
Boy in the Ocean

Long ago there were for nations but I'm pretty sure you heard that side of the story there were more nations there was a blood blood bending Nation spirit bending nations but important of all there was master of all bending even regular bending his name was spiel he was a normal 13 years old teen but one day the blood benders attempted to attack him but even doe he was the master of all bending so that day he saw his own parents die they were ripped in half by the blood benders so he ran away and He didn't know he was being chased by The blood bending soldiers he stopped at a cliff the moment he stopped he turned around with a big sniff looking at the soldiers gathered around him with the swords shining in the day they were all getting closer and closer and closer so he jumped off the soldiers marched to the queen her name was Morgana she was very evil rumors said she killed her own father so she could claim the throne she had a younger sister she was the same age as the master spike but the queen was very shaken about losing the master bender so she banished the soldiers come the family and home but 15 years ago a villager found him in the water while he was out fishing so he dove into the water bringing him to lands he tried doing cpr but It did not work so he brung him to master shuu the Villager thought he could help spike so a few days later the boy woke up shocked that he was alive he got out of the the bed and heard a voice of a old man he said hello little boy in a weakly way he said I am master shuu who are you spike explained everything to master shuu and he told spike to call him master because he was going to teach spike how to use his power and he told him that he was the master of all elements so spike begin his training for 20 years time had passed and master shuu jay passed and had passed the shop to his daughter that he never talked about her name was Ayaka she very brave she was a water bender.