
Ridding The World Of Trash Part Two

"Mr. Li, what is the meaning of this? Your daughter has my birth mother's bracelet. And your daughter says she got it from you. So where is the rest of my birth mothers keepsakes that you stole?" Ah Chun Increased the spiritual pressure on Li Chen Bao's father.

"So what if I took it! A beggar like you should have died off months ago. You were lucky that we didn't sell you to a slave trader to become some plaything for the highest bidder! You and that slut mother of yours did nothing for this village! You should have died along with her!" Li Chen Bao's father did not hold back expressing his hate to its utmost degree. He glared at Ah Chun. If looks could kill then Ah Chun would have died a million deaths!

Ah Chun anger raised to its highest peak. Ah Chun's dress started to flutter as the Spiritual Qi in the air swirled around her. It was so dense that it was visible to the naked eye. She turned and looked at Mei Liling. Mei Liling was surprised to see that Ah Chun still had a sweet innocent smile on her face.

"Mother is it ok to kill someone like this trash over there?" Ah Chun asked with her intention flatly spoken out making everyone shiver in fear.

When Li Chen Bao's father heard Ah Chun's question his face paled and his whole body was instantly drenched in sweat. He realized he had made a huge mistake after speaking out in anger.

"Chun'er if you let him live and just beat him, he will most likely try to get revenge, so it's better to remove him from this world altogether. " Mei Liling did not care for these people and she was already about to kill this man for all the nasty things he said about her cute precious daughter! Even if Ah Chun let him live she would go kill him later!

"Un! Chun'er understands and has learned Mother's lesson well. Chun'er will now rid this world of trash who do not know right from wrong!" Ah Chun brightly smiled before turning back towards Li Chen Bao's Father.

"Good! Chun'er has learned well." Mei Liling smiled as she looked at Ah Chun with a dotting look in her eyes.

Everyone else on the scene could not help but shiver even more. The two of them are standing there having a heartwarming conversation about killing someone. They couldn't help but curse in their hearts and wished for these people to leave right away!

Ah Chun walked up to Li Chen Bao's father who was still kneeling on all fours on the ground and brought her foot back and swiftly kicked forward into Li Chen Bao's father's stomach, sending him flying straight up into the sky. Ah Chun had kicked him right in his dantian so you could hear a loud bang sound and then Li Chen Bao's father scream out in pain. As he fell back down and before he could reach the ground Ah Chun kicked him again! Sending him back into the air! This time he landed face-first into the ground leaving a small impression on the road. But Ah Chun was still not satisfied. Her anger had not subsided yet. Plus the man was still alive!

Ah, Chun flipped Li Chen Bao's father over. She then sat on top of him and with her little fist covered in Spirit Power started to repeatedly punch him over and over. Ah Chun's white one-piece dress was starting to turn red from the blood splattering all over her! All this while Ah Chun had a smile on her face. With this smile combined with the blood that had splattered on her face, it seemed like she was a devil incarnate! She kept punching him in the face until his face finally caved in and his breathing stopped. For the first time in her life, Ah Chun had killed a human and had done it very brutally.

Ah Chun looked at what she had done and was a bit scared for a second. But pushed her fears out of her head as she knew from what Mei Liling told her that she would probably do and see a lot worse. Mei Liling had explained how dangerous and bloody the cultivating world can be, during the two weeks she was cultivating in the cavern. That's why when Mei Liling said it was ok to kill, she did not hesitate to kill. But when all was said and done Ah Chun looked at the caved-in face and felt nothing of it. Now, to her, he was just a bad man who was more similar to that of a demonic beast than man and demonic beast had to be killed. So something that was similar to one would obviously need to be killed too. With that thought and mind, Ah Chun was happy that she was able to rid the world of one more evil thing. At this moment and time, Li Chen Bao's father had become a thing that was similar to a demonic beast in Ah Chun's mind.

Now for Mei Liling, after watching Ah Chun punching the man on the ground so brutally. Mei Liling had decided she will first teach Ah Chun how to use a sword. This was mainly to make things less messy to clean up. Mei Liling hated having to clean the blood off clothes!

Everyone else who was watching this scene could feel their stomachs about to come up. No one dared to say anything. They were too frightened that they would be next. Li Chen Bao was so scared that she even wet herself.

"Li Chen Bao did you see two hairpins at all?" After releasing her anger and killing Li Chen Bao's father. Ah Chun had remembered that she is still missing two more of her birth mothers keepsakes.

Hearing Ah Chun's voice being directed towards her Li Chen Bao couldn't stand it anymore her pants became wetter and she fainted from fear. Li Chen Bao had peed herself yet again. Seeing how Li Chen Bao had fainted Ah Chun turned her sites on to Li Chen Bao's mother.

"I- I know where they are. Th- They are in my jewelry box! I- I didn't know they were yours otherwise I would not have accepted them." Li Chen Bao's mother's face was full of fright as tears streamed down her cheeks. At this point, all she cared about was coming out of this alive.

"I will go take a look then. Mother, please watch these people so none of them run away Chun'er still needs to handle the matter about the house she was kicked out of. The hut is not big enough for the two of us and Chun'er would never let Mother live in such bad conditions." Ah Chun smiled at Mei Liling. When Ah Chun saw Mei Liling nod in confirmation she went directly to the Li residence.

Chapters are undergoing revisions you will see new chapter titles as well. Rest assured no chapters are missing. 10/3/2019

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