
Aiding My Queen With My System

Chu Feng transmigrates to a fantasy world only to realize that he’s a handsome but useless man who’s marrying into the family of Ji Rui, a capable woman of very high cultivation level. He quickly falls for his beautiful fiancee only to find out that she just wants to maintain a fake marriage to appease her powerful father, Ji Zheng. He finally finds himself in a situation that he would usually find in novels upon getting married—he is blessed with the Divine-level Son-in-law Freeloader System. The irreverent system rewards him with mysterious gift packs and rare treasures for his efforts in completing missions, resulting in him quickly advancing from an ordinary person to a cultivator. Ironically, Ji Zheng becomes more powerful due to a treasure Chu Feng receives from the system, which culminates in Ji Rui becoming the supreme leader of the four major sects in the world. However, opposing forces remain lurking in the shadows and Ji Zheng decides that a special treasure is required to aid Ji Rui in her ultimate advancement in cultivation. In her search for this rare treasure, a stranger from afar comes with information of a cryptic ravine that splits the Purgatory Sea into two. She decides to follow the stranger and brings Chu Feng with her on the dangerous trip to the faraway Purgatory Sea which teems with itinerant cultivators, demonic beasts, and valuable treasures. When they run into a life-threatening situation, Chu Feng says to Ji Rui, "My instinct is to protect you." She is amazed with this man in front of her. Why would this weak and useless man want to save her when he knows that their marriage is only a sham? What should she do with this husband of hers? What would happen to their relationship when they find the special treasure?

Spirit Caster · Eastern
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40 Chs

The 3,000-year-old Sect Master Wants To Marry Me!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"What a joyous occasion! Our Chu family must have burned a lot of incense in our previous lives to make sect master Ji Rui take a fancy to you, child!"

"That's right, child. I've never seen anyone more handsome than you. However, what kind of handsome man hasn't the sect master seen? You must have suited her taste to let you marry over…"

"Hehe, the Dual Polarity Sect is one of the top sects in the Divine Continent. The current sect master, Ji Rui, has an extraordinary cultivation. If you really become her husband, our Chu family will definitely prosper for generations to come!"

"However, for now, it's indeed difficult to accept a man marrying into the bride's family… Chu Feng, listen to my advice. Isn't it the same no matter who you marry? However, if you can marry the sect master of the Dual Polarity Sect, you can raise your head up high wherever you go!"

"3,000 years ago, on the day sect master Ji Rui was born, a rare phenomenon descended from the sky… Buddhist light overflowed outside the house and there seemed to be a crane lingering in the sky, attracting an extremely luxurious heavenly carriage. Following a loud cry, a seven-colored light bloomed in the sky… The rumor outside was that she was the reincarnation of a Martial Emperor!"

"That's indeed the case. I also guessed the same thing. Otherwise, why would an illusion of the empress appear when she was born?"

"Chu Feng, you have to seize the opportunity. I've asked around, the old sect master of the Dual Polarity Sect is dying and he says that he wants to witness Ji Rui start a family before he leaves. Otherwise, who knows how long the matter of the sect master's marriage will drag on."

"You good-for-nothing child. Other people are so jealous when they hear about this marriage, why do you want to hang yourself instead!"

"Sigh, even if you're unwilling, you should at least go and see her. Otherwise, wouldn't our Chu family be embarrassing the nobles? Who knows, you might change your mind after seeing her."

In the Chu family of the Divine Continent, a group of people with agitated expressions surrounded a young man.

This young man was outstandingly handsome. His face looked like superior jade, especially his cool disposition that made him seem like a banished immortal. It complemented his white outfit very well and it was hard to look away from him.

"Stop! Stop talking. Even if I have to jump down now and die outside, I won't marry her! That's impossible."

Chu Feng's face was flushed red and he held onto the three-foot-long white silk in his hand, looking like he was determined to hang himself if he was forced any further.

How can he not have heard of the Ji Rui they were talking about? That is the domineering sect master of the Dual Polarity Sect, an old woman who is 3,000 years older than him! She is already so old, yet they can still lie to me and say that she is beautiful. Can it be that I am a three-year-old retarded child in your eyes?!

