

a gay guy died then he chose to be in the world of ahs, what's he gonna do well let's find out

imre_amon · TV
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open house

After visiting the emo rotten bitch I headed upstairs again and saw a man that have half of his face burned.

'Looks like I'm in episode 7 now, the open house' I thought to myself as I listen to there creepy conversation

At night*

I walk passed violet room to see her committing suicide....again and how Tate stopped her from doing that like he doesn't know Violet's already dead

Yeah, I do wonder what is violet doing? Like I get it she's depressed and all but does hurting yourself really solve the problem?

Because the way I see it, it just add more problem. But, hey you do you.

I walk downstairs to see daddy and Mom eating, I walk towards them and said

"Hey daddy what are you talking about?" I ask as I seat in the chair

"Oh, honey were just talking about the potential buyer of this house" Daddy said as I just grab food not really caring what he said since I basically know that

"Cool" I said as I look at him while eating a steak. then I didn't listen to mom talking about how she will go to the tour and stuff like that and how she will the potential buyer the gory details first before they bought this house and stuff

As I was eating, I remembered something, I stand up from my seat and left "Hey honey where are you going?" Daddy asked me "oh, you know homework and stuff" I said as I saw the horny handsome potential buyer and he was being lead by the old hag of a maid

"Hi hottie~" I said with seduction as I wave to the guy and I saw him blush at me and how there was a tent on his pants

The old hag maid looked at me pissed "what? Can't help it if guys like me over you old saggy hag" I said as I grab the hot guys hand "come with me~" I said and he nodded

"Any hole is a goal right~" I said to the guy and kissed him "any hole is a goal" he said with pure lust in his eyes

He quickly whip out his dick and inserted it in my ass without any kind of preparation

"Ahhh~" I moaned as he slam inside my ass

And just like that we had sex in the nearby room and no one saw us

30 minutes later I get out of the room looking all fresh like a plant that had just been water~

Then the guy came out too looking all weak seeing how I suck him dry

"Bye hotshut~" I said as I see him off

I wave goodbye as I saw him go away after that I went upstairs happily as I just get laid again hehe

'Now the next target for me is....daddy~~" I said with a lustful smile and red cheeks

"Heheheheheheh" I laughed like a weirdo as I climb the stairs

"Something wrong?" Mom asked me, shit I was caught doing a weird laugh "nothing Mom just on my chunibyo face again hehe" I said like a dumb bitch.....

Mom looked at me weirdly...."okay" mom said awkwardly and left

I looked through mom thought and I saw what she was thinking and she was thinking "damn that bitch is dumb as fuck"