
Agonizing love

He ran his hand on her face as he gazed into her eyes. "I found you". He said. His hand fell to his side and his body went limp in her hands. He fainted! * * * Hannah, an assassin was supposed to kill Axel, a CEO, but what happens when he takes something valuable from her and traps her with it? This is a slow-burn novel. Keep reading to find out what happens......

saskh_xle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
162 Chs

Surrounded 2


Axel was shocked when he saw Hannah standing behind him. He thought she was going to stay still in the car since she was drunk, but here she was, standing straight and throwing death glares at the assassins.

He looked back at the assassins who now had their full attention on Hannah. Maybe they had sensed that she was also an assassin.

Suddenly, Hannah ran towards them to Axel's surprise. Did she have a death wish? He knew how strong these people were and attacking them first was never a good idea.

Immediately Hannah reached them, they surrounded her from all sides and the fight began. Axel knew she would not be able to fight them all on her own so he also ran toward them, trying to shift their attention back to him. After all, they were here for him.

But to his surprise, they ignored him. Even when he stabbed one of them in the shoulder, they didn't attack him and they were all focused on Hannah.

That was strange. He thought they were here for him but it seems that was not the case as they were focused solely and inténtly on Hannah. Does that mean they were after her all along?

Hannah launched at one of them, pulling out a knife from her thigh and running it through the assassin's throat before twisting it at the side, making blood splitter out from the assassin's neck to her face and clothes.

She did the same thing to the others, her movements swift and fluid making Axel wonder just how strong she was. He stood there like a spectator on the sidelines watching as one assassin after the other dropped on her sides till there was none of them remaining. Where did she even get the knife from?!

He suddenly had a feeling of déjà vu. He had seen this before but he didn't remember where. The same swift and fluid hand movement, the same slitting of the throat and twisting the knife at the side… he had seen all of it before but he couldn't remember where, when, or who it was.

Hannah stood in the middle of the dead bodies, looking at each one of them intently. She had felt their presence before. They were the ones who invaded her apartment and attacked Penelope. They belonged to the same gang.

She bent down and rolled up the sleeves of one of the assassins, looking for an annunciator or anything that could help in knowing which gang they are from.

There was nothing on their wrists but she knew better than to believe that!

Every assassin gang must have an annunciator or a mark on their bodies to be able to distinguish them from other gangs. But even though she searched long and hard, she found nothing.

Out of anger and frustration, she stabbed one of the corpses in the chest and more blood sprayed into her face.

"Hannah". Axel called swiftly behind her. "Come, let's leave". He said but she didn't respond. She was still crouched down in that same position, holding the knife she had used to stab the assassin's chest.

He wanted to move closer to her when she raised her head and looked at him. The look on her face made him freeze for the second time that day.

It was that same look, the same look she had when she was drinking but this time, she was angrier. Her anger was slowly spilling out of her like lava from a volcano about to erupt.

Slowly, Hannah pulled the knife out of the assassin's chest and Axel thought she had finally decided to leave but instead, she stabbed the assassin again, driving the knife deeper into his chest till the whole knife was buried deep in the assassin's chest.

Despite standing away from her, Axel felt the hair on his skin rise. He couldn't remember the last time he saw so much gore and he didn't want to remember it.

The sky rumbled loudly and there were flashes of lightning in the sky. It was about to rain. Slowly, Axel walked towards Hannah. He still felt the tense air around her but they had to leave before the rain started and before more assassins came after them.

He crouched down beside her and placed his hand on hers that was wrapped around the knife, slowly peeling her fingers away from the knife. When she looked at him, he felt the anger radiating from her but they had to leave or they would both die here. He had made a deal with Raymond to always protect her whenever she was with him and he wasn't going to go back on the deal he made.

"Let's go". He said after successfully removing her hand from the knife. This time, she stood up and he stood up with her.

The rain had started drizzling when they began to walk out of the forest. They were almost out when Axel suddenly pushed Hannah away from himself, the knife that was thrown at them barely missing him as it cut through his arm before hitting a tree in front of them.

Hannah, who was now on the ground, was confused. What just happened? How did she not sense that someone was behind them?

Getting up from the ground, she pulled out a knife from her ankle and threw it at the assassin who was sitting on a tree in the forest.

"Are you alright?" Axel asked when he reached Hannah. Her eyes moved from his face to his bleeding arm and back to his face.

"Forget about this," he said, understanding her look. "We should leave now before they come after us". Without wasting any time, Axel grabbed Hannah's hand and pulled her along with him, out of the forest and straight to his Car.

On a tree in the forest, sat two people with binoculars hanging around their necks.

"Should we go after them?" One asked.

"No! The boss needs to know about this. Let's head back to base". The second one said.

They both jumped down from the tree and ran into the forest, disappearing behind the trees and bushes.

Hope this chapter has the effect I want it to have. Don't forget to add to your library

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