
Aicin Saga

The Empire stretched back to the time of legends, yet only decades ago, was it torn asunder from the inside. As the march of time decimated the lands of Shenzhou, the people grew to adapt to their precarious situations. Aicin Nuhu, born after the Glorious Revolution, was never able to experience the prosperity and harmony of the Empire of days yonder. Instead, he was thrust into a world he did not bargain for. But as so many others did, he adapted, and he thrived. Naturally talented with Chi infusion techniques, Aicin amassed great wealth and prestige. With graying hair, Aicin commands the most fearsome mercenary band in all of Southern Shenzhou, felling warlords by the dozens, all the while getting paid for it. In the suffering of others he flourished, in his fragmented homeland he prospered. Personally having taken part in the nations fracturing, he has been the culprit behind much suffering. However, Aicin does not hold any domains himself, instead he lives a nomadic life with his merry band. He lives a life without loyalty and without chains. But even with his immense experienced and highly trained band of mercenaries, Aicin still does not know if he would be able to take on the Great Pacifier of the North, he who rules a half of the late Empire. Nor does he know what doing so might drag him into. Conspiracies he would never dream about. Ones that could shake the very fabric of society and change the course of history once again. But hey, a job is a job, and money is money.

ADozenEggs · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Prologue: Duty

Glazing over the distance, a few small figures could be spotted across the muddy rice paddy fields. Four figures could be clearly seen. They all leisurely strolled in the same direction. Completely oblivious to hawks keenly watching them. For them, they were simply on patrol duty again. All they had to do was to survey the same surrounding area that they had monitored time and time again.

One of the figures had their heads raised to the sky, completely apathetic to his comrades' banter. Another was playfully poking at his friend's face. The weekly patrols had become a time for them to escape from their mind-numbing drilling exercises.

Only one man had his rifle in his hands. He was the only one who still took things seriously. His eyes continually wandered around the rice fields around him. Flinching to any sudden noise. His friends would make fun of him, calling him overly paranoid.

"There haven't been enemy sightings for months. You can relax, comrade."

"Especially since we're stationed in the South. This cesspool of warlords and radicals can never muster the strength to attack us."

It seems that the soldier was finally convinced. He slung his rifle behind his back.

"Yeah. Maybe you're-"

But as he turned around to speak, he saw not one man's face. And a split second later, his vision ceased and his soul banished.

Four targets down.

The perpetrator waved at his squadron, indicating for them to move out. The four other men began to advance rapidly towards the corpses.

The leader stayed behind. Clasped a jade pendant in his hands, and prayed.

"Be free from hatred and ill-will, be free from fixed views. May the holy Dharma flourish for thee whence you reincarnate."

By the time the leader caught up to his squadron, the corpses had already been dealt with.

"Only four uniforms then. One of us is going to have to stay behind. Any volunteers?"

Looking around at his men, none of them had signs of weariness or fear. They never make things easy. It would've been best if all of them could have partaken, but a choice had to be made.

He nodded at one of his subordinates. A face of dejection immediately overcame him, but he kept his posture and saluted his superior. The rest of the squad changed into the enemy's uniforms, while the one man remaining was ordered to be on the lookout for threats.

"Huh, these uniforms are actually quite comfortable. I don't like the pale blue though."

Some of the other soldiers nodded in agreement. As their commanding officer began to walk off, they quickly bid their comrade farewell and left as well.