
Ainz Having fun in the New World

Momong gets transported to a new world alone with Shalltear and Albedo ,no Nazzarick but he does have the staff of Ainz Ool Gown with him, what could this mean? ........ Ainz X Albedo X Shalltear Ainz has a non-undead body Ainz didn't alter Albedo’s settings to love him so none of that remorse he has about it in canon bur he did removed that part about her being a slut Ainz becomes daddy Ainz in the future. I will try to write a good story that isn't ridiculous, the will he divergence from Canon not alot but enough

Xinum_Sensational · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

chapter 6

Gazeff  Stronoff the chief warrior of the Re-estize kingdom, a man well trusted by the king and held in high regard by everyone within the Re-estize kingdom, as the most powerful swordsman in the kingdom it's only expected to be held in high regard, however even though Gazeff is the Kingdom's trump card  some of the nobles dislike him, it's possible they dislike him because he is a subordinate to the king and an obstacle to them, if that's the case then the nobles are traitors, however Gazeff did not think that was the case, their dislike of him stems from the fact that he is a commoner as such commoners should be where they belong, below the nobles and not stand beside them.

Despite his skills that can be utilized  greatly in times of war , the nobles still can't see past their own greed. Gazeff often found himself baffled by this, they would rather line their own pockets than save the kingdom. Truly the nobles were a new breed of foolish.

However Gazeff held out hope that the king would be able to unite them or the very least choose a successor that will save the kingdom from falling into pieces, prince Zanac would be the best choice, though he is not good with the sword he is at least ten times better than Prince Barbro.

Gazeff felt the wind on his face as his horse galloped along.  his vice chief was right behind him, they had to switch horses for the trip back as the ones they used earlier were quite tired. Gazeff and his vice chief brought extra horses for their guests.


He glance at the voice that called on him, his vice chief was getting closer to him, perhaps he wanted to say something and Gazeff was willing to listen, the vice chief was a man of good insight .

"what is it?"

"do you think this Ainz Ool Gown is going to accept the invitation even if he is still at carne, since he isn't from here he could very well decline"

The vice chief stated, he may not know how powerful Ainz Ool Gown is, he at very  least knows taking out an entire squad of knights is no feat a normal man can accomplish even for a magic caster, the vice chief held no delusions that  Ainz would simply accept and go back with them to the capital  in fact he might no longer be in carne anymore. He was also worried that the nobles might try  get rid of  him, the nobles had no ideas how useful a magic caster was, hell  they had no idea how useful Gazeff was.

"I don't know if he will accept, however we must try, anything worth doing is done by trying"

Gazeff knew how useful a magic caster was and if he could get Ainz on the King's side  with the two of them the king's safety would be no problem. He and his vice chief galloped forward to carne village.

After an hour  Gazeff and his second in command made it  close to carne, from the distance they could see a bunch of people waiting for him, as he got closer he was able to tell who those people were, he let out a relieved sigh, it seems they hadn't left.

A few minutes and he was at carne village in front of the people he came to retrieve.

"Hello again  sir Gown"

He dismount from his horse and offered a greeting to the imposing figure that is Ainz Ool Gown.

"greetings to you as well Sir Stronoff"

Ainz returned the greetings, next to him weren't Albedo and Shalltear who did a curtsy to greet the chief warrior, Of course both had to grind their teeth and had to stomach bowing to such an inferior creature.

The two women were immensely beautiful, Gazeff had to wrestle his eyes to look away from then, he was familiar with the princess and had seen how beautiful she is but she didn't come close to these two in front of him, if he was a religious man from the Slane theocracy he could have swore they were divine Angels sent from on high.

While Gazeff was able to pry his eyes and from the woman the vice chief was Enthralled  this wasn't the first time he saw them but back then they had stuff to do and had to hurry back but now that he could get a look  he couldn't look away.

"Vice chief!"

A nudge from Gazeff brought him out of his stupor and an embarrassed blush was evident on his face, Gazeff could understand his sentiment.

"I apologize"

With a bow the vice chief-Darius  Apologized.

"Please think nothing of it, I understand, sometimes I find myself doing the same thing"

Ainz admitted, Gazeff smiled at him but he could not help but envy the man.

"you're a lucky man Sir Gown"

Gazeff was a single man but with his status as the chief warrior he could easily get any woman he wishes, daughter of a rich merchant or perhaps  even a low ranking noble lady, however despite knowing that he knew these two in front of him were impossible he held no delusions that he could seduce them or rather he had no skill to seduce any woman

"hahahah I suppose I am, now then didn't you come to tell me something?"

