
Ainz Having fun in the New World

Momong gets transported to a new world alone with Shalltear and Albedo ,no Nazzarick but he does have the staff of Ainz Ool Gown with him, what could this mean? ........ Ainz X Albedo X Shalltear Ainz has a non-undead body Ainz didn't alter Albedo’s settings to love him so none of that remorse he has about it in canon bur he did removed that part about her being a slut Ainz becomes daddy Ainz in the future. I will try to write a good story that isn't ridiculous, the will he divergence from Canon not alot but enough

Xinum_Sensational · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Daydreaming about her lord

Meanwhile  as Ainz was proceeding with his plans Albedo was  currently seated in a rather soft Seat within a carriage, she had to admit that the carriage was quite acceptable, hardly up to her standards but it was acceptable, the carriage she was in had taken her from her inn and was on its way to the  magicians guild which was in the opposite direction of the adventurers guild.

Her lord had permitted the Selling of some of his items though she was hesitant to sell any items from Yggdrasil as they might come in handy later, she over came that when she realized her plans needed money and lots of it so being stingy about things wasn't going to help, plus selling some low levels items for high price should be helpful.  she was confident in her negotiation skill. Beside her on the seat was a small black purse that  had within  it the items she were to sell.

While she sat on the carriage within her head, thoughts of her beloved  Ainz flowed in and out, various fantasies played in her head which served as a way to keep her smile. Her body slightly lurched forward as the carriage came to an abrupt stop  and the door opened to reveal an elderly gentleman with a strained smile on his face.

"Excuse me Milady but we have arrived"

The smile on her face turned sour however she quickly smiled back once more, she understood that the man hadn't interrupted her intentionally so she let it slide.

"Thank you, I'll be out shortly"

Hearing her voice the man's strained smile on his face lessened, the woman had quite the soothing voice, on top of her beauty. the carriage driver was feeling quite  a mixture of emotions right now, the woman was the most beautiful he has ever seen but due to his long life, He has heard stories of Beastmen devouring humans, he has heard that such things are common sights in the holy Roble kingdom as well as The dragon kingdom. He had always been the type to believe what he hears as such he held a slight fear for people that look Beastmen like  though he didn't fear them enough to turn down business. As of right now he was feeling fearful of her but at the same time attracted to her , to put it simple he was having a 'why boner'.

Stepping out the  carriage, Albedo  made her way towards the entrance to the Magician's guild. The carriage will wait for her and take her back to her inn. Stepping into the  guild, eyes were already upon her as the inquisitive minds of Magicians scrutinized her form, guessing what type of being she was. She didn't  like their gazes but  she reigned in her displeasure, she was going to  get a lot of attention from now on so  she must refrain from any acts that would cause the insects to view her in a negative light.

She  quickly made her way to the  reception desk and addressed the young  woman about what she needs.

"excuse me but I am here to sell a few  magic items, who do I need to speak to for that?"

She  enquired but the girl  was seemingly mesmerized by Albedo, the  girl's eyes seemed to be dazed and  she had a  slight blush on her cheeks, It wasn't just the  receptionist it seems the entire room stood still the  moment she entered. the receptionist's inattentiveness caused Albedo to frown.


Clearing her throat Albedo brought everyone back from their fantasies  and caused the  room to move once  more though there were audible whispers as the  magicians started to ask themselves questions they were afraid to ask Albedo herself .

"Y-yes how can I help miss"

"I wish to sell magic items, is there anyone who can help me with that"

"Yes, please right this way my lady"

The young  lady guided Albedo  to a  room that was located to side of the wide counter top, Entering the room Albedo found it to extremely lacking, it was just a normal room with two couches facing each other and  a  table in between  there was a book shelf on the wall opposite and parallel to the door.

"the  appraiser will be right  with you My lady please wait a moment"

Albedo complied and sat down, she wasn't pleased with how she had to wait but she had yet to finish her thoughts about her lord, imagining his  embrace was quite enjoyable and fun, the little scenarios she conjured up in her head  were a good way  pass time  and keep her in a good mood.

"I should ask lord Ainz for the mirror of remote viewing"

She voiced, it should be easy to come up with an excuse of why she wants such an item.

After about 5 minutes of  Albedo fantasizing about Ainz and  the future she wanted with him the door  clicked  open and revealed a  balding old man with a  thick white beard, the  man wore  purple mage robes  with a  black rope tied to his  waist.

"finally, I was beginning to get impatient"

She  spoke in a curt  manner  to indicate her displeasure about being made to  wait, though she hardly felt the time as  she was too busy in her  own world, it was imperative to establish who had the  power in this interaction.

"Apologies my lady  but we are little busy at the moment, please overlook this Slight"

The man expressed his sincere apology with a bow before going to sit down in the couch opposite to her.

"I hope this isn't how you treat all your merchants, you could lose business with such practices"

"again my lady we're sorry for the inconvenience and we'll endeavor to do better"

"I hope so"

She relented and proceeded to place her purse on the table

"may I know what my lady has brought"

The man asked though his eyes seemed to linger on her wings, he seemed curious about not only them but about her as well, this wasn't the first he has seen a demi-human but Albedo seemed unique  a different type of heteromorph demi-human. The curious mind of the magician began to think as many questions piled in his head, how much mana she possessed? what use did the wings have? Can she fly with them? What are her skills? From where did she come from? Is the more of her kind?

Various questions swirled in his head, she is a curious specimen truly interesting, Demi-human were always interesting with their weird extra appendages and bizarre bodies and no doubt the one in front of him was just as interesting.

"I have brought with me 3 magical items, that I believe you'll find interesting"


A/N: powerstone ??