
AGG: White Tiger

Martial Arts
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What is AGG: White Tiger

Read ‘AGG: White Tiger’ Online for Free, written by the author masterdiabloPPP37, This book is a Martial Arts Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, WEAKTOSTRONG Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: wimpy kid gets a guardian angel in the form of his uncle Eren who teaches him to defend himself and protect his familyre...


wimpy kid gets a guardian angel in the form of his uncle Eren who teaches him to defend himself and protect his family returning to protect his brother only fail and his brother is but in comma. Now he stands ready to take revenge and face his demons of the past

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El mundo cambió, cambió dramática y drásticamente. El día 15 de septiembre del año 2032, los [2 males y 1 milagro] dieron inicio a nuestra nueva y horrible vida. El {primer mal} vino y terminó abruptamente, con terremotos gigantescos en la parte asiática. En occidente, los océanos se evaporaron a la nada en un segundo, y en el otro segundo crecieron cientos de veces su tamaño, provocando tsunamis de magnitudes terribles. Los volcanes salieron de su sueño con rabia, destruyéndolo todo a su paso. La [Tierra] creció tanto de tamaño que, hasta el día de hoy no sabemos cuanto es, ...ni que lo causó, en esos días murieron millones. El {segundo mal} vino 5 días después, los humanos crédulos y tontos, creyeron con esperanza que todo había terminado, solo para que la realidad les diera una bofetada en la cara. Seres monstruosos y de mal innato salieron desde misteriosas fisuras, acabando con todo a su paso y marcando su dominio absoluto en la [Tierra]. Estas bestias eran poderosas, ...terriblemente poderosas. Cuando las personas estaban desesperadas, apareció su salvación, su bendición, su [Milagro]. Fueron habilidades creadas y dadas aleatoriamente por [%a@-O/g*$], una voluntad infinita que abarca todo y que aparece como un [Sistema]. Algunas de estas habilidades eran tan poderosas como para acabar con esas monstruosas criaturas. Los humanos lucharon durante 20 largos años, construyendo santuarios por todas partes, ciudades gigantescas llenas de millones de personas, protegida por muros invencibles, mientras enseñaban a la futura generación a sobrevivir y a volverse más fuertes. LA IMAGEN NO ES MIA, si la persona que lo hizo, quiere que lo quite, por favor avísame

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A forgotten princess A fallen goddess An ancient curse and secrets that can crumble kingdoms to dust ***************** The rising sun marked the beginning of a new day and with it, the dawn of a new era as the thumping of war drums shook the great kingdom of Liveriya. Armour clad soldiers marched in unison towards a war that will change the destiny of a land blessed by the primal gods with never-ending prosperity and wealth. A golden land rotten hollow by greed and deceit, stained with the blood of fallen Kings and Queens. Overseeing the vast battlefield shrouded in a thick layer of snow, stood a small cliff, proud against the harsh winter winds, which would come to witness bloodshed that will paint these blessed lands crimson for centuries to come. There stood a woman and a young girl tall and proud, one a forgotten princess, and the other a fallen goddess. Their long hair the colour of silver and ebony fluttered with the howling wind. The ebony woman turned to her daughter, her eyes softening at the worried expression on her daughter's face. " All of this is going to be over soon my sweet child, no one is going to touch my precious daughter," her eyes hardening in determination " not as long as I am still breathing." The young girl lost in her misery and grief failed to reply to her mother's words, eyes fixed to the sight in front of her, sighing the woman lifted a hand to caress her daughter's delicate face gently. "You will come back to me, won't you mother?" A pair of inky eyes turned to look into the woman's dark once. Her daughter was truly a reflection of herself. "Do you think a mere army of mortals can harm me, my silly girl?" She chuckled, amused by her daughter's worry, though it warmed her cold heart the way her lover, the girl's father once did. The sound of thumping broke her out of her reverie. It was time what she has been waiting for all these years, her chance to avenge her departed husband and to give her daughter deserved as the rightful heir and a favoured child of gods. Lyala moved to stand in front of her daughter, lifting a hand she cast a protection spell around her daughter, a yellow glow spreading from her palm, morphing into a dome around the young girl with silver hair. onyx lifted her hand and placed her palm against her mother's through the protective field " Let me fight with you" "No" Lydia shook her head before giving her daughter a pointed look " you'll only be a liability, I am not willing to risk your safety." "But this is my fight-" onyx tried to reason with her mother only to be cut off by the woman's sharp words "It is not, and you know it well" her eyes softening at her daughter's distraught expression, as she kept her hand away. "Wait for me, my child." The wind moved through her long ebony hair making it look like wisps of smoke curling around her, standing at the edge of the cliff, her mother looked nothing less than the goddess she truly was, in the young girl's eyes. "I always will", who will she wait for if not the only family she has ever known? The young girl saw her mother's mouth curled into a doting smile, as she took a step back before jumping off the cliff's edge on to the battleground. One woman against an army of ten thousand men who were terrified yet excited of what was to come, it was not every day that one gets to wage war against the goddess of destruction herself. Onyx looked at her mother's retreating figure from over the cliff. Chin held high, clad in black armour, her long hair tied in a high ponytail swished with each determined step; guilt began to seep in her mind. She never imagined putting her mother in harm's way. A lone tear made down her face and her lips quivered at the thought of losing the one person she loved the most as only a single thought kept repeating in her mind. "It's all my fault." ----- NOTE - **The artwork on the cover does not belong to me. All credits to the original artist.**

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