"ah Yes, his majesty the King  Ramposa the 3rd  wishes to have an Audience with you and offer his thanks for saving his people"

He handed a letter to Ainz, the letter had the Royal seal on it proof that it came directly from the king. Taking out his monocle to read the letter, he opened it and simply skimming through it before handing it to Albedo along with the monocle as well, she'll inform him of any discrepancies in the letter later.

"very well we accept the invitation, when are we expected to leave"

"we've brought horses we can leave any time you wish"

Currently it was high noon and it would take a full 3 hours to get to the capital, that is if they used horses Ainz has different way to get there.

"Very well however that would take too long, I have an alternative to that, would you mind if I touched your forehead"

"my forehead, might I ask why?"

Gazeff became slightly cautious, he had no idea what Ainz had in mind, he said he had an alternative but doe it have something to do with his forehead.

"since I've never been to the capital, I need to cast a spell on you that would allow me see you memories, you simply need to think of the capital and it should be fine"

"such a spell exists?!"

Gazeff went wide eyed, if such a spell did exist it would be incredibly useful in gathering information.

"Yes but it only allows me to peer into the memories you want to share so it's not very useful in gathering information"

"oh, very well  then sir Gown"

"Please call me Ainz"

"Then you may call me Gazeff as well"

Ainz stepped forward and touched Gazeff's forehead with his finger and cast the spell [memory pull] and a clear picture of the capital was shown to him. He tried to peered deeper into Gazeff's mind but he could not get any information other than what Gazeff allowed.

"Excellent, now I'll cast greater Teleportation to Teleport us to the capital instantly .

"you can do that!!"

Another shock came from Gazeff, Teleportation magic is fifth tier magic and that would mean Ainz is a fifth tier magic caster.

"Yes I can, I'm a fifth tier Magic caster"

Gazeff felt as though he had won the lottery, that means that Ainz was close to the tier of Fluder Paradyne from Baharuth, what luck.

Not waiting for both the Gazeff and Darius to come out of their shock Ainz Cast [Greater Teleportation]  and they instantly vanished along with the horses.



Prince Barbro Andrean leld Ryle Vaiself   is the crowned prince of the Re-estize kingdom destined to Inherit the throne as the eldest son of the king it fell upon him to succeed his father and become the next king, it was his birthright, that's what he believed at least and he made that clear to everyone that knew him.

Prince Barbro was a tall man with a blonde buzz cut hair his figure was quite imposing as he towered above most nobles and people he had met, this height was one of his characteristics that he felt proud about, it reinforced his superiority complex  after all as a prince he was meant to be above everyone so it only made sense that he would look down on people by status and by natural height.

As of right now the prince  was wearing his pants and proceeded to buckle the belt before wearing a shirt, he was currently within one of the VIP guest rooms within a secret Brothel run by eight fingers, on the bed was a blonde woman  lied face down, she was naked  and there was some bruising on some parts of her body clear signs there was some type of rough play Between the two.

Barbro  finished putting on his clothes and once done  he checked himself on the mirror to see if he looked presentable so as to not arouse suspicions when returning back to the castle, he was sure that he made sure no one saw him, it would be a disgrace  to the Royal family if this was to be found out.

"visiting brothels and laying with commoner women, disgusting"

Despite the words sounding as if he hated the whole ordeal prince Barbro could not hold back his own desires, as a prince he could not just lay with any woman behind  closed doors  as that would cause problems should the woman fall pregnant so he needed something with no stings attached hence the Brothel even if they do get pregnant  the pregnancy can be easily be terminated  via Magic  so he didn't  have worry, once a noble lady that he beds fall pregnant he has to worry about reparations and consent to end the pregnancy not mention he would be forced to marry her or at least make her a concubine but with the help of Eight fingers and some magic he has to worry about nothing.

"though it's the method of cowards magic has its uses"

With that comment he exited  the room but before he could leave he took a glance at the woman and an image of a certain blonde adventurer flashed on his mind before he shut the door and left.

Exiting the Brothel designed to look like a luxurious Mansion, he stepped into the carriage that was also disguise as a normal noble carriage without the Royal family's coat of arms, can't have a Royal carriage be seen in the out skirts of the capital where some unsavory people and business are located. Of course when he entered the carriage he made sure to cover his face, The carriage the set off.

Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra the woman the prince mostly certainly desired more than anything Excluding the throne, Lakyus was  beautiful blonde woman with a emerald green eyes, he considered her to be perhaps the most beautiful woman in the kingdom, she was strong – since she's the leader of an adventurer group – and best of all she was of noble birth. A woman possessing all the qualities he desires in a spouse unfortunately marrying her was  pipe dream even as a prince he Can't exert his influence on the adventurers guild, thing he needs to remedy once he is king, can't have an independent entity within the kingdom.