convincing voice.

"Can you give me a week to think about this?" I bite my lips whether this is a good decision or not. This is the only way for me to achieve my parents secrecy.

"Tsk. I'm afraid I won't response to you after a week." He took a deep breath. "but.. for you my dear? I'll give you some time, okay?" Garisson assured me.

"Thank you, Garisson. This means a lot." I scratched my head. "Perhaps we should prepare a private meeting, Garisson. Its been long time, I didn't see you. I miss you.." I hear his breath hitched in the phone.

"Oh.. you miss me?" There was a moment of silence after he said that. "Sure.. meet me at Lunar Bar next to Gionnavi Crescent. I'll reserve a place for both of us." I laughed.

"A gentleman to heart. You'll always be my favourite one." I compliment him. "By the way, why are you suddenly starting to form a team out of nowhere?" His chuckle voice in the phone makes me look like I'm a fool.

"Airin, do you know what are you getting into?" His voice turns to deep and dark.


"I would simply say I have started a secret organisation. This is only between me and you." He says.

"Between us? Why are you starting it? Are you up to something dangerous this time?" My voice slightly high-pitched. I heard his boots clicking in the phone.

"Ooh.. definitely dangerous. You love dangerous don't you? The feeling of your adrenaline pump up. The excitement and thrill when you were chased or rush? I want you to feel included in my adventure--our adventure." He say it enthusiastically. I feel drawn to his words as he say dangerous twice.

"I-" I coughed. "Give me time to think about it, Garisson." He chuckled.

"Of course, dear. I see you in our next meeting." I nodded.

"Oh and don't forget to lock your doors next time. I see this creepy neighbour wanted to break to your mansion." I feel my heart thumped.

"Garisson! Oh gosh- I'll get right back to you." He laughed joyously in the phone and I quickly hang.

I dial my security guards phone number to make sure the surrounding of my mansion.

"Anything?" I told him.

"No, miss. Nothing there." I shook my head as Garisson pranked me. I thanked my guard amd hang up the phone.

I pinched the crook of my nose on how stressful day of today. "Waiter! Another wine please." The waiter nodded and pour me the wine. I sipped it and laid back.

The blast music in the bar didn't help me enough to get rid of these thought.

What am I suppose to do? Accept the offer?

What about the consequence of I do?

Killing people? Is it worth it?

I drink the whole wine to kill the thought but still they lingered. I took my purse and quickly drive to my mansion.