

In a realm where might is right and the scales of power teeter precariously, the strong bask in glory while the weak are left to languish in obscurity. Yet, the wheel of fate spins in mysterious ways. Enter Ye Chen, an unassuming soul from Earth, whose life was cut short in its prime. As his consciousness flickered on the brink of oblivion, he found himself reborn in a world beyond his wildest imagination. Armed with an advanced AI companion named Xiao, Ye Chen embarks on a thrilling journey that pits him against formidable adversaries - ancient martial artists, enigmatic cultivators, omnipotent magicians, fearsome demons, and savage beasts. With Xiao by his side, the universe becomes their playground, each challenge a stepping stone on their path to greatness.

Frost_16 · Fantasy
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50 Chs


A young teenage girl with a black ski mask covering her face madly rushed forward with her dune buggy as bullets whizzed behind her. She was wearing black from top to bottom. She looked more like a burglar in these dark clothes rather than a teen girl.

More dune buggies and trucks were hot on her heels as the people in them shouted and hurled incentives at her while firing more shots.

The narrow destroyed roads did not hinder her at all. She was at maximum speed as she tried to dodge the bullets with extreme caution. The thing she had on her might be the only hope of saving this world.

She only hoped that she could be able to survive this and reach her godmother before this bunch of bandits caught her.


24 hours ago.

Allied Alliance Corporation headquarters.

Alarms sounded in the whole premises, a sign of an intrusion.

And an intrusion it really was.

AAC was a corporation of the Elites situated outside their residences.

It was responsible for taking in strong young men from the wastelands to the insides to train and be at the service of the Elites as test subjects in labs or work in the radioactive environments while some were given manual jobs that could not be done by their advanced machines.

There existed another secret organization, more of bandits you can say. They were like AAC dogs who did their dirty work in face of some small benefits.

Cheyenne with the help of her godmother had infiltrated their camp two years ago to get the technology used by the Elites. This was a risky task but since she knew she would die before fifty, why not risk it for the sake of survival of her junior brothers and sisters in the organization of her godmother.

They held an organization that sought to salvage the Underworlds from the tyranny of the Elites.

She had been taken yesterday to AAC headquarters to be selected to go inside since she was a competent warrior versed in all kinds of weapons just at the age of 18. She could be considered a talent.

But she was here for a mission. Obtain a memory chip from AAC containing all the information about the insides of the Elites' resident in order to exploit it's loop holes.

It was kept in a safe in the office of the MD of AAC.

The task was easy to accomplish as the inside security was not tight.

They believed nobody here would bite a hand that fed them and again, these people lacked the audacity to steal from them.

But when she was just making her escape she met a mutant.

A level 1 fire element mutant. This was not that scary as she could easily make a run for it but she had already been spotted.

Shooting the level 1 mutant in the head, she quickly took one of the dune buggy's before she made a run to the location where she was to meet her baroness.

This was what resulted to her being chased this madly.


One in a while she would turn and fire a few RPG's to her pursuers.

She had grown in this bloody environment seeing all kinds of killings and fights.

Her baroness had trained them personally after rescuing them at a young age of four, three, five or six mostly. They were more than a hundred of her kind.

Since four, she had been learning from her baroness who had taken care of her as a godmother. Weapons of all kinds were her field of specialization.

She made her first kill at 7. Well, it was a rabbit she killed but as time went on, she could bear with killing people and in the kind of situation she currently was in today she had to kill to survive.

She therefore did not mind smoking some of this guys that wanted her life.

It would be a death end for her and the organization if she fell into their hands.

It was the sweat and blood of her fellow brothers and sisters, sacrifices were made to see her reach where she was.

She therefore had to do her best to survive this.


Luck, the damned luck that sometime is good and bad at the same time had played a joke on her.

She had done all this for nothing.

"Why!" She cried out in anguish as she howled while furiously stepping on her brakes.

The safe she had thought to be useful turned out to be empty.

She had stolen something of no value.

In her fury, she took an a semi automatic machine gun and fired in anger as she made her way towards the forest ahead of her.

Her emotions were on a roller coaster now. She did not dare think of anything else but try as much as she could to run and make sure not to be caught.

'I rather die than allow them to get me.'

She declared in her mind as fired a few shots at them before she entered the woods. Yes, Dark forest it was.

But she had underestimated their efforts as they still gave chase but this time with something else.

Drones, armed drones. They needed to get to her at all costs to make sure they uprooted their rebellious organization.

"Don't let her get away!"

"Damn, did that woman cultivate all this assassins, this is too humiliating ah..."

"Why would they give us such a task, chasing a teen like this is very humiliating indeed..."

"Take cover, she has gone berserk, we should hold back first..."

They listened to their commander and halted as they saw her vanish into the forest.

They could only see her through the drone images as she ran away.

She was already in despair as the drones kept nearing her.

She knew she would have already died if they did not need her alive.

The drone weapons were more lethal than guns, it's just that they had not fired yet.

'I haven't even experienced love yet, how can I die now!'

She wanted to cry out aloud at someones chest to relieve her stress but unfortunately for her, she was meant to die in this era with no love, the way she used to put it. Had it been another era, she would have at least gone for a boy next door and make some few kids then live peacefully with him but for now she no longer had such thoughts.

In her last moments of despair she fired few shots frantically taking down two drones before she was completely surrounded by the other drones.

It was over for her!

Sounds far fetched, yeah. But I figured out that I'll need someone with a heroic spirit to support Ye Chen. This is already a dystopian world, their is therefore no time for gentle-like sister female lead but rather someone who can kill without blinking an eyelid and again be able to take responsibility of her doing.

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