
Aimless Travels In Multiverse

THIS BOOK IS WRITTEN UNDER QUESTIONABLE CIRCUMSTANCES SO IT'S GOING TO BE BAD. MC with questionable sanity running around Multiverse trying to find something interesting to do. [This novel is mostly on MC's POV also English is not my first language] [Cover photo is not mine]

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

One Man's Trash, Other Man's Treasure

I talked to my parents about my little trip, of course they don't know where I am going and I am not about to tell them.

I also got a photo of my grandparents, well they only had photos from my mother's side but the pictures were worth it, I am going to have a lot of fun teasing some people with it.

I don't trust this governments and they have been watching me who knows how long...

Hold up let me check with Post Cognition.

They have been watching me ever since I saved Eri, thankfully I didn't get in trouble for that but there's no way a government would let someone like me go away or give up being a hero.

Especially if they learn I had working Dimensional Travel, anime might have shown it to be nice and fluffy but Hawks is a special trained operative and he wouldn't mind killing if given orders.

This means this world isn't innocent as it looks, so I will have my security measures set up before revealing anything groundbreaking.

After all this dimension is for vacation and possibly for making money in the future.

Shaking my head I set up my door to Type-moon.

[Type-moon: 2 months before Shirou summons Saber, Fuyuki.]

That should give me enough time to set my plans in motion...

Opening the door revealed a rainbow colored road seemingly hovering on the void, to be honest it looks like the time Ichigo was running from Hueco Mundo to human world.

Shaking my head I started walking thankfully I fixed the point in Type-moon otherwise just thinking about Bleach would change my destination.

Let's hope Gaia/Alaya will like environment cleansing trees enough to let me be.

Oh I have no imaginations of them letting me in without bribing them let's hope this works.


Getting to the end of the road I passed through the door made of rainbow colors and found myself in front of one blue humanoid...

"Alaya I presume?"

"Indeed, now I didn't think there was another magician and you're definitely not from any dimensions I watch over."


"I would have erased you right away but that detestable vampire insisted to at least listen to you, so speak"

"I have no malicious intentions towards your world and I actually brought these trees as a gift, they're modified to clean the environment."

I took one of the trees out of my inventory and presented it to representation of humanities will to survive.

She took a look at the tree and turned to me.

"It could work but one tree is not enough, how many do you have?"

"Around a couple million" much to say I may have made Kamui Woods work yo exhaustion since I paid in cash and gave him a time limit or just exhausted his stocks I am not sure.

Alaya grinned "Considering when you're you're planning on getting involved in Holy Grail right?"

"Yes but contamination is going to be problematic"

"What is your wish?"

"I was going to use the grail to plant these trees?"

Alaya looked at me with a unreadable expression for a minute than nodded.

"Why don't you want the grail?"

"Third magic is weird I can find better ways to immortality and I rather grant my own wishes instead of using s cup"

"You don't want to reach the root?"

"Please, I am not a magus, just some insane traveling Magician"

"Good I will allow your passage, show me something good. I really wonder how you will handle Angra Maniyu"

With this blue humanoid snapped her finger and I found myself falling from a height...

I would have altered the gravity but even though Alaya let me in Gaia is still keeping up her suppression thus, it threw off my control.

In the end I crashed to the ground and hit my head before losing consciousness.


I woke up in a Japanese house, well that's to be expected but there was some familiar noises coming from the other side of the house.

No way!

He even changed my clothing there's no way I would wear two color shirts especially not white and blue.

'Cortana status!

[Minor head injury, I suggest you to have a good rest]

I made my way to the voices as I inspected the house...

Indeed, Alaya knew where she threw me off.

Opening the sliding door I looked towards a certain Shirou Emiya and Taiga Fujimura.

It appears they're eating dinner.

"Ah you woke up, I found you on the ground and couldn't leave you like that please sit down we were about to eat dinner."

"Thank you, I am Fujimaru Ritsuka."

"Emiya Shirou and this is my legal guardian Taiga Fujimura."

"Come on sit! Shirou cooks the best food you don't want to miss."

I did as I was told, to them I am just a 15 year old, I am even younger than Sakura.

"So what were you doing that you got hit on the head?" Shirou ask while giving me some rice.

"I have been traveling, but I kinda got in a accident and hit my head..."

"Traveling, you don't look older than 16 aren't you going to school?"

"Graduated early..." I mean I would have if they would let me.

"Whoa! have you started collage?"

"My parents asked me to wait and enjoy my hobbies until my age is right I didn't have a reason to go early"

Taiga nodded then just dug in her meal and I revolved some prana to my head to clear my mind...

I was so used to not have to worry about no one using prana, so I kinda forgot Shirou could sense it, he tensed but didn't anything after seeing how casual I was behaving.

The dinner good lord the dinner was so good! Lunch Rush doesn't even comes close to Shirou when it comes to cooking.

Let's hope he sells me some and I really should think of a way to get Archer in the kitchen when he gets summoned.

After dinner, Shirou showed me the bath which I was grateful and once Taiga has passed out from over eating.

I got him in the room he gave me and started talking.

"Thank you for helping me, I must pay you back"

"There's no need, it's natural to help people"

"I insist, not like I am pay you with money" I looked right into his eyes.

"What are you going to pay with then?"

"Take off your shirt..."

There was an awkward silence that persisted for a minute.

"That came out wrong sorry, you see I am a magician..."


"I know the difference between the two, you see I am a magician and I couldn't help but notice that you're not using your circuits right" Shirou doesn't know jack shit about Magecraft I can just bullshit my way into his head.

Before he can answer I explained the issue and how magic circuits work and he was trusting enough to let me push some prana into his dying circuits to get them to work.

"Well, don't ever use your nerves as make shift circuits it's inefficient and painful."

"Well, thanks for the lesson I guess..."

"By the way so you take orders for take out food?"


"That was the best food I ate, do you sell?"

"No but if you want to eat you're welcomed to visit"

"Thank you"

"Now I should let you rest but what are you going to do tomorrow?"

"I am looking for a detective but her office keeps changing locations"

"What are you going to do with a detective?"

"Sorry but that's a bit personal"

"Ah sorry"

"It's fine Emiya-san goodnight"



I left the house before Sakura arrived for breakfast, I just told Shirou that I caught a trail before leaving.

Sakura has Zouken's main body in her heart and he should be able to spy on ger through that.

I don't want him to see me near Shirou I bet he already sensed the disturbance last night, moving on I actually acclimated rather easily and was able to use my post cog.

Now why does that matter, Gilgamesh threw four of his swords and spears during the fight with Gilles.

Those are NPs out of Gilgamesh's treasury, even after being on the open for ten years they shouldn't have lost much of their mystery.

Having a NP would be nice but they're going to be my bribes to hire a certain women and shut off Rin once she learns about my plans.

I have no reason to antagonize Shirou and knowing that those two will be a team means I have to tolerate tsundere princess.

Shaking my head I wondered why did Zelretch left these weapons out in the open sure, Gilgamesh deemed them unworthy of him and Tokiomi died before recovering them.

I doubt Kirei even knows about them...

I reached my first NP, unfortunately all of them are underwater and embedded in the bottom.

Time to dig out some Noble Phantasms.