
Agent X::- First Mission[Play]

Obi360Novels · Sci-fi
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7 Chs



Major Obinna came inside the Defense HQ he walked to the General and salute him. they went into the lab room underground and a paper was giving to him to sign.

GENERAL TUNDE:- Sign this paper

he signed it and handed it back to the General

MAJOR OBINNA:- If anything happens

GENERAL TUNDE:- Nothing will happen. if there is your family will be taken care of

He walked to a bed after pulling off his clothes and laid down on the bed. the scientist came and handcuffed him on the bed

SCIENTIST:- It won't take time I will be done.

major smiled while his heart kept on beating heavely. the seriume was injected into his body. causing a deep pain as he struggles and shout

After sometime he collapsed.

GENERAL TUNDE:- He is not moving

SCIENTIST:- He will be fine

He opened his eyes and looked around

MAJOR OBINNA:- am I dead

SCIENTIST:- No ... how do you feel

The major stood up with force and the handcuffs were broken

GENERAL TUNDE:- Wawo such in a hurry

MAJOR OBINNA:- It feels great

He looked at his hands and touched his body and his abdomen

SCIENTIST:- you can withstand any bullet fire at you.

He took his clothes and wore them

MAJOR OBINNA:- I need to sleep

GENERAL TUNDE:- You do need to sleep. but he will be checking you from time to time

MAJOR OBINNA:- I can't wait to test my strength in the field.

He felt happy

GENERAL TUNDE:- You can't wait to see those terrorist face in fear. I know it will work

MAJOR OBINNA:- I never knew that genetics altering could be successful

GENERAL TUNDE:- You should know that now you are the highest military asset we have

The general left