
⌜Chapter 9⌟

*Screech! *Bam! *Bam!

Inside the hidden dungeon beneath the Black Iron palace, screeches of monsters could be heard, a crayfish-like monster could be seen attacking a man wielding a scythe, the monster roared loudly as it entered a maddened state.

One of its limbs were missing and its shell was full of cracks, the man it was fighting was me, I had been inside this hidden dungeon for a long time now, I don't know how many days or months because I always go back 24 hours since I died a lot inside this dungeon.

But saying that it was not worth it is not true, I leveled up a lot inside this dungeon, got tons of frog meat and crayfish meat, there are also some rare drops called Black pearls that could be sold to NPC's at a high price.

Still spending a long time in this dark and damp dungeon started to erode my insanity, I'm in the cycle of dying and going back to the past that I already forgot what date it was, but I needed to persevere for a little bit more.

I'm close to meeting the boss of this floor, the fatal scythe, after killing the crayfish I was fighting, even though I have low health points remaining, even if I heal myself, I know it will be useless since what I'm going to fight was one hundred times stronger than the ones I have been fighting with.

Just as I proceeded forward, with a swoosh! a blur appeared in front of me, a massive, legless skeleton, clad in a tattered black robe (red inside) and carrying a large silver scythe that is as big as the boss itself.


It swung its large silver scythe towards me in a sweeping motion, I have been ambushed a lot of times now, the only thing surprising is this guy's speed and power, I immediately ducked to the ground narrowingly avoiding the scythe that wanted to slice me in half.


"That almost killed me *Chuckles"

I could not help but chuckle when I said that, I then immediately hopped backwards to avoid another attack of the Fatal Scythe.


Its attack was so powerful that it destroyed the ground that I was standing on earlier.

"Really powerful, I wonder how much could you give me? Woah! I guess I need to fight back"

I yelled as avoided another of its attack, it's fast yeah, but fighting and dying, again and again, I learned many things, move before it was even in motion, it's not a prediction but something called reading body language.

It actually became a skill called danger sense, It was a very helpful skill, anyway, I need to fight back because this monster is starting to get used to my movement, I waved my right hand and my weapon appeared on my hands.

I needed to take this seriously now since even though monsters are a bundle of data's they are capable of learning and adapting to their opponents, yes, they analyze the players, it may sound overpowered but that is how it works, but once the player is killed, the monster got killed or the monster didn't fight for a long time.

Their data will reset and go back to how it was before.

*Swoosh! *Boom!

I tilted my body avoiding the downward slash of the fatal scythe, I didn't dare to block it with my weapon since it would break once we clash, right now, I needed to be agile and aware of everything, one attack of the fatal scythe could instantly kill me even if I have full health.

Making the scythe dance around my arms I charged towards the Fatal scythe, "Kaminari no Kokyu! Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen!" my scythe glowed in golden color, I moved at a very fast speed and immediately arrived in front of the fatal scythe.


*Swing! x6

In quick succession, I moved around like a clap of thunder and slashed the fatal scythe with my weapon, it roared loudly as I finished my attack, I turned my head and looked at how much damage I dealt on that attack.


Almost a nonexistent damage compared to its very high Health pool, taking a deep breath I calmed myself.

"Tsk, this is going to take awfully a long time, One more!"

"Breath of Death! First Form!"

My scythe started glowing in dark color as if it was incorporated with death, yes, this is an original skill that I made from dying many times, I took the core of the breathing techniques and incorporated it with how I see death, though it only has one form for now and is incorporated with my weapon scythe.

Breathing techniques are fairly easy you know, it was just different in the Demon Slayers anime, the water or butterfly you see in their forms actually doesn't exist, it was only their breathing that was different.

In simple terms, those special effects of water-like things don't exist, they can't be seen, but in this world, it was recognized as a skill, not the breathing but the way I empowered it with my imagination coupled with the breathing.

"Death Dance"

Moving in a dancing motion, I swiftly got close with the Fatal Scythe, I danced around the Fatal Scythe avoiding all of its attacks, while continuously barraging it with attacks of my own, the core of this attack is be unpredictable, like how you don't know when death will come.

Though this skill has one flaw, for now, It was not polished to perfection yet.

*Swoosh! *Slash!

Failing to avoid its sweeping slash, I was cut in half.

[You died!]

In a few moments, I am back once again, sitting in front of the fireplace that I made, taking a deep breath, its time to go once again.

[You Died]

[You Died]

[You Died]

[You Died!]

[You ...]

Countless times I have died I didn't give up, I wonder why I didn't give up? it's not like I have any reason for it, but I guess, I already got used to dying many times, even though it was very painful.

But I think I was loving the feeling of dying many times grinding my way up until I finally defeat it, the feeling of suffering, and then finally overcoming it, I guess I got it from playing dark souls? either way, I will defeat this thing.


[You have defeated the Fatal Scythe]



I'm drowning and you're standing three feet away screaming 'learn how to swim'

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