

DaoistAscente · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Hunter's World

In the wake of his unexpected encounter with the Ascendant System, Declan's life took an abrupt turn from the ordinary to the extraordinary. He could feel the newfound power coursing through his veins, a connection to something beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

The day after his discovery, Declan couldn't help but view the world with fresh eyes. He reported for his janitorial duties at the Xiuyan Hunter's Guild, but this time, everything seemed different. The bustling hallways and armored hunters passing by felt like a grand stage for a story yet to be written.

As Declan walked through the guild's halls, the Ascendant System's interface occasionally flickered in his vision, showing his basic status:

[Name: Declan Greyford]

[Level: 1]

[Experience: 0/100]

[Class: Ascendant Hunter]


- Strength: 8

- Agility: 5

- Stamina: 7

- Intelligence: 9

- Perception: 6]

It was a constant reminder of the power he now possessed, hidden from the world. The knowledge that he alone could see this interface gave him a sense of both excitement and secrecy.

He overheard snippets of conversations among the hunters, tales of their exploits, and the dangers they faced beyond the gates. Interdimensional monsters, bizarre landscapes, and the thrill of battle—all were part of their daily lives. And now, Declan knew he could join their ranks, not as a janitor but as a hunter.

The guild's library became his sanctuary, a place where he could research the Ascendant System and its mysteries. Books, scrolls, and ancient tomes filled the shelves, each holding a piece of knowledge that could unlock his potential. With diligence, he began to understand the system's intricacies.

Days turned into weeks as he trained in secret. Late at night, he would sneak into the guild's training grounds, a place usually reserved for hunters, and practice the newfound abilities granted by the system. His body grew stronger, his reflexes sharper, and his understanding of the Ascendant System deeper.

During one of his nightly excursions, Declan encountered a hunter who had stayed behind to train alone. Her name was Elara, a seasoned hunter with a no-nonsense demeanor and a reputation for her fierce combat skills. To his surprise, she didn't chastise him for trespassing but instead offered to spar with him.

In the dimly lit training area, Declan faced Elara, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. She moved with grace and precision, her every strike a testament to her expertise. For Declan, it was a humbling experience, but he also sensed an opportunity to learn from someone who had battled interdimensional monsters.

"Your movements are too predictable," Elara remarked, her voice calm but instructive. "To survive out there, you need to be adaptable. Let's try again."

Their battle continued late into the night, each exchange pushing Declan's limits. By dawn, they both stood breathless, having gained a newfound respect for each other. Elara recognized Declan's potential and suggested that he should officially become a hunter. She agreed to mentor him and guide him through the process of gaining recognition from the guild.

As the sun rose over the Xiuyan Hunter's Guild, Declan realized that his life was on the cusp of an incredible transformation. The mundane days of janitorial work were fading into the past, and a new, thrilling chapter awaited him in the world of hunters and gates.


**Facing the Shadowclaw Panther**

During his training sessions with Elara, Declan encountered various creatures lurking in the dark corners of the training grounds. These were gate creatures, the very beings hunters were tasked to eliminate. They ranged from grotesque, tentacled monstrosities to swift and elusive shadow creatures.

One fateful night, a menacing creature known as the Shadowclaw Panther emerged from the shadows. Its pitch-black fur seemed to absorb all light, making it nearly invisible until it lunged at Declan. Instinct took over, and he leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the creature's razor-sharp claws.

Declan's heart raced as he regained his footing. The Ascendant System's interface displayed the creature's details:

[Gate Creature: Shadowclaw Panther]

[Level: 4]

[Strength: 12]

[Agility: 18]

[Stamina: 10]

[Weakness: Light-based attacks]

In this battle, he couldn't rely on brute strength alone. He had to outwit the Shadowclaw Panther. As the creature lunged again, Declan dodged to the left, feeling the rush of air as the claws narrowly missed him.

His mind raced as he considered his options. The Ascendant System displayed his combat abilities:


- Basic Strikes

- Dodge

- Analyze]

Analyzing the creature's weaknesses, he noticed its vulnerability to light-based attacks. With newfound determination, Declan focused his energy and unleashed a radiant burst of light, directing it at the creature's eyes.

The Shadowclaw Panther screeched in pain, momentarily blinded by the intense light. Seizing the opportunity, Declan executed a swift and precise strike, targeting the creature's vulnerable throat. The creature let out a final, pained howl before dissipating into motes of dark energy.

Declan's heart still pounded, but this time, it was with triumph. The Ascendant System displayed his progress:

[Name: Declan Greyford]

[Level: 4]

[Experience: 420/500]

[Class: Ascendant Hunter]


- Strength: 10

- Agility: 7

- Stamina: 9

- Intelligence: 11

- Perception: 8]

He had not only survived his encounter with the Shadowclaw Panther but had emerged victorious. As he collected the creature's dropped loot and marked the quest as complete, Declan couldn't help but smile. He was no longer just a janitor in the Xiuyan Hunter's Guild. He was Declan Greyford, the Ascendant Hunter, and the world of hunters and gates lay open before him, waiting to be explored.