
Ch 1: Airin Laire

I stood upon the cliff of Girand Hills. A hill with an enormous signboard welcoming foreigners all over the world to come to this city. Gaze of millions awe strucked eyes adoring this lavish city. What makes this city drawn so much to people you say? I tell you what.

A complete reform of the future city made for millionaires and billionaires to live and be spoiled. Young girls love to visit this city as they search for sugar.. in the tea to help them living their best life.

It was the money, the accomodation, the service, the technology and all you can name as living in easier lifestyle. These are what makes people drawn to "Girand Stellar" the city of wealthy people.

I born in this city with fortune parents. They abandoned me because of their workaholic behaviour. I knew this because of the similar pattern they did throughout my grow phase. Since I was a child, I was taken care by the maids and butlers in the house.

Growing up, I slowly became emotionless. Less sympathy, gain apathy. I felt numb whenever people try to hurt me. Whether its bullying, insult or fighting, I remain calm and collected. I gained the art of self-defence from one of the acquaintance in my school. A strong talented fighter that I lost contact few years ago.

I learned to use weapon on my own and gain an obsession towards blood.. I become a bloodthirst.

Cutting the flesh and let them dripped slowly on their skin. It felt so pleasureable to me when I got my first job. Gradually, I got addicted to kill people. However, its not the blood of normal people I kill but the blood of irresponsible; ignorant significant people in Girand Stellar.

You must know that Girand Stellar is not only for the generic millionaires and billionaires. If its lavish, there are indeed political people included. Though I admit, they are more powerful than the peers of other rich people.

My parents highly respect them. It irks me that they abide these people more than their own self. I tried several ways to uncover the reasons but they manage to make it as discreet as possible. Even though I suspect my parents purposely to make me discover their secrets, I remained oblivious to wait they open their mouth. Until today, they never want to reveal that and I felt relieved they simply believe my facade.

I started my job as assassin one day when I hangout casually at my favourite club while sipping my wine. A fully masked person came to me. He wore a black hooligan mask, a bristly beige coat, smart pants and a fedora. People aren't suspicious with this, they called it as "fashionable trend". He handed me a detailed card of a company.

"This is a lifetime opportunity. Give us a call." He says. I observed carefully his movement as I took the card forcefully. "So you are the one they told me to meet?" The man nodded. "You have to give us a call.." He says in a deaf tone. He turned his heels, walking straight out to the door. I sighed, the fact that my dirty secrets will be revealed if I didn't do as they told so I give it a call.

My phone vibrate from the impact. "Hello?" I say curiously.

"Ahh. Miss Airin, a pleasure to meet you." A familiarity hoarse voice chuckled at my greeting.

"I recognised this voice. Garisson? Is that you?" He tittered.

"My.. you sounds more sexier than the last time I met you. Shall I ask you on a date?" I laughed.

"Flirtatious, Garisson. Mind your words if its come true I might get handy with you.. especially with my weapon." I grinned widely, Garrison in the phone chortled. "So, what brings you to call me after these few years? Last time we met, you almost got yourself to the hospital.." I stopped and continue. "Are you alright now?" He sighed deeply.

"Well, nothing much I guess.." He coughed. "I need to be professional with you in this call. Its urgent.. critical indeed." I listened to him attentively. "Go on.." I say.

Garisson took another deep sighed. "I need an assassin to recruit for my team and I would like to recruit you for the first..." I almost choke at my wine. "Are you willing to enter?" I took tissues to wipe my mouth.

"Excuse me..? Assassin? Are you out of your mind Garisson?" I shrieked.