But I'm already freaking 18 years old!

Chu Feng closed his eyes in despair and felt he was going to faint.

Oh heaven, why do you have to make fun of me like that?

It had been 18 years since I transmigrated. I have not even seen the shadow of a mission system, let alone any cheat codes.

Now, he has even caught the fancy of a three-thousand-year-old old woman and is about to be grabbed up to be a young-husband-and-old-wife couple…

I'd better just die and be done with it!

"There's nothing to be afraid of. I'll be a good man again in 18 years. It's just that I didn't expect handsome men to have such troubles…"

Chu Feng sighed again.

He had only gone out for a walk out of boredom and certainly did not expect to be detected by Ji Rui's divine sense. Then, the matchmaker from the Dual Polarity Sect had brought the betrothal gift today to propose marriage.

Chu Feng admitted that apart from being handsome and rich, he was really useless!

Before transmigrating, Chu Feng had read countless transmigration novels and carefully studied the various tricks inside, just so that he could use them one day.

But who could tell him why he had not even seen an inkling of a system after transmigrating?

He was either eating, drinking or having fun all day long. He could not even be bothered to cultivate any skills. Anyway, with his aptitude, it would have been impossible for him to cultivate himself to a high realm…

Instead of cultivating diligently for the rest of his life, it was better to live a happy ordinary life like this. Other than not letting him go to the brothel and not allowing him to bully commoners, his family did not have any other requirements for him.

In any case, Chu Feng had never regretted anything until now.

However, this kind of leisurely lifestyle had ended completely after the sect master of the Dual Polarity Sect sent the betrothal letter. Now, the entire Chu mansion was advising him on how good the sect master was. Even the big red lanterns used for the new year were hung up. The entire mansion was festively decorated with lanterns and decorations.

It was as if he, Chu Feng, had already married into her family!

The people of the Chu mansion were overjoyed that they had picked up a huge bargain.

However, it was obvious that the frowning Chu Feng was not part of this group of people.

"If I had known this would happen, I would have been serious about learning martial arts when they got an instructor to come to the residence! Even if I wanted to escape now, I won't be able to fight a crowd. Sooner or later, I'll be captured! Then, I'll be cleaned up and given to that 3,000-year-old Ji Rui."

"Or maybe not long after I ran away, some corrupted female official outside the city would find me and hide me away as a lover…"

"Sigh! So what if I run away? When I run out of money and without any skills. I might just starve to death on the streets. If that is the case, I might as well marry that old woman!"

Wait a minute. Is there no other choice but to marry her?

However, at the thought of having to serve a 3,000-year-old woman in the future and losing his freedom, he could not help himself from pouting. He was so frightened that he had goosebumps.

"Stop arguing, all of you!"

The head of the Chu family, also Chu Feng's father, frowned and shouted.

"Since ancient times, it's parents who decide on the marriages of their children, so I will decide on this matter!"

Tears of gratitude welled up in Chu Feng's eyes. As expected of my biological father!

"Ahem, Chu Feng, I'll personally escort you to the Dual Polarity Sect in three days. Before that, make your preparations well."

Chu Feng's heart skipped a beat. At this moment, his father's face had lost its usual kindly look, replaced by a deep unfathomable expression.


"I don't want to marry a 3,000-year-old woman. Father, you used to dote on me so much. Do you really want to exchange me for the Chu family's generations to come…"

Chu Feng did not expect his father to agree to this marriage and felt melancholic.

"This… Being able to marry sect master Ji Rui is like having the blessings from eight lifetimes. Don't blame father, you'll come to understand that prosperity will inevitably decline and our Chu family has already begun to weaken. Son, I've never mistreated you. It's time for you to take up your responsibility today."

"Yes, the patriarch is right. Ever since the old patriarch left, our Chu family has lost our backing without the protection of the Extreme Heaven Warriors. The other families are eyeing us covetously and yet we dare not act rashly. However, if you can marry sect master Ji Rui, everything will turn around."