
Ah really?

Starts off in danmachi, basic transmigration and wishes scenarion. I'm currently writing on it now. Suggestive criticism is welcome.

Ryan_Colman · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

43. Going back.

It was slowly coming to the day to head back to Danmachi. However I had some choices to make. I had way too many people and not enough world travel cards.

I also had a problem in the form of the red headed Tayuya.

"What the fuck do you mean I'm going with you shithead!?" She shouted when I informed her of my plans.

"Well, considering that orochimaru gave you to me and I killed the others, I wonder what else you had in mind?" I poke her neck and take off her cursed mark. "I figure you be delighted to get away from the pedo."

She looks at me in a daze before rubbing her neck.

"Besides you wouldnt be the only one I've taken from him, I also have Anko, Guren, and Kimimaro. Each one has been given jutsu scrolls specifically designed for them, I've cured any sicknesses they had, give them good food, offer them a warm home and safe environment. Would you really want to go back and be a lab rat under the snake pervert? Not to mention, you see that red head over there? That is Karin, she is an Uzumaki, do you know what the traits of an Uzumaki is? Special abilities, enhanced healing and life force, even being able to make actual illusions turn reality with chakra. Did you know you are both part of the same family?" I ask while I flush her system of the tainted chakra on Orochimaru.

"Family?" She asks confused. Tayuya was an orphan on the streets playing music for money before orochimaru picked her up.

"Yep family, think about it, a place you dont have to worry about being killed or experimented on, no douchebags like Kabuto to push you around, I killed him by the way. Nice clothes to wear, no need to hang around lab experiments or bandits, hot food to fill your stomach, you could even sit around and play music all day and I wouldnt mind." I offer her a warm smile as I whisper temptations to the abused girl.

"What's the catch though? You want my body or something?" She asks knowing there is nothing free in this world.

"I'm 5, even though you are beautiful I wouldnt force anyone to do something like that. Honestly I like your personality though, loud, bold, fun! Besides, does it look like I'm lacking women? Valerie over there is my wife, and Karin and Anko would probably have already jumped me if I was older. As for Haku I literally brought her back from the dead, that kind of thing leaves a mark on someone." I point out. "Fu I rescued after her village threw her out, now she has a home and friends, Guren was going to end up as a lab rat for orochimaru then probably brainwashed, she was also shunned by her village. But you know what I see in all of them?" I ask.


"Kids who got a bad hand in life." I frown. "So I'll help make thier life more enjoyable. As for the cost? Trust and loyalty, that's it."

I pat her head before going to join the others.

Anko, Guren, Fu, Karin, Haku, Tayuya, Tsunade, Shizune. The pig gets a free pass, I asked the system. Kimimaro already has a knight peace so he gets to go as well.

So three pieces.

Anko doesn't excell in any area that can be directly increased, she was mostly used for interrogation and espionage. So I'll give her a pawn piece.

Fu is also an all arounder, since she ins a Jinchuriki she has nearly limitless chakra, once she gets some meat on her bones we can work on her Taijutsu, so another pawn. The increase to her chakra from a bishop would be a waste, and the knight wouldnt help her much.

Now for the third. Guren hasn't picked out a path to follow yet, Haku and Karin both want to learn to be medics, so somehow I ended up with 4 medics. As for Tayuya, well she needs more time.

I tap my hand on the table.

"Karin, Fu, Anko, Come here for a moment." I call out to the trio.

I pull out my case of evil pieces and pull out 2 Pawns and a Bishop.

"What are those?" Tsunade asks curiously.

"Evil pieces, they offer a power boost in a certain aspect, wings, and anti-aging features as well as massively increased longevity." I explain as the medics eyes sparkle.

I pass Anko and Fu a pawn, and give Karin the Bishop. This will improve her chakra capacity by a large margin, and with her Uzimaki bloodline, and special abilities such as adamantite sealing chains and life force healing. This will be a huge boost for her. Once she learns some large scale jutsu and sealing she will be a terrible force of nature.

They press the pieces against thier chest and they are slowly sucked inside. A minute later all three have chakra wings behind them.

"Basically it binds to the soul, it also changes thier physique, enhanced healing, stronger bodies, etc." I tell Tsunade.

My gate opens and I pull out the ice-ice fruit and toss it to Haku.

"This is called a Logia fruit, it will make you into an ice person, physical attacks and such wont work on you and you'll get increased control of ice like abilities without needing to do hand signs. The trade off is that you can never swim, and you wont be able to eat another fruit in your life." I explain the fruits ability. "Also it's going to taste like the most absolute disgusting thing you can possibly think of."

Haku looks at the fruit curiously before taking a bite. As soon as it touches her tongue her face turns green and she struggles to swallow it.


"You only need to take one bite." I offer as she nods still covering her mouth.

Her skin gets a little more pale and the temperature drops a bit but that's all.

"Try to stab your hand." I instruct.

She takes out a senbon needle and stabs it into her hand only for her hand to shift into ice and not take any damage.

"Elementalization, you can turn into ice and shift your body."

Her hand transforms into an ice blade before firing off a spike of ice out the window.

[Naruto world quest complete, please choose the 5 to use the transportation ticket.]

I give one to Haku, Guren, Tsunade, Shizune and Tayuya. Then we all vanish as the world shifts.