
Aimless Travels In Multiverse

THIS BOOK IS WRITTEN UNDER QUESTIONABLE CIRCUMSTANCES SO IT'S GOING TO BE BAD. MC with questionable sanity running around Multiverse trying to find something interesting to do. [This novel is mostly on MC's POV also English is not my first language] [Cover photo is not mine]

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

How Boring Can This Get

"Huh! you guys got invited to I-Island?" I ask my dad while eating my breakfast pizza...

What, not like I can get fat, revolving my prana daily takes care of that.

"Yeah, David Shields has been sending invitations to scientists all over, it's a heaven for people like us. Now that you have proper control over your quirk and going to UA you don't need constant watching." He sounds exited and it would give me freedom that I need for more experimenting.

"You guys sure about this right?"

"Yeah, I talked to your mother we're moving the company there as well, you're a big boy now and you can bring your girls to home since we won't be here"

"Why plural, when did I build a harem and where is it?" like seriously tell me if there's something like that, I have yet to even masturbate in this life, so I need every help to relieve myself.

"Stop poisoning my boy's head!" Too late my dear mother, your son is already a trash harem seeker with EX rank harem protagonist skill.

"But there's no way he's not building a harem after all, he got my looks!" Dad said something amazing! and I have a feeling he won't be sleeping with mom for a while.

While my father is begging for forgiveness I sent my costume design to UA, I am going with the design of Arctic Region Chaldea Uniform...

Don't know why but it seemed fitting for a hero, maybe I should get the whole Chaldea wardrobe made while I am here and rich.


My parents left the house yesterday, let's hope they will enjoy their stay in I-Island, I am going to miss them but I am going to be here for one more year max if I figure out dimensional travel but enough of that today is the first day of UA, which means all kinds of stereotypes and Bakugou...

Yeah he's going to be his own special case, dude straight told his childhood friend to kill himself I rather not get involved with him unless he wants some beating.

Yeah sure your hands explode but can you stop time... Hah I thought so.

Okay that was childish AF.

Getting to the school, I made sure to not be late and got here an hour early since Aizawa is clearly out to get me, I don't regret leaving that coffee though.

Getting to the class I can see that Momo and Bakugou are the only ones here.

Ignoring the blonde ball of malevolence I sat behind Momo after greeting her, she did say she was early on the phone but looking at her I think she was too early.

"Momo, how long have you been here?" Seriously, she might look perfect but I have been with this girl for the past four years she looks like a mess to me now.

"It's been two hours why?" 2 Hours!

"I guess you're pretty excited about UA"

"Yes! I couldn't even sleep how can you tell?" Considering I am an hour early and you've been here for two hours...

"I guess I would know my best friend, only friend..." Sad truth, boys stopped talking with me due to Momo and she didn't have much friends of her own so she clinged to me.

I myself stayed away from girls since whenever they look at me they would get flushed and their breathing would get heavier.

I don't think I am that good looking but whatever.

After I gave her a encouraging pat on the shoulder, we started to talk about different stuff.

"Do you know who's going to be our Homeroom teacher?"

"Yeah, he even sent me a video saying welcome to 1-A"

"Really!? Mine had All Might but I doubt he'll be the homeroom teacher, so what's our teacher is like?" This one even got Bakugou's attention.

"It's Eraserhead, I met him 2 years ago. shaggy hair bloodshot eyes you can't mistake him."

"How's his personality?" Sleep deprived tsundere?

"He told me 'I hope you won't be in my class' when we first met so..."

That deflated Momo right away and I am sure Bakugou has a incredulous look on his face.


As expected Aizawa-sensei arrived in a sleeping bag and told us to get dressed right away.

Now that I am looking at the class I realized that there's 21 people here, it seems my presence didn't change things too much.

I wish that I replaced Mineta.

Wa-wait... There's a hot girl that I don't know here and she easily rivals Momo. She looks like Misaki Kamiigusa, listening her voice I managed to match it with Toru Hagakure...

Shit! I can see her it's probably Kaleidoscope enhancing my senses, and her hero costume is basically just gloves and boots...

I don't know if I should cry or shout with joy.

Now, we're in the field waiting for our teacher.

"Alright brats now we're going to do some quirk assessment to see where you are and improve upon them later...."

The standard talks and threats, if someone told me that this would be boring ten years ago I would have laughed at them, now I understand why Zelretch don't look into future all the time, it gets boring when you know what's going to happen.

I did my best during the assessment and got first in everything except ball throw since it's pretty hard to surpass Uraraka's infinity.

But overall I came first and shocked the class except Momo.

"Tch, I was hoping I can send you back with this but unfortunately you pass"

"That's cruel sensei, you can't still be mad about two years ago"

"I have seen some bad things during my hero work brat but that 'gift' of your takes the top, I still have nightmares about it" should I buy him some cats? make them sentient maybe?

"Well, I went PLUS ULTRA with it"

"Don't ever use that slogan alongside with your jokes"

"Come on not like Coffee was bad"

"It was the best coffee I had but you ruined it"

Class just watched our little show with deadpan expressions.


"Fujimaru-san what happened between you and Aizawa-sensei?" Kirishima maganed to ask me as we went back to the changing rooms.

"I gave him some coffee I guess he didn't like the added flavor"

There's no way I am exposing my secret coffee.

"Come to the principals office after you get changed Fujimaru" Aizawa sensei called out.

"Eh!? Sure" I wonder why they called me.


I stopped Mineta finding the peep hole and covered it with some putty I had in my inventory (Sub Space).

I don't think it was this time that he found it but still, gotta cover it before he finds it.

I really don't know why but I did it anyway, stupid hormones. After that I made my way to the Principal's office.

"Ah Fujimaru come sit down, have some tea" Principal Nezu looking shiny and soft as ever.

"Thank you" Dammit I want to pet him.

Nodding to me Principal prepared some tea and sat down after some time he started to speak.

"You told Aizawa that you can see possible futures two years ago" It wasn't a question.


"I didn't want to question a child after hearing that but now that you're in UA I want you to tell me about these visions whenever you get them is that all right?"

"Sure, so can I start?"

"Oh dear let me get my notebook first"

While Principal was getting his notebook I started to think what should I tell him, my plan involves getting kidnapped during the summer camp, so I can't tell them about it but I can talk about USJ and I-Island, yeah and the Two Heroes plot line as well.

Fuck plot I will be out of here after Kamino anyway.

Let's just start with Spy in UA and USJ attack.

"Now first things first, visions are not something I get all the time there was times that it helped me avoid danger but it doesn't really show me dangerous stuff, I sometimes see random people doing random stuff but things that relates to UA are these, I saw was Principal talking about a possible spy after...."

Shocking me completely, Principal decided to not change anything much from the stuff I told him about, apart from my own intervention of course since I said that in the most of the futures I see I don't exist.

This means they're going to let USJ happen but All Might will be ready to fight. I guess this is good, yeah this is good enough.

_____(Next Day)

I got in the class only to be blasted with questions which I just cupped my ears with my hands and went to my seat.

This gave the message I want to give, these guys are damn loud.

"So Ritsuka what happened with Principal?"

"It's timey wimey, wibbly wobbly stuff Momo."


"Exactly!" I really can't someone question me about this so sorry Momo.

She was about to ask more but Aizawa sensei came in and informed us about our schedule even though they gave a copy of it yesterday and talked about our normal classes.


"Yes, Fujimaru?"

"Can I take a test to skip the normal classes." This got me some weird looks from the class but I have better ways to spend my time than listening to classes I already know.


"Awww men."

After Aizawa sensei went back we had normal classes like math and science.