

In a realm where might is right and the scales of power teeter precariously, the strong bask in glory while the weak are left to languish in obscurity. Yet, the wheel of fate spins in mysterious ways. Enter Ye Chen, an unassuming soul from Earth, whose life was cut short in its prime. As his consciousness flickered on the brink of oblivion, he found himself reborn in a world beyond his wildest imagination. Armed with an advanced AI companion named Xiao, Ye Chen embarks on a thrilling journey that pits him against formidable adversaries - ancient martial artists, enigmatic cultivators, omnipotent magicians, fearsome demons, and savage beasts. With Xiao by his side, the universe becomes their playground, each challenge a stepping stone on their path to greatness.

Frost_16 · Fantasy
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50 Chs


"By the way brother Ye, can you open that package, am dying to see..."

Xiao asked telepathically before Ye Chen retorted back.

"Who are you trying to play with? Am sure you already knew what was inside the moment she handed it over to me, don't play those dirty tricks of yours on me. And Xiao, what is with all this telepathy stuff, can't you just come out we have a proper chat?" It felt strange to him for Xiao to start communicating telepathically rather than talking to him directly.

"Ahem, it is protocol, you shall understand in the future. But I have to tell you this, am having this kind of ominous feeling of an approaching danger, let's just be careful for now!"

"Mm-hmm, I don't like you planting red flags for me but I'll be more careful from now on!"


Binary Realm. What is this place you may ask?

Well, this is like a control center, a control center for the whole universe.

Unlike the Binary Dimension which is only virtual, this place exists high above all other realms. It's where all powerful beings of the universe meet to solve issues facing the universes and have any other important discussions.

Lady Jaya and other Binary Dimension Masters as well as some gods were all here.


In a huge magnificent hall spanning trillions of kilometer squares, many entities were gathered with earnest looks on their faces as if waiting for some instructions. They were the Binary Dimension Masters and gods of various world domains and realms.

This was the highest order meeting in the whole universe.

"May you all arise, the Lord is here…" A booming voice voice announced the entry of the Supreme Being, the leader of the Universe.

All arose on their feet with their heads lowered in His presence as no one dared to to talk.

Well, the thing is He was visible and elusive at the moment. The ethereal light obscured most of his features but the moment you looked away, you would have already forgotten how He looked like. Since ancient times, He had remained a mystery to all those seated in this room. No one knew how powerful he was but they respected Him regardless.

"May you begin…" The delegate broke the silence.

One after another, the Masters and gods presented their compiled reports to the tables before them. This was like a parliament proceeding with everyone having their own motion.

"First case shall be the issue of the Earth Origin core…"

Murmurs filed the hall as the seated entities looked at each other, many were not aware of the news regarding the Earth Origin core as they were busy with their own matters and again, they did not bother themselves with such matters.

The discussion continued regardless of the noise being made by some members.

"It has come to our attention that the chaos core appeared in the Celestial Realm but its current location is unknown."

"Should you have any information regarding this, be sure to let us know."

"This thing caused a blood bath leading to the death of many, may the god for the Celestial realm tell us what he was doing to let such a thing happen under his nose…"

A middle aged human like entity rose to his feet. He was three feet tall with a shiny golden body with exquisite features and a well sculpted toned body, handsome he was.

"Ahem…" He cleared his throat before he began.

"As you all know me, am Lord Crescendo. Well, what can I say mm-hmm, whatever happened the other day, I can be sure to tell you all that I was not aware. As a Lord, I have loads of works to take care of and some years back then, I had taken a vacation with my other wives…"

The seated entities started murmuring as some laughed in embarrassment, this Lord Crescendo was an embodiment of their own characters, they too would take vacations to other realms almost everyday.

After pausing for a while, Lord Crescendo continued, "I had gone to the Demon Realm to have a small chat and drinks with Lord Luciana. And you know how that fellow is, right? Talkative and cheerful he is if you have been with him. We therefore spend some years with him as he indulged me before I was just summoned today here, so am not sure what happened as I said, thank you."

The seated Masters laughed out aloud after hearing him mention Lord Luciana, this god was an embodiment of debauchery and entertainment. It was said that he scammed the previous Demon Lord, who was his father, with wine by making him drink for a thousand years before he passed out for a few million years. He therefore had some million years to rule and have fun before the previous lord wakes up again.

Many were fond of him as he was the only god who never fought or be involved in any fighting. He became a lord to have fun, why would he be involved in matters that did not bring him any fun? That was what he would always say.

But he had pissed off some of them when he stole some of their many concubines. His weakness was beauty and this had many lords visiting his lair once in a while to get some benefits by bringing him some peerless beautiful maidens.

The motion continued as many gave their views on the issue of the Earth Origin core but no one told where it was. It would not bring them any benefits anyway.

And as far as they were concerned it was not their problem, let Lord Crescendo deal with it himself.

It was all kinds of boring stuff of administration that followed. Many were already dozing away while some were busy making vacation plans with other Lords.

The Supreme Being seating before them could only sigh in resignation as he cursed at them.

'This bunch is too lazy, I better look for new replacements sooner or I'll be the one to cry in some corner...'

No one could understand his worries. He had taken this position from the previous leader thinking it would be a good job, but the hardships he had faced to manage this part of the universe was too much to handle and yet he still a few trillion quadrillion years before resigning.

Lady Jaya was among the ones making vacation plans as they did not have time to listen to the delegate who was busy rumbling on and on.

"Lord Crescendo, I passed by your lair some years back, I've really missed you all this years, tell me what have you been up to?" She had a playful smile as she looked at Lord Crescendo who was one of her greatest cosmic friends.

"Hehe, what can I say!" You know how Lord Luciana is, that guy indulged me for all those years that I forgot my duties, sigh. But my realm is doing well, how is your realm doing?"

"Mm-hmm, my Cultivation Realm is cool and posh as always, you know how well I do things?"

"And I met this small interesting fellow that I send to the mortal realm for practice, did you get one too or you are just hanging around as always…"

"Hehe, I too have one little lady in the mortal realm, she is doing well as far as am concerned, am sure they might meet..."

They talked back and forth as they laughed and cheered while supporting and opposing the ongoing motions once in a while.

This clearly showed how 'serious' they were in their duties. After all, they were eternal, immortal beings with an endless life. Nobody would care or reprimand them of what they did during the meeting.

Provided they jumped in here and there, then it was okay to go on with their own matters.

It was only when the Supreme Being held a speech would everyone listen then.

After all motions had been dealt with it was time to go back to their lairs but they were held back this time.

Tell me what you think. Am listening.